""" Module for image processing core methods
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from IPython import embed
import warnings
from astropy.convolution import convolve, Box2DKernel
from astropy.timeseries import LombScargle
import astropy.stats
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.signal
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import utils
# NOTE: This is slower than utils.rebin_evlist by a factor of ~2, but avoids an
# error when the shape of arr is not an integer multiple of boxcar.
def boxcar_average(arr, boxcar):
Boxcar average an array.
The dimensionality of the boxcar matches the dimensionality of the provided
array. Averages are only performed over the valid region of the array; see
the return description. In contrast with a boxcar smoothing algorithm, the
step between each boxcar average is the size of the box, not one pixel.
arr (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Array to average. Can be any shape and dimensionality.
boxcar (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`):
Integer number of pixels to average. If a single integer,
all axes are averaged with the same size box. If a
:obj:`tuple`, the integer is defined separately for each
array axis; length of tuple must match the number of array
`numpy.ndarray`_: The averaged array. If boxcar is a single
integer, the returned array shape is::
tuple([s//boxcar for s in arr.shape])
A similar operation gives the shape when boxcar has elements
defined for each array dimension. If the input array is not an
integer number of boxcar pixels along a given dimension, the
remainder of the array elements along that dimension are ignored
(i.e., pixels within the modulus of the array shape and boxcar
of the end of the array dimension are ignored).
# Check and configure the input
_boxcar = (boxcar,)*arr.ndim if isinstance(boxcar, int) else boxcar
if not isinstance(_boxcar, tuple):
raise TypeError('Input `boxcar` must be an integer or a tuple.')
if len(_boxcar) != arr.ndim:
raise ValueError('Must provide an integer or tuple with one number per array dimension.')
# Perform the boxcar average over each axis and return the result
_arr = arr.copy()
for axis, box in zip(range(arr.ndim), _boxcar):
_arr = np.add.reduceat(_arr, np.arange(0, _arr.shape[axis], box), axis=axis)/box
return _arr
# NOTE: This is faster than utils.subsample by a factor of 2-3.
def boxcar_replicate(arr, boxcar):
Boxcar replicate an array.
arr (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Array to replicate. Can be any shape and dimensionality.
boxcar (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`):
Integer number of times to replicate each pixel. If a
single integer, all axes are replicated the same number
of times. If a :obj:`tuple`, the integer is defined
separately for each array axis; length of tuple must
match the number of array dimensions.
`numpy.ndarray`_: The block-replicated array.
# Check and configure the input
_boxcar = (boxcar,)*arr.ndim if isinstance(boxcar, int) else boxcar
if not isinstance(_boxcar, tuple):
raise TypeError('Input `boxcar` must be an integer or a tuple.')
if len(_boxcar) != arr.ndim:
raise ValueError('Must provide an integer or tuple with one number per array dimension.')
# Perform the boxcar replication over each axis and return the result
_arr = arr.copy()
for axis, box in zip(range(arr.ndim), _boxcar):
_arr = np.repeat(_arr, box, axis=axis)
return _arr
def lacosmic(sciframe, saturation=None, nonlinear=1., bpm=None, varframe=None, maxiter=1, grow=1.5,
remove_compact_obj=True, sigclip=5.0, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, rm_false_pos=True):
Identify cosmic rays using the L.A.Cosmic algorithm.
See Peter van Dokkum's `L.A.Cosmic`_ website and `van Dokkum (2001, PASP,
113, 1420)`_.
This routine is mostly courtesy of Malte Tewes with some updates/alterations
by the ``PypeIt`` developers.
sciframe (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Science frame to process.
saturation (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
The saturation level of the detector in units that match the
provided frame. This is used to flag pixels to ignore. Can be a
single value or an array; if the latter, the shape must match
``sciframe``. If None, no pixels are flagged as being saturated.
nonlinear (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
The fraction of the saturation level at which the detector response
becomes non-linear. Can be a single value or an array; if the
latter, the shape must match ``sciframe``.
bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Bad-pixel mask for the input science frame. If None, all pixels are
considered available to be flagged as cosmic rays. Shape must match
varframe (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
The variance in the science frame to process. If None, the variance
is estimated by the absolute value of a :math:`5\times 5` boxcar
median filter of the image.
maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional):
Maximum number of detection iterations.
grow (:obj:`float`, optional):
The radius (in pixels) used to grow the region masked around
detected cosmic rays. See :func:`grow_mask`. If :math:`\leq 0`,
the cosmic-ray mask regions are not grown.
remove_compact_obj (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Remove likely compact objects from the set of detected cosmic rays.
This is performed by default here and in the original L.A.Cosmic
sigclip (:obj:`float`, optional):
Threshold for identifying a cosmic ray
sigfrac (:obj:`float`, optional):
Fraction of ``sigclip`` used to define the lower threshold used for
pixels neighboring identified cosmic-rays.
objlim (:obj:`float`, optional):
Contrast limit between a cosmic-ray and an underlying object
rm_false_pos (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Apply algorithm to detect and remove false positives. This is not a
traditional component of the L.A.Cosmic algorithm.
`numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean array flagging pixels with detected cosmic
rays; True means the pixel has a cosmic ray.
# Check input
if saturation is not None and isinstance(saturation, np.ndarray) \
and saturation.shape != sciframe.shape:
msgs.error('Detector pixel saturation array has incorrect shape.')
if isinstance(nonlinear, np.ndarray) and nonlinear.shape != sciframe.shape:
msgs.error('Detector nonlinear pixel scale array has incorrect shape.')
if bpm is not None and bpm.shape != sciframe.shape:
msgs.error('Bad-pixel mask must match shape of science frame.')
if varframe is not None and varframe.shape != sciframe.shape:
msgs.error('Variance frame must match shape of science frame.')
msgs.info("Detecting cosmic rays with the L.A.Cosmic algorithm")
# Setup
# NOTE: We only need a copy of the image if we're performing more than one
# iteration
_sciframe = sciframe.copy() if maxiter > 1 else sciframe
crmask = np.zeros(sciframe.shape, dtype=bool)
sigcliplow = sigclip * sigfrac
# Pixels flagged as bad for other reasons are excluded from the list of
# returned cosmic rays
_bpm = None if bpm is None else bpm.copy()
# Include pixel saturation in bad pixel mask if provided
# Determine if there are saturated pixels
if saturation is not None:
satpix = sciframe >= saturation*nonlinear
if np.any(satpix):
_bpm = satpix if _bpm is None else _bpm & satpix
# TODO: Should we be executing boxcar_fill here before the first iteration
# to remove bad pixels?
# Initialize the noise model
if varframe is not None:
noise = np.sqrt(varframe)
# NOTE: Inverting the error avoids division by 0 errors
_inv_err = utils.inverse(noise)
# Define the kernels
# - Laplacian kernel
laplkernel = np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0],
[-1.0, 4.0, -1.0],
[0.0, -1.0, 0.0]])
# - Growth kernel
growkernel = np.ones((3,3), dtype=bool)
for i in range(maxiter):
if varframe is None:
msgs.info("Updating the noise model")
m5 = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(_sciframe, size=5, mode='mirror')
noise = np.sqrt(np.absolute(m5))
# NOTE: Inverting the error avoids division by 0 errors
_inv_err = utils.inverse(noise)
# Use the Laplacian transform to construct the image 2nd derivative and
# get its S/N. NOTE: the division by 2 in the S/N calculation is from
# the 2x2 subsampling. astropy.convolution.convolve gives the same
# result as scipy.signal.convolve2d, but is nearly a factor of 2 faster.
msgs.info("Convolving image with Laplacian kernel")
deriv = convolve(boxcar_replicate(_sciframe, 2), laplkernel, normalize_kernel=False,
s = utils.rebinND(np.clip(deriv, 0, None), _sciframe.shape) * _inv_err / 2.0
# Remove the large structures
sp = s - scipy.ndimage.median_filter(s, size=5, mode='mirror')
# Candidate cosmic rays
cosmics = sp > sigclip
ncr = np.sum(cosmics)
msgs.info(f'Found {ncr} candidate cosmic-ray pixels')
if _bpm is not None:
# Remove known bad pixels
cosmics &= np.logical_not(_bpm)
ncr = np.sum(cosmics)
msgs.info(f'Reduced to {ncr} candidates after excluding known bad pixels.')
if remove_compact_obj:
# Build the fine structure image
m3 = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(_sciframe, size=3, mode='mirror')
m37 = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(m3, size=7, mode='mirror')
# TODO: How does clip treat NaNs?
f = np.clip((m3 - m37) * _inv_err, 0.01, None)
# Require cosmics to have significant contrast
cosmics &= sp/f > objlim
ncr = np.sum(cosmics)
msgs.info(f'Reduced to {ncr} candidates after excluding compact objects.')
# What follows is a special treatment for neighbors, with more relaxed
# constraints.
msgs.info("Finding neighboring pixels affected by cosmic rays")
# We grow these cosmics a first time to determine the immediate
# neighborhod, keeping those that also meet the S/N requirement
cosmics = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(cosmics, structure=growkernel)
cosmics &= sp > sigclip
# Now we repeat this procedure, but lower the detection limit to sigmalimlow :
cosmics = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(cosmics, structure=growkernel)
cosmics &= sp > sigcliplow
ncr = np.sum(cosmics)
msgs.info(f'Changed to {ncr} candidates after evaluating neighboring pixels.')
if _bpm is not None:
# Remove known bad pixels
cosmics &= np.logical_not(_bpm)
ncr = np.sum(cosmics)
msgs.info(f'Reduced to {ncr} candidates after excluding known bad pixels.')
# Determine how many new cosmics were found
nnew = np.sum(np.logical_not(crmask) & cosmics)
crmask |= cosmics
msgs.info(f'Iteration {i+1}: {np.sum(crmask)} pixels identified as cosmic rays '
f'({nnew} are new)')
if nnew == 0 or i == maxiter - 1:
# TODO: Warn the user if the maximum number of iterations was
# reached (and maxiter!=1)?
# Prepare for the next iteration
msgs.info('Preparing for next iteration')
_sciframe = boxcar_fill(_sciframe, 5, bpm=crmask if _bpm is None else crmask | _bpm)
if not rm_false_pos:
return grow_mask(crmask, grow) if grow > 0 else crmask
# Additional algorithms (not traditionally implemented by LA cosmic) to
# remove some false positives.
#msgs.work("The following algorithm would be better on the rectified, tilts-corrected image")
filt = scipy.ndimage.sobel(sciframe, axis=1, mode='constant')
_inv_mad = utils.inverse(np.sqrt(np.abs(sciframe))) # Avoid divisions by 0
filty = scipy.ndimage.sobel(filt * _inv_mad, axis=0, mode='constant')
# TODO: Can we skip this now that we're not dividing by 0?
filty[np.isnan(filty)] = 0.0
sigimg = cr_screen(filty)
sigsmth = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(sigimg, 1.5)
sigsmth[np.isnan(sigsmth)] = 0.0
crmask &= sigsmth > sigclip
msgs.info(f'{np.sum(crmask)} pixels identified as cosmic rays after removing false positives')
return grow_mask(crmask, grow) if grow > 0 else crmask
def boxcar_fill(img, width, bpm=None, maxiter=None, fill_value=np.nan):
Use convolution with a boxcar kernel to iteratively fill masked regions of
an image.
.. warning::
Depending the size of the kernel, the masked regions, and the maximum
number of iterations, the procedure may not be able to fill all masked
pixels. Any left-over masked pixels are returned with the provided
img (`numpy.ndarray`_, `numpy.ma.MaskedArray`_):
Image to fill. Must be 2D. If an unmasked array, function will
simply return ``img`` if ``mask`` is not provided.
width (:obj:`int`):
Width of the square box to use for the convolution kernel. Must be
bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Image bad-pixel mask. If ``img`` is a masked array, this mask is
combined with the ``img`` mask attribute.
maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional):
The maximum number of fill iterations. If None, iterations continue
until all masked pixels are filled.
fill_value (:obj:`float`, optional):
If the number of allowed iterations are insufficient to fill the
array, replace masked pixels with this value.
`numpy.ndarray`_: Array with the same shape as ``img`` with the masked
pixels filled by the average of the unmasked pixels in the boxcar
# TODO: A 2D median filter that accounts for masked pixels may be better,
# but I couldn't find a canned algorithm. Could also imagine using
# different kernels (e.g., a Gaussian). See:
# https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/convolution/index.html
# Check input
if isinstance(img, np.ndarray) and bpm is None:
return img
# Handle masked array input
if isinstance(img, np.ma.MaskedArray):
_msk = np.ma.getmaskarray(img).copy()
if bpm is not None:
_msk |= bpm
_img = img.data.copy()
_img = img.copy()
_msk = bpm.copy()
# Construct the convolution kernel
fillkernel = Box2DKernel(width)
# Replace masked pixels with np.nan so that astropy.convolution.convolve
# ignores them.
_img[_msk] = np.nan
# Iteratively fill the masked pixels
filliter = 0
while np.any(_msk) and (maxiter is None or filliter < maxiter):
# TODO: Suppress the astropy warning when the returned array still has
# NaNs in it.
_img[_msk] = convolve(_img, fillkernel)[_msk]
_msk = np.isnan(_img)
filliter += 1
if np.any(_msk):
# Fill any left-over masked pixels
_img[_msk] = fill_value
return _img
def cr_screen(a, mask_value=0.0, spatial_axis=1):
Calculate the significance of pixel deviations from the median along
the spatial direction.
No type checking is performed of the input array; however, the
function assumes floating point values.
a (`numpy.ndarray`_): Input 2D array
mask_value (float): (**Optional**) Values to ignore during the
calculation of the median. Default is 0.0.
spatial_axis (int): (**Optional**) Axis along which to calculate
the median. Default is 1.
`numpy.ndarray`_: Returns a map of :math:`|\Delta_{i,j}|/\sigma_j`,
where :math:`\Delta_{i,j}` is the difference between the pixel
value and the median along axis :math:`i` and :math:`\sigma_j`
is robustly determined using the median absolute deviation,
:math:`sigma_j = 1.4826 MAD`.
# Check input
if len(a.shape) != 2:
msgs.error('Input array must be two-dimensional.')
if spatial_axis not in [0,1]:
msgs.error('Spatial axis must be 0 or 1.')
# Mask the pixels equal to mask value: should use np.isclose()
_a = np.ma.MaskedArray(a, mask=(a==mask_value))
# Get the median along the spatial axis
meda = np.ma.median(_a, axis=spatial_axis)
# Get a robust measure of the standard deviation using the median
# absolute deviation; 1.4826 factor is the ratio of sigma/MAD
d = np.absolute(_a - meda[:,None])
mada = 1.4826*np.ma.median(d, axis=spatial_axis)
# Return the ratio of the difference to the standard deviation
return np.ma.divide(d, mada[:,None]).filled(mask_value)
# NOTE: This is a factor of a few times faster than the previous version. The
# speed improvement is better for smaller images. For larger images (e.g.,
# 2048x2048), the improvement is about a factor of 3.
def grow_mask(mask, radius):
Grow pixels flagged as True in a boolean mask by the provided radius.
This is largely a convience wrapper for `scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation`_.
mask (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean mask to process. Pixels flagged as True are expanded into
circles with the provided radius.
radius (scalar-like):
Radius in pixels to grow the mask.
`numpy.ndarray`_: The boolean mask grown with the masked region grown by
the provided radius.
# Prep for the dilation structure
size = int(radius*2+1)
if size % 2 == 0:
size += 1
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(size) - size//2, np.arange(size) - size//2)
# Dilate the mask
return scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(mask, structure=x**2 + y**2 <= radius**2)
def gain_frame(amp_img, gain):
Generate an image with the gain for each pixel.
amp_img (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Integer array that identifies which (1-indexed) amplifier
was used to read each pixel.
gain (array-like):
List of amplifier gain values in e-/ADU. Must be that the gain for
amplifier 1 is provided by `gain[0]`, etc.
`numpy.ndarray`_: Image with the gain for each pixel.
# TODO: Remove this or actually do it.
# msgs.warn("Should probably be measuring the gain across the amplifier boundary")
# Build and return the gain image
gain_img = np.zeros_like(amp_img, dtype=float)
for i,_gain in enumerate(gain):
gain_img[amp_img == i+1] = _gain
return gain_img
def rn2_frame(datasec_img, ronoise, units='e-', gain=None, digitization=False):
Construct a readnoise variance image.
Provided the detector readnoise and gain for each amplifier, this constructs
an image with the combination of the readnoise and digitization (or
quantization) noise expected for a single detector readout. Digitization
noise is a fixed :math:`\sqrt{1/12}` ADU [1]_ [2]_, derived as the second
moment of a uniform distribution between values of -1/2 to 1/2 (i.e., the
variance associated with converting a number of electrons into an ADU
integer quantized by the gain). The digitization noise is typically much
smaller than the readnoise, unless the gain is very large, and, depending on
how it was measured, the digitization noise is most often incorporated in
the documented readnoise of the given instrument. To include the
digitization noise in the variance, you must provide ``gain`` and set
The variance calculation in electrons is :math:`V = {\rm RN}^2 +
\gamma^2/12`, when including the digitization noise, and simply :math:`V =
{\rm RN}^2` otherwise; where RN is the readnoise and :math:`\gamma` is the
gain in e-/ADU. In the rare case one would need the units in ADU, the
returned variance is :math:`V/\gamma^2`.
.. [1] `Newberry (1991, PASP, 103, 122) <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1991PASP..103..122N/abstract>`_
.. [2] `Merline & Howell (1995, ExA, 6, 163) <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1995ExA.....6..163M/abstract>`_
datasec_img (`numpy.ndarray`_):
An integer array indicating the 1-indexed amplifier used to read
each pixel in the main data section of the detector. Values of 0
are ignored. Amplifier numbers are expected sequential and match
the number of readnoise and gain values provided. The shape of this
image dictates the shape of the output readnoise variance image.
ronoise (:obj:`float`, array-like):
The value of the readnoise for each amplifier in electrons (e-). If
there is only one amplifier, this can be provided as a single float.
units (:obj:`str`, optional):
Units for the output variance. Options are ``'e-'`` for variance in
square electrons (counts) or ``'ADU'`` for square ADU.
gain (:obj:`float`, array-like, optional):
The value of the gain for each amplifier in e-/ADU. If
``digitization`` is False, this is ignored.
digitization (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Include digitization error in the calculation. If True, ``gain``
*must* be provided.
`numpy.ndarray`_: The image variance resulting from reading the detector
in the selected units for each pixel. The shape is the same as
``datasec_img``. Pixels where ``datasec_img`` is 0 are set to 0.
# Check units
if units not in ['e-', 'ADU']:
msgs.error(f"Unknown units: {units}. Must be 'e-' or 'ADU'.")
if gain is None and (digitization or units == 'ADU'):
msgs.error('If including digitization error or return units in ADU, must provide gain.')
# Determine the number of amplifiers from the datasec image
_datasec_img = datasec_img.astype(int)
numamplifiers = np.amax(_datasec_img)
if numamplifiers == 0:
msgs.error('Amplifier identification image (datasec_img) does not have any values larger '
'than 0! The image should indicate the 1-indexed integer of the amplifier '
'used to read each pixel.')
# Check the number of RN values
_ronoise = np.atleast_1d(ronoise) if isinstance(ronoise, (list, np.ndarray)) \
else np.array([ronoise])
if len(_ronoise) != numamplifiers:
msgs.error('Must provide a read-noise for each amplifier.')
# Get the amplifier indices
indx = np.logical_not(_datasec_img == 0)
amp = _datasec_img[indx] - 1
# Instantiate the output image. Any pixels without an assigned amplifier
# are given a noise of 0.
var = np.zeros(_datasec_img.shape, dtype=float)
var[indx] = (_ronoise**2)[amp]
if not digitization and units == 'e-':
return var
# Check the number of gain values
_gain = np.atleast_1d(gain) if isinstance(gain, (list, np.ndarray)) else np.array([gain])
if len(_gain) != numamplifiers:
msgs.error('Must provide a gain for each amplifier.')
if digitization:
# Add in the digitization error
var[indx] += (_gain**2/12)[amp]
if units == 'ADU':
# Convert to ADUs
var[indx] /= (_gain**2)[amp]
return var
def rect_slice_with_mask(image, mask, mask_val=1):
Generate rectangular slices from a mask image.
image (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Image to mask
mask (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Mask image
mask_val (:obj:`int`, optional):
Value to mask on
:obj:`tuple`: The image at mask values and a 2-tuple with the
:obj:`slice` objects that select the masked data.
pix = np.where(mask == mask_val)
slices = (slice(np.min(pix[0]), np.max(pix[0])+1), slice(np.min(pix[1]), np.max(pix[1])+1))
return image[slices], slices
def subtract_overscan(rawframe, datasec_img, oscansec_img, method='savgol', params=[5,65],
Subtract the overscan
Possible values of ``method``:
- polynomial: Fit a polynomial to the overscan region and subtract it.
- savgol: Use a Savitzky-Golay filter to fit the overscan region and
subtract it.
- median: Use the median of the overscan region to subtract it.
- odd_even: Use the median of the odd and even rows/columns to subtract (MDM/OSMOS)
rawframe (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Frame from which to subtract overscan. Must be 2d.
datasec_img (`numpy.ndarray`_):
An array the same shape as ``rawframe`` that identifies the pixels
associated with the data on each amplifier; 0 for no data, 1 for
amplifier 1, 2 for amplifier 2, etc.
oscansec_img (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`):
An array the same shape as ``rawframe`` that identifies the pixels
associated with the overscan region on each amplifier; 0 for no
data, 1 for amplifier 1, 2 for amplifier 2, etc.
method (:obj:`str`, optional):
The method used to fit the overscan region. Options are
chebyshev, polynomial, savgol, median. ("polynomial" is deprecated
and will be removed)
params (:obj:`list`, optional):
Parameters for the overscan subtraction. For ``method=chebyshev``
or ``method=polynomial``set ``params`` to the order;
for ``method=savgol``, set ``params`` to the order and window size;
for ``method=median``, ``params`` are ignored.
var (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Variance in the raw frame. If provided, must have the same shape as
``rawframe`` and used to estimate the error in the overscan
subtraction. The estimated error is the standard error in the
median for the pixels included in the overscan correction. This
estimate is also used for the ``'savgol'`` method as an upper limit.
If None, no variance in the overscan subtraction is calculated, and
the 2nd object in the returned tuple is None.
:obj:`tuple`: The input frame with the overscan region subtracted and an
estimate of the variance in the overscan subtraction; both have the same
shape as the input ``rawframe``. If ``var`` is not provided, the 2nd
returned object is None.
# Check input
if method.lower() not in ['polynomial', 'chebyshev', 'savgol', 'median', 'odd_even']:
msgs.error(f'Unrecognized overscan subtraction method: {method}')
if rawframe.ndim != 2:
msgs.error('Input raw frame must be 2D.')
if datasec_img.shape != rawframe.shape:
msgs.error('Datasec image must have the same shape as the raw frame.')
if oscansec_img.shape != rawframe.shape:
msgs.error('Overscan section image must have the same shape as the raw frame.')
if var is not None and var.shape != rawframe.shape:
msgs.error('Variance image must have the same shape as the raw frame.')
# Copy the data so that the subtraction is not done in place
no_overscan = rawframe.copy()
_var = None if var is None else np.zeros(var.shape, dtype=float)
# Amplifiers
amps = np.unique(datasec_img[datasec_img > 0]).tolist()
# Perform the overscan subtraction for each amplifier
for amp in amps:
# Pull out the overscan data
if np.sum(oscansec_img == amp) == 0:
msgs.error(f'No overscan region for amplifier {amp+1}!')
overscan, os_slice = rect_slice_with_mask(rawframe, oscansec_img, amp)
if var is not None:
osvar = var[os_slice]
# Pull out the real data
if np.sum(datasec_img == amp) == 0:
msgs.error(f'No data region for amplifier {amp+1}!')
data, data_slice = rect_slice_with_mask(rawframe, datasec_img, amp)
# Shape along at least one axis must match
if not np.any([dd == do for dd, do in zip(data.shape, overscan.shape)]):
msgs.error('Overscan sections do not match amplifier sections for '
'amplifier {0}'.format(amp))
compress_axis = 1 if data.shape[0] == overscan.shape[0] else 0
# Fit/Model the overscan region
osfit = np.median(overscan) if method.lower() == 'median' \
else np.median(overscan, axis=compress_axis)
if var is not None:
# pi/2 coefficient yields asymptotic variance in the median relative
# to the error in the mean
osvar = np.pi/2*(np.sum(osvar)/osvar.size**2 if method.lower() == 'median'
else np.sum(osvar, axis=compress_axis)/osvar.shape[compress_axis]**2)
# Method time
if method.lower() == 'polynomial':
warnings.warn('Method "polynomial" is identical to "chebyshev". Former will be deprecated.',
if method.lower() in ['polynomial', 'chebyshev']:
poly = np.polynomial.Chebyshev.fit(np.arange(osfit.size), osfit, params[0])
ossub = poly(np.arange(osfit.size))
elif method.lower() == 'savgol':
ossub = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(osfit, params[1], params[0])
elif method.lower() == 'median':
# Subtract scalar and continue
no_overscan[data_slice] -= osfit
if var is not None:
_var[data_slice] = osvar
elif method.lower() == 'odd_even':
# Odd/even
# Different behavior depending on overscan geometry
_overscan = overscan if compress_axis == 1 else overscan.T
_no_overscan = no_overscan[data_slice] if compress_axis == 1 \
else no_overscan[data_slice].T
# Compute median overscan of odd and even pixel stripes in overscan
odd = np.median(_overscan[:,1::2], axis=1)
even = np.median(_overscan[:,0::2], axis=1)
# Do the same for the data
odd_data = np.median(_no_overscan[:,1::2], axis=1)
even_data = np.median(_no_overscan[:,0::2], axis=1)
# Check for odd/even row alignment between overscan and data,
# which can be instrument/data reader-dependent when compress_axis is 0.
# Could be possibly be improved by removing average odd/even slopes in data
aligned = np.sign(np.median(odd-even)) == np.sign(np.median(odd_data-even_data))
if not aligned and compress_axis == 0:
odd, even = even, odd
# Now subtract
_no_overscan[:,1::2] -= odd[:,None]
_no_overscan[:,0::2] -= even[:,None]
no_overscan[data_slice] = _no_overscan if compress_axis == 1 else _no_overscan.T
if var is not None:
_osvar = var[os_slice] if compress_axis == 1 else var[os_slice].T
odd_var = np.sum(_osvar[:,1::2],axis=1)/_osvar[:,1::2].size**2
even_var = np.sum(_osvar[:,0::2],axis=1)/_osvar[:,0::2].size**2
if not aligned and compress_axis == 0:
odd_var, even_var = even_var, odd_var
__var = _var[data_slice] if compress_axis == 1 else _var[data_slice].T
__var[:,1::2] = np.pi/2 * odd_var[:,None]
__var[:,0::2] = np.pi/2 * even_var[:,None]
_var[data_slice ] = __var if compress_axis == 1 else __var.T
# Subtract along the appropriate axis
no_overscan[data_slice] -= (ossub[:, None] if compress_axis == 1 else ossub[None, :])
if var is not None:
_var[data_slice] = (osvar[:,None] if compress_axis == 1 else osvar[None,:])
# Return
return no_overscan, _var
def subtract_pattern(rawframe, datasec_img, oscansec_img, frequency=None, axis=1): #, debug=False):
Subtract a sinusoidal pattern from the input rawframe. The algorithm
calculates the frequency of the signal, generates a model, and subtracts
this signal from the data. This sinusoidal pattern noise was first
identified in KCWI, but the source of this pattern noise is not currently
known. The pattern model is generated with a three step process:
#. Given a first guess at the frequency, calculate how frequency depends
on pixel row (slight linear dependence)
#. Using the frequency model, calculate the amplitude of the signal
(usually a constant for all pixel rows)
#. Using the model of the frequency and the amplitude, calculate the
phase of the signal for each pixel row. Note that the phase is
different for each pixel row.
A complete detector model is generated for the pattern noise using the
frequency+amplitude+phase, and an estimate of the improved effective read
noise is provided.
rawframe (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Frame from which to subtract overscan
numamplifiers (:obj:`int`):
Number of amplifiers for this detector.
datasec_img (`numpy.ndarray`_):
An array the same shape as rawframe that identifies
the pixels associated with the data on each amplifier.
0 for not data, 1 for amplifier 1, 2 for amplifier 2, etc.
oscansec_img (`numpy.ndarray`_):
An array the same shape as rawframe that identifies
the pixels associated with the overscan region on each
0 for not data, 1 for amplifier 1, 2 for amplifier 2, etc.
frequency (:obj:`float`, :obj:`list`, optional):
The frequency (or list of frequencies - one for each amplifier)
of the sinusoidal pattern. If None, the frequency of each amplifier
will be determined from the overscan region.
axis (:obj:`int`, optional):
Which axis should the pattern subtraction be applied?
`numpy.ndarray`_: The input frame with the pattern subtracted
msgs.info("Analyzing detector pattern")
# Copy the data so that the subtraction is not done in place
frame_orig = rawframe.copy()
outframe = rawframe.copy()
tmp_oscan = oscansec_img.copy()
tmp_data = datasec_img.copy()
if axis == 0:
frame_orig = rawframe.copy().T
outframe = rawframe.copy().T
tmp_oscan = oscansec_img.copy().T
tmp_data = datasec_img.copy().T
# Amplifiers
amps = np.sort(np.unique(tmp_data[tmp_data > 0])).tolist()
# Estimate the frequency in each amplifier (then average over all amps)
if frequency is None:
frq = np.zeros(len(amps))
for aa, amp in enumerate(amps):
pixs = np.where(tmp_oscan == amp)
#pixs = np.where((tmp_oscan == amp) | (tmp_data == amp))
cmin, cmax = np.min(pixs[0]), np.max(pixs[0])
rmin, rmax = np.min(pixs[1]), np.max(pixs[1])
frame = frame_orig[cmin:cmax, rmin:rmax].astype(np.float64)
frq[aa] = pattern_frequency(frame)
frequency = np.mean(frq)
# Perform the overscan subtraction for each amplifier
full_model = np.zeros_like(frame_orig) # Store the model pattern for all amplifiers in this array
for aa, amp in enumerate(amps):
# Get the frequency to use for this amplifier
if isinstance(frequency, list):
# if it's a list, then use a different frequency for each amplifier
use_fr = frequency[aa]
# float
use_fr = frequency
# Extract overscan
overscan, os_slice = rect_slice_with_mask(frame_orig.copy(), tmp_oscan, amp)
# Extract overscan+data
oscandata, osd_slice = rect_slice_with_mask(frame_orig.copy(), tmp_oscan+tmp_data, amp)
# Subtract the DC offset
overscan -= np.median(overscan, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
# STEP 1 - calculate how frequency depends on pixel row
# Estimate the frequency at each pixel
all_rows = np.arange(overscan.shape[0])
all_freq = np.zeros(overscan.shape[0])
pixels = np.arange(overscan.shape[1])
for ii in range(overscan.shape[0]):
sgnl = overscan[ii,:]
LSfreq, power = LombScargle(pixels, sgnl).autopower(minimum_frequency=use_fr*(1-100/frame_orig.shape[1]), maximum_frequency=use_fr*(1+100/frame_orig.shape[1]), samples_per_peak=10)
bst = np.argmax(power)
imin = np.clip(bst-2,0,None)
imax = np.clip(bst+3,None,overscan.shape[1])
cc = np.polyfit(LSfreq[imin:imax],power[imin:imax],2)
all_freq[ii] = -0.5*cc[1]/cc[0]
cc = np.polyfit(all_rows, all_freq, 1)
frq_mod = np.polyval(cc, all_rows) * (overscan.shape[1]-1)
# Convert frequency to the size of the overscan region
msgs.info("Subtracting detector pattern from amplifier {0:d} with frequency = {1:f}".format(amp, use_fr))
# Get a first guess of the amplitude and phase information
xdata, step = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, overscan.shape[1], retstep=True)
xdata_all = (np.arange(osd_slice[1].start, osd_slice[1].stop) - os_slice[1].start) * step
tmpamp = np.fft.rfft(overscan, axis=1)
idx = (np.arange(overscan.shape[0]), np.argmax(np.abs(tmpamp), axis=1))
# Convert result to amplitude and phase
ampls = (np.abs(tmpamp))[idx] * (2.0 / overscan.shape[1])
# STEP 2 - Using the model frequency, calculate how amplitude depends on pixel row (usually constant)
# Use the above to as initial guess parameters for a chi-squared minimisation of the amplitudes
msgs.info("Measuring amplitude-pixel dependence of amplifier {0:d}".format(amp))
nspec = overscan.shape[0]
model_pattern = np.zeros_like(oscandata)
cosfunc = lambda xarr, *p: p[0] * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * xarr + p[1])
nsamp = xdata.size // 10
bins = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nsamp)
cent = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
amps_fit = np.zeros(nspec)
for ii in range(nspec):
# Register all values between 0-1
resid = (frq_mod[ii] * xdata) % 1
hist, _ = np.histogram(resid, bins=bins, weights=overscan[ii, :])
norm, _ = np.histogram(resid, bins=bins)
hist *= utils.inverse(norm)
# Only use the good pixels
wgd = norm != 0
# Now fit it
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(
cosfunc, cent[wgd], hist[wgd], p0=[ampls[ii], 0.0],
bounds=([0, -np.inf],[np.inf, np.inf])
except ValueError:
msgs.warn("Input data invalid for pattern subtraction of row {0:d}/{1:d}".format(ii + 1, overscan.shape[0]))
except RuntimeError:
msgs.warn("Pattern subtraction fit failed for row {0:d}/{1:d}".format(ii + 1, overscan.shape[0]))
amps_fit[ii] = popt[0]
# Construct a model of the amplitudes as a fucntion of spectral pixel
xspec = np.arange(nspec)
amp_mod = np.polyval(np.polyfit(xspec, amps_fit, 1), xspec)
# STEP 3 - Using the model frequency and amplitude, calculate the phase of every pixel row
# Now determine the phase, given a prior on the amplitude and frequency
msgs.info("Calculating pattern phases of amplifier {0:d}".format(amp))
cosfunc = lambda xarr, *p: np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * xarr + p[0])
cosfunc_full = lambda xarr, *p: p[0] * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * p[1] * xarr + p[2])
for ii in range(nspec):
resid = (frq_mod[ii] * xdata) % 1
hist, _ = np.histogram(resid, bins=bins, weights=overscan[ii, :])
norm, _ = np.histogram(resid, bins=bins)
hist *= utils.inverse(norm)
hist /= amp_mod[ii] # Normalise so that the amplitude is ~1
# Only use the good pixels
wgd = norm != 0
# Now fit it
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(
cosfunc, cent[wgd], hist[wgd], p0=[0.0],
bounds=([-np.inf], [np.inf])
except ValueError:
msgs.warn("Input data invalid for pattern subtraction of row {0:d}/{1:d}".format(ii + 1, overscan.shape[0]))
except RuntimeError:
msgs.warn("Pattern subtraction fit failed for row {0:d}/{1:d}".format(ii + 1, overscan.shape[0]))
# Calculate the model pattern, given the amplitude, frequency and phase information
model_pattern[ii, :] = cosfunc_full(xdata_all, amp_mod[ii], frq_mod[ii], popt[0])
# Estimate the improvement of the effective read noise
full_model[osd_slice] = model_pattern
old_ron = astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats(overscan, sigma=5, stdfunc='mad_std')[-1]
new_ron = astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats(overscan-full_model[os_slice], sigma=5, stdfunc='mad_std')[-1]
msgs.info(f'Effective read noise of amplifier {amp} reduced by a factor of {old_ron/new_ron:.2f}x')
# Transpose if the input frame if applied along a different axis
if axis == 0:
return (outframe - full_model).T
return outframe - full_model
def pattern_frequency(frame, axis=1):
Using the supplied 2D array, calculate the pattern frequency
along the specified axis.
frame (`numpy.ndarray`_):
2D array to measure the pattern frequency
axis (:obj:`int`, optional):
Which axis should the pattern frequency be measured?
:obj:`float`: The frequency of the sinusoidal pattern.
# For axis=0, transpose
arr = frame.copy()
if axis == 0:
arr = frame.T
elif axis != 1:
msgs.error("frame must be a 2D image, and axis must be 0 or 1")
# Calculate the output image dimensions of the model signal
# Subtract the DC offset
arr -= np.median(arr, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
# Compute the Fourier transform to obtain an estimate of the dominant frequency component
amp = np.fft.rfft(arr, axis=1)
idx = (np.arange(arr.shape[0]), np.argmax(np.abs(amp), axis=1))
# Construct the variables of the sinusoidal waveform
frqs = idx[1]
min_fr = np.median(frqs-1)/(arr.shape[1]-1)
max_fr = np.median(frqs+1)/(arr.shape[1]-1)
all_freq = np.zeros(arr.shape[0])
pixels = np.arange(arr.shape[1])
for ii in range(arr.shape[0]):
sgnl = arr[ii, :]
LSfreq, power = LombScargle(pixels, sgnl).autopower(minimum_frequency=min_fr, maximum_frequency=max_fr, samples_per_peak=10)
bst = 2+np.argmax(power[2:-2]) # Ignore edges, and add 2 to get the index of the original array - allows a quadratic function to be fit to the highest power.
cc = np.polyfit(LSfreq[bst-2:bst+3], power[bst-2:bst+3], 2)
all_freq[ii] = -0.5*cc[1]/cc[0]
medfrq = np.median(all_freq)
return medfrq
# TODO: Provide a replace_pixels method that does this on a pixel by
# pixel basis instead of full columns.
def replace_columns(img, bad_cols, replace_with='mean', copy=False):
Replace bad image columns.
img (`numpy.ndarray`_):
A 2D array with image values to replace.
bad_cols (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array selecting bad columns in `img`. Must have the
correct shape.
replace_with (:obj:`str`, optional):
Method to use for the replacements. Can be 'mean' (see
:func:`replace_column_mean`) or 'linear' (see
copy (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Copy `img` to a new array before making any
modifications. Otherwise, `img` is modified in-place.
`numpy.ndarray`_: The modified image, which is either a new
array or points to the in-place modification of `img` according
to the value of `copy`.
# Check
if img.ndim != 2:
msgs.error('Images must be 2D!')
if bad_cols.size != img.shape[1]:
msgs.error('Bad column array has incorrect length!')
if np.all(bad_cols):
msgs.error('All columns are bad!')
_img = img.copy() if copy else img
if np.sum(bad_cols) == 0:
# No bad columns
return _img
# Find the starting/ending indices of adjacent bad columns
borders = np.zeros(img.shape[1], dtype=int)
borders[bad_cols] = 1
borders = borders - np.roll(borders,1)
if borders[0] == -1:
borders[0] = 0
# Get edge indices and deal with edge cases
lindx = borders == 1
ledges = np.where(lindx)[0] if np.any(lindx) else [0]
rindx = borders == -1
redges = np.where(rindx)[0] if np.any(rindx) else [img.shape[1]]
if ledges[0] > redges[0]:
ledges = np.append([0], ledges)
if ledges[-1] > redges[-1]:
redges = np.append(redges, [img.shape[1]])
# If this is tripped, there's a coding error
assert len(ledges) == len(redges), 'Problem in edge setup'
# Replace the image values
if replace_with == 'mean':
for l,r in zip(ledges, redges):
replace_column_mean(_img, l, r)
elif replace_with == 'linear':
for l,r in zip(ledges, redges):
replace_column_linear(_img, l, r)
msgs.error('Unknown replace_columns method. Must be mean or linear.')
return _img
def replace_column_mean(img, left, right):
Replace the column values between left and right indices for all
rows by the mean of the columns just outside the region.
Columns at the end of the image with no left or right reference
column (`left==0` or `right==img.shape[1]`) are just replaced by the
closest valid column.
img (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Image with values to both use and replace.
left (:obj:`int`):
Inclusive starting column index.
right (:obj:`int`):
Exclusive ending column index.
if left == 0:
img[:,left:right] = img[:,right][:,None]
if right == img.shape[1]:
img[:,left:] = img[:,left-1][:,None]
img[:,left:right] = 0.5*(img[:,left-1]+img[:,right])[:,None]
def replace_column_linear(img, left, right):
Replace the column values between left and right indices for all
rows by a linear interpolation between the columns just outside the
If possible, extrapolation is used for columns at the end of the
image with no left or right reference column (`left==0` or
`right==img.shape[1]`) using the two most adjacent columns.
Otherwise, this function calls :func:`replace_column_mean`.
img (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Image with values to both use and replace.
left (:obj:`int`):
Inclusive starting column index.
right (:obj:`int`):
Exclusive ending column index.
if left == 0 and right > img.shape[1]-2 or right == img.shape[1] and left < 2:
# No extrapolation available so revert to mean
return replace_column_mean(img, left, right)
if left == 0:
# Extrapolate down
img[:,:right] = (img[:,right+1]-img[:,right])[:,None]*np.arange(right)[None,:] \
+ img[:,right][:,None]
if right == img.shape[1]:
# Extrapolate up
img[:,left:] = (img[:,left-1]-img[:,left-2])[:,None]*np.arange(right-left)[None,:] \
+ img[:,left-2][:,None]
# Interpolate
img[:,left:right] = np.divide(img[:,right]-img[:,left-1],right-left+1)[:,None] \
* (np.arange(right-left)+1)[None,:] + img[:,left-1][:,None]
def trim_frame(frame, mask):
Trim the masked regions from a frame.
frame (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Image to be trimmed
mask (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean image set to True for values that should be trimmed
and False for values to be returned in the output trimmed
`numpy.ndarray`_: Trimmed image
Error raised if the trimmed image includes masked values
because the shape of the valid region is odd.
# TODO: Should check for this failure mode earlier
if np.any(mask[np.logical_not(np.all(mask,axis=1)),:][:,np.logical_not(np.all(mask,axis=0))]):
msgs.error('Data section is oddly shaped. Trimming does not exclude all '
'pixels outside the data sections.')
return frame[np.logical_not(np.all(mask,axis=1)),:][:,np.logical_not(np.all(mask,axis=0))]
def base_variance(rn_var, darkcurr=None, exptime=None, proc_var=None, count_scale=None):
Calculate the "base-level" variance in a processed image driven by the
detector properties and the additive noise from the image processing steps.
The full variance model (see :func:`variance_model`), :math:`V`, is:
.. math::
V = s^2\ \left[ {\rm max}(0, C) + D t_{\rm exp} / 3600 +
V_{\rm rn} + V_{\rm proc} \right]
+ \epsilon^2 {\rm max}(0, c)^2
- :math:`c=s\ C` are the rescaled observed sky + object counts,
- :math:`C` is the observed number of sky + object counts,
- :math:`s=s\prime / N_{\rm frames}` is a scale factor derived
from the (inverse of the) flat-field frames plus the number
of frames contributing to the object counts plus a scaling
factor applied if the counts of each frame are scaled to the
mean counts of all frames (see ``count_scale``),
- :math:`D` is the dark current in electrons per **hour** (see
- :math:`t_{\rm exp}` is the effective exposure time in seconds (see
- :math:`V_{\rm rn}` is the detector readnoise variance (i.e.,
read-noise squared; see ``rn_var``),
- :math:`V_{\rm proc}` is added variance from image processing (e.g.,
bias subtraction; see ``proc_var``), and
- :math:`\epsilon` is an added error term that imposes a maximum
signal-to-noise on the observed counts.
This function consolidates terms that do not change with the forward
modeling of the sky + object counts. That is, this function calculates
.. math::
V_{\rm base} = s^2\ \left[ D t_{\rm exp} / 3600 + V_{\rm rn} + V_{\rm
proc} \right]
such that the first equation can be re-written as
.. math::
V = s {\rm max}(0,c) + V_{\rm base} + \epsilon^2 {\rm max}(0, c)^2.
.. warning::
- If :math:`s` (``count_scale``) is provided, the variance will be 0
wherever :math:`s \leq 0`.
- Note that dark current is typically given in electrons per second *per
pixel*. If on-chip binning was used for the detector readout, each
binned pixel will have accummulated the expected dark-current (in
e-/s/pixel) multiplied by the number of binned pixels. Beware the
units of ``darkcurr``, both in that it is dark-current per *hour* and
that it is the dark-current expected in the *binned* pixel. For
example, see the calling function
- The input arrays can have any dimensionality (i.e., they can be single
2D images or a 3D array containing multiple 2D images); however, the
exposure time must be a scalar applied to all array values.
rn_var (`numpy.ndarray`_):
A 2D array with the readnoise variance (i.e., readnoise squared)
from the instrument detector; see :func:`rn2_frame`. This should
include digitization noise and any difference in the readnoise
across the detector due to the use of multiple amplifiers.
Readnoise should be in e-, meaning this is in elections squared.
darkcurr (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Dark current in electrons per **hour** (as is the convention for the
:class:`~pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer` object)
if the exposure time is provided, otherwise in electrons. Note that
this is the dark-current in each read pixel, meaning you likely need
to multiply the quoted detector dark-current by the number of pixels
in a bin (e.g., 4 for 2x2 binning) for binned data. If None, set to
0. If a single float, assumed to be constant across the full image.
If an array, the shape must match ``rn_var``.
exptime (:obj:`float`, optional):
Exposure time in seconds. If None, dark current *must* be
in electrons.
proc_var (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Additional variance terms to include that are due to the image
processing steps (e.g., bias subtraction). If None, set to 0. If a
single float, assumed to be constant across the full image. If an
array, the shape must match ``rn_var``.
count_scale (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
A scale factor that *has already been applied* to the provided
counts. It accounts for the number of frames contributing to
the provided counts, and the relative throughput factors that
can be measured from flat-field frames plus a scaling factor applied
if the counts of each frame are scaled to the mean counts of all frames.
For example, if the image has been flat-field corrected, this is the inverse of the flat-field counts.
If None, set to 1. If a single float, assumed to be constant across the full image.
If an array, the shape must match ``rn_var``. The variance will be 0
wherever :math:`s \leq 0`, modulo the provided ``noise_floor``.
`numpy.ndarray`_: Base-level variance image computed via the equation
above with the same shape as ``rn_var``.
# Check input
if count_scale is not None and isinstance(count_scale, np.ndarray) \
and count_scale.shape != rn_var.shape:
msgs.error('Count scale and readnoise variance have different shape.')
if proc_var is not None and isinstance(proc_var, np.ndarray) \
and proc_var.shape != rn_var.shape:
msgs.error('Processing variance and readnoise variance have different shape.')
if darkcurr is not None and isinstance(darkcurr, np.ndarray) \
and darkcurr.shape != rn_var.shape:
msgs.error('Dark image and readnoise variance have different shape.')
# Build the variance
# - First term is the read-noise
var = rn_var.copy()
# - Add the processing noise
if proc_var is not None:
var += proc_var
# - Add the dark current
if darkcurr is not None:
var += darkcurr if exptime is None else darkcurr * exptime / 3600
# - Include the rescaling
if count_scale is not None:
_count_scale = count_scale.copy() if isinstance(count_scale, np.ndarray) \
else np.full(var.shape, count_scale, dtype=float)
var *= _count_scale**2
# Done
return var
def variance_model(base, counts=None, count_scale=None, noise_floor=None):
Calculate the expected variance in an image.
The full variance model (see :func:`variance_model`), :math:`V`, is:
.. math::
V = s^2\ \left[ {\rm max}(0, C) + D t_{\rm exp} / 3600 +
V_{\rm rn} + V_{\rm proc} \right]
+ \epsilon^2 {\rm max}(0, c)^2
- :math:`c=s\ C` are the rescaled observed sky + object counts (see
- :math:`C` is the observed number of sky + object counts,
- :math:`s=s\prime / N_{\rm frames}` is a scale factor derived
from the (inverse of the) flat-field frames plus the number
of frames contributing to the object counts plus a scaling factor
applied if the counts of each frame are scaled to the mean counts
of all frames (see ``count_scale``),
- :math:`D` is the dark current in electrons per **hour**,
- :math:`t_{\rm exp}` is the effective exposure time in seconds,
- :math:`V_{\rm rn}` is the detector readnoise variance (i.e.,
read-noise squared),
- :math:`V_{\rm proc}` is added variance from image processing (e.g.,
bias subtraction), and
- :math:`\epsilon` is an added error term that imposes a maximum
signal-to-noise on the observed counts (see ``noise_floor``).
The function :func:`base_variance` consolidates all terms
that do not change with the forward
modeling of the sky + object counts into a single "base-level" variance
.. math::
V_{\rm base} = s^2\ \left[ D t_{\rm exp} / 3600 + V_{\rm rn} + V_{\rm
proc} \right]
such that the first equation can be re-written as
.. math::
V = s {\rm max}(0,c) + V_{\rm base} + \epsilon^2 {\rm max}(0, c)^2,
which is the quantity returned by this function.
We emphasize that this is a *model* for the per-pixel image variance. In
real data, the as-observed pixel values are used to estimate the Poisson
error in the observed counts. Because of the variance in the image, this
systematically overestimates the variance toward low counts (:math:`\lesssim
2 \sigma_{\rm rn}`), with a bias of approximately :math:`1.4/\sigma_{\rm
rn}` for :math:`C=0` (i.e., about 20% for a readnoise of 2 e-) and less than
10% for :math:`C=1`.
.. warning::
- If :math:`s` (``count_scale``) is provided, the variance will be 0
wherever :math:`s \leq 0`, modulo the provided ``noise_floor``.
- The input arrays can have any dimensionality (i.e., they can be single
2D images or a 3D array containing multiple 2D images); however,
currently the noise floor must be a single scalar applied to all array
base (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The "base-level" variance in the data set by the detector properties
and the image processing steps. See :func:`base_variance`;
:math:`V_{\rm base}` in the equations above.
counts (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
An array with the number of source-plus-sky counts, possibly
rescaled by a relative throughput; see :math:`c` in the equations
above. Because this is used to calculate the noise floor, this
*must* be provided if ``noise_floor`` is not None. Shape must match
``base``. Shape must match ``base``.
count_scale (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
A scale factor that *has already been applied* to the provided
counts; see :math:`s` in the equations above. It accounts for
the number of frames contributing to the provided counts, and
the relative throughput factors that can be measured from flat-field frames
plus a scaling factor applied if the counts of each frame are
scaled to the mean counts of all frames.
For example, if the image has been flat-field corrected, this is the inverse
of the flat-field counts. If None, no scaling is expected, meaning
``counts`` are exactly the observed detector counts. If a single
float, assumed to be constant across the full image. If an array,
the shape must match ``base``. The variance will be 0 wherever
:math:`s \leq 0`, modulo the provided ``noise_floor``.
noise_floor (:obj:`float`, optional):
A fraction of the counts to add to the variance, which has the
effect of ensuring that the S/N is never greater than
``1/noise_floor``; see :math:`epsilon` in the equations above. If
None, no noise floor is added. If not None, ``counts`` *must* be
`numpy.ndarray`_: Variance image computed via the equation above with
the same shape as ``base``.
# Check input
if noise_floor is not None and noise_floor > 0. and counts is None:
msgs.error('To impose a noise floor, must provide counts.')
if counts is not None and counts.shape != base.shape:
msgs.error('Counts image and base-level variance have different shape.')
if count_scale is not None and isinstance(count_scale, np.ndarray) \
and count_scale.shape != base.shape:
msgs.error('Count scale and base-level variance have different shape.')
# Clip the counts
_counts = None if counts is None else np.clip(counts, 0, None)
# Build the variance
# - Start with the base-level variance
var = base.copy()
# - Add the sky + object counts
if counts is not None:
var += _counts if count_scale is None else count_scale * _counts
# - Add the noise floor
if noise_floor is not None and noise_floor > 0.:
var += (noise_floor * _counts)**2
# Done
return var
def nonlinear_counts(counts, ampimage, nonlinearity_coeffs):
Apply a nonlinearity correction to the provided counts.
The nonlinearity correction is applied to the provided ``counts`` using the
hard-coded parameters in the provided ``nonlinearity_coeffs``. The
correction is applied to the provided ``counts`` using the following
.. math::
C_{\rm corr} = C \left[ 1 + a_i C \right]
where :math:`C` is the provided counts, :math:`C_{\rm corr}` is the corrected counts
:math:`a_i` are the provided coefficients (one for each amplifier).
counts : `numpy.ndarray`_
Array with the counts to correct.
ampimage : `numpy.ndarray`_
Array with the amplifier image. This is used to determine the
amplifier-dependent nonlinearity correction coefficients.
nonlinearity_coeffs : `numpy.ndarray`_
Array with the nonlinearity correction coefficients. The shape of the
array must be :math:`(N_{\rm amp})`, where :math:`N_{\rm amp}` is the
number of amplifiers. The coefficients are applied to the counts using
the equation above.
corr_counts :
Array with the corrected counts.
msgs.info('Applying a non-linearity correction to the counts.')
# Check the input
if counts.shape != ampimage.shape:
msgs.error('Counts and amplifier image have different shapes.')
_nonlinearity_coeffs = np.asarray(nonlinearity_coeffs)
# Setup the output array
corr_counts = counts.copy()
unqamp = np.unique(ampimage)
for uu in range(unqamp.size):
thisamp = unqamp[uu]
indx = (ampimage == thisamp)
corr_counts[indx] = counts[indx] * (1. + _nonlinearity_coeffs[thisamp]*counts[indx])
# Apply the correction
return corr_counts