Source code for pypeit.core.plot

Convenience functions for plotting.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst


import numpy as np

#from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
## Force the default matplotlib plotting parameters

KREJ = 2.5

[docs] def zscale(image, nsamples=1000, contrast=0.25, bpmask=None, zmask=None): """ Implement IRAF zscale algorithm nsamples=1000 and contrast=0.25 are the IRAF display task defaults bpmask and zmask not implemented yet image is a 2-d np array returns (z1, z2) Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray`_ Image to scale nsamples : int, optional Number of samples to use in the calculation. Passed to zsc_sample. contrast : float, optional Desired contrast. bpmask : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Pixel mask for bad pixels. Not implemented yet. zmask : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Not implemented yet. Returns ------- z1 : float zscale parameter z2 : float zscale parameter """ # Sample the image samples = zsc_sample(image, nsamples, bpmask, zmask) npix = len(samples) samples.sort() zmin = samples[0] zmax = samples[-1] # For a zero-indexed array center_pixel = (npix - 1) // 2 if npix % 2 == 1: median = samples[center_pixel] else: median = 0.5 * (samples[center_pixel] + samples[center_pixel + 1]) # # Fit a line to the sorted array of samples minpix = np.max([MIN_NPIXELS, int(npix * MAX_REJECT)]) ngrow = np.max([1, int (npix * 0.01)]) ngoodpix, zstart, zslope = zsc_fit_line(samples, npix, KREJ, ngrow, MAX_ITERATIONS) if ngoodpix < minpix: z1 = zmin z2 = zmax else: if contrast > 0: zslope /= contrast z1 = np.max([zmin, median - (center_pixel - 1) * zslope]) z2 = np.min([zmax, median + (npix - center_pixel) * zslope]) return z1, z2
[docs] def zsc_sample(image, maxpix, bpmask=None, zmask=None): """ Figure out which pixels to use for the zscale algorithm Returns the 1-d array samples Don't worry about the bad pixel mask or zmask for the moment Sample in a square grid, and return the first maxpix in the sample Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray`_ Image to scale Returns ------- samples : `numpy.ndarray`_ 1-d array of samples """ nc = image.shape[0] nl = image.shape[1] stride = np.max([1.0, np.sqrt((nc - 1) * (nl - 1) / float(maxpix))]) stride = int(stride) samples = image[::stride,::stride].flatten() return samples[:maxpix]
[docs] def zsc_fit_line(samples, npix, krej, ngrow, maxiter): """zscale fit line Parameters ---------- samples : `numpy.ndarray`_ 1-d array of samples to analyze npix : int Number of pixels in the samples array krej : float Rejection factor ngrow : int Number of pixels to grow around the rejected pixels maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to perform Returns ------- ngoodpix : int Number of good pixels zstart : float zscale parameter zslope : float zscale parameter """ # First re-map indices from -1.0 to 1.0 xscale = 2.0 / (npix - 1) xnorm = np.arange(npix) xnorm = xnorm * xscale - 1.0 ngoodpix = npix minpix = np.max([MIN_NPIXELS, int (npix*MAX_REJECT)]) last_ngoodpix = npix + 1 # This is the mask used in k-sigma clipping.0 is good, 1 is bad badpix = np.zeros(npix, dtype="int32") #Iterate for niter in range(maxiter): if (ngoodpix >= last_ngoodpix) or (ngoodpix < minpix): break # Accumulate sums to calculate straight line fit goodpixels = np.where(badpix == GOOD_PIXEL) sumx = xnorm[goodpixels].sum() sumxx = (xnorm[goodpixels]*xnorm[goodpixels]).sum() sumxy = (xnorm[goodpixels]*samples[goodpixels]).sum() sumy = samples[goodpixels].sum() sum = len(goodpixels[0]) delta = sum * sumxx - sumx * sumx # Slope and intercept intercept = (sumxx * sumy - sumx * sumxy) / delta slope = (sum * sumxy - sumx * sumy) / delta # Subtract fitted line from the data array fitted = xnorm*slope + intercept flat = samples - fitted # Compute the k-sigma rejection threshold ngoodpix, mean, sigma = zsc_compute_sigma(flat, badpix) threshold = sigma * krej # Detect and reject pixels further than k*sigma from the fitted line lcut = -threshold hcut = threshold below = np.where(flat < lcut) above = np.where(flat > hcut) badpix[below] = BAD_PIXEL badpix[above] = BAD_PIXEL # Convolve with a kernel of length ngrow kernel = np.ones(ngrow, dtype="int32") badpix = np.convolve(badpix, kernel, mode='same') ngoodpix = len(np.where(badpix == GOOD_PIXEL)[0]) niter += 1 # Transform the line coefficients back to the X range [0:npix-1] zstart = intercept - slope zslope = slope * xscale return ngoodpix, zstart, zslope
[docs] def zsc_compute_sigma(flat, badpix): """ Compute the rms deviation from the mean of a flattened array. Ignore rejected pixels Parameters ---------- flat : `numpy.ndarray`_ Image to compute sigma from badpix : `numpy.ndarray`_ bad pixel mask; 1=bad, 0=good Returns ------- ngoodpixels : int Number of good pixels mean : float Mean of the good pixels sigma : float RMS of the good pixels """ # Accumulate sum and sum of squares goodpixels = np.where(badpix == GOOD_PIXEL) sumz = flat[goodpixels].sum() sumsq = (flat[goodpixels]*flat[goodpixels]).sum() ngoodpix = len(goodpixels[0]) if ngoodpix == 0: mean = None sigma = None elif ngoodpix == 1: mean = sumz sigma = None else: mean = sumz / ngoodpix temp = sumsq / (ngoodpix - 1) - sumz*sumz / (ngoodpix * (ngoodpix - 1)) if temp < 0: sigma = 0.0 else: sigma = np.sqrt (temp) return ngoodpix, mean, sigma