Implement principle-component-analysis tools.
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit.core import fitting
def pca_decomposition(vectors, npca=None, pca_explained_var=99.0, mean=None):
Perform principle-component analysis (PCA) for a set of 1D vectors.
The vectors are first passed to an unconstrained PCA to determine
the growth curve of the accounted variance as a function of the
PCA component. If specifying a number of PCA components to use
(see `npca`), this yields the percentage of the variance
accounted for in the analysis. If instead specifying the target
variance percentage (see `pca_explained_var`), this is used to
determine the number of PCA components to use in the final
.. note::
This is a fully generalized convenience function for a
specific use of `sklearn.decomposition.PCA`_. When used
within PypeIt, the vectors to decompose typically have the
length of the spectral axis. This means that, within PypeIt,
arrays are typically transposed when passed to this function.
vectors (`numpy.ndarray`_):
A 2D array with vectors to analyze with shape
:math:`(N_{\rm vec}, N_{\rm pix})`. All vectors must be
the same length and cannot be masked.
npca (:obj:`bool`, optional):
The number of PCA components to keep, which must be less
than :math:`N_{\rm vec}`. If `npca==nvec`, no PCA
compression occurs. If None, `npca` is automatically
determined by calculating the minimum number of
components required to explain a given percentage of
variance in the data. (see `pca_explained_var`).
pca_explained_var (:obj:`float`, optional):
The percentage (i.e., not the fraction) of the variance
in the data accounted for by the PCA used to truncate the
number of PCA coefficients to keep (see `npca`). Ignored
if `npca` is provided directly.
mean (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
The mean value of each vector to subtract from the data
before performing the PCA. If None, this is determined
directly from the data. Shape must be :math:`N_{\rm
Returns four `numpy.ndarray`_ objects:
- The coefficients of each PCA component, `coeffs`. Shape
is :math:`(N_{\rm vec},N_{\rm comp})`.
- The PCA component vectors, `components`. Shape is
:math:`(N_{\rm comp},N_{\rm pix})`.
- The mean offset of each PCA for each pixel, `pca_mean`.
Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)`.
- The mean offset applied to each vector before the PCA,
`vec_mean`. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm vec},)`.
To reconstruct the PCA representation of the input vectors, compute::
np.dot(coeffs, components) + pca_mean[None,:] + vec_mean[:,None]
# Check input
if vectors.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('Input trace data must be a 2D array')
nvec = vectors.shape[0]
if nvec < 2:
raise ValueError('There must be at least 2 vectors for the PCA analysis.')
# Take out the mean value of each vector
if mean is None:
mean = np.mean(vectors, axis=1)
vec_pca = vectors - mean[:,None]
# Perform unconstrained PCA of the vectors
pca = PCA()
# Compute the cumulative distribution of the variance explained by the PCA components.
# TODO: Why round to 6 decimals? Why work in percentages?
var_growth = np.cumsum(np.round(pca.explained_variance_ratio_, decimals=6) * 100)
# Number of components for a full decomposition
npca_tot = var_growth.size
msgs.info('The unconstrained PCA yields {0} components.'.format(npca_tot))
if npca is None:
# Assign the number of components to use based on the variance
# percentage
if pca_explained_var is None:
raise ValueError('Must provide percentage explained variance.')
npca = int(np.ceil(np.interp(pca_explained_var, var_growth, np.arange(npca_tot)+1))) \
if var_growth[0] < pca_explained_var else 1
elif npca_tot < npca:
raise ValueError('Too few vectors for a PCA of the requested dimensionality. '
'The full (uncompressing) PCA has {0} component(s)'.format(npca_tot)
+ ', which is less than the requested {0} component(s).'.format(npca)
+ ' Lower the number of requested PCA component(s) or turn off the PCA.')
msgs.info('PCA will include {0} component(s), '.format(npca)
+ 'containing {0:.3f}% of the total variance.'.format(var_growth[npca-1]))
# Determine the PCA coefficients with the revised number of
# components, and return the results
pca = PCA(n_components=npca)
pca_coeffs = pca.fit_transform(vec_pca)
return pca_coeffs, pca.components_, pca.mean_, mean
def fit_pca_coefficients(coeff, order, ivar=None, weights=None, function='legendre', lower=3.0,
upper=3.0, maxrej=1, maxiter=25, coo=None, minx=None, maxx=None,
Fit a parameterized function to a set of PCA coefficients,
primarily for the purpose of predicting coefficients at
intermediate locations.
The coefficients of each PCA component are fit by a low-order
polynomial, where the abscissa is set by the `coo` argument (see
.. note::
This is a general function, not really specific to the PCA;
and is really just a wrapper for
coeff (`numpy.ndarray`_):
PCA component coefficients. If the PCA decomposition used
:math:`N_{\rm comp}` components for :math:`N_{\rm vec}`
vectors, the shape of this array must be :math:`(N_{\rm
vec}, N_{\rm comp})`. The array can be 1D with shape
:math:`(N_{\rm vec},)` if there was only one PCA
order (:obj:`int`, `numpy.ndarray`_):
The order, :math:`o`, of the function used to fit the PCA
coefficients. Can be a single number for all PCA
components, or an array with an order specific to each
component. If the latter, the shape must be
:math:`(N_{\rm comp},)`.
ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Inverse variance in the PCA coefficients to use during
the fit; see the `invvar` parameter of
:func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`. If None, fit is
not error weighted. If a vector with shape :math:`(N_{\rm
vec},)`, the same error will be assumed for all PCA
components (i.e., `ivar` will be expanded to match the
shape of `coeff`). If a 2D array, the shape must match
weights (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Weights to apply to the PCA coefficients during the fit;
see the `weights` parameter of
:func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`. If None, the
weights are uniform. If a vector with shape
:math:`(N_{\rm vec},)`, the same weights will be assumed
for all PCA components (i.e., `weights` will be expanded
to match the shape of `coeff`). If a 2D array, the shape
must match `coeff`.
function (:obj:`str`, optional):
Type of function used to fit the data.
lower (:obj:`float`, optional):
Number of standard deviations used for rejecting data
**below** the mean residual. If None, no rejection is
performed. See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`.
upper (:obj:`float`, optional):
Number of standard deviations used for rejecting data
**above** the mean residual. If None, no rejection is
performed. See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`.
maxrej (:obj:`int`, optional):
Maximum number of points to reject during fit iterations.
See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`.
maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional):
Maximum number of rejection iterations allows. To force
no rejection iterations, set to 0.
coo (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Floating-point array with the independent coordinates to
use when fitting the PCA coefficients. If None, simply
uses a running number. Shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm
minx, maxx (:obj:`float`, optional):
Minimum and maximum values used to rescale the
independent axis data. If None, the minimum and maximum
values of `coo` are used. See
debug (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Show plots useful for debugging.
`numpy.ndarray`_: One or more
:class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit` instances, one per
PCA component, that models the PCA component coefficients as
a function of the reference coordinates. These can be used to
predict new vectors that follow the PCA model at a new
coordinate; see :func:`pca_predict`.
# Check the input
# - Get the shape of the input data to fit
_coeff = np.asarray(coeff)
if _coeff.ndim == 1:
_coeff = np.expand_dims(_coeff, 1)
if _coeff.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('Array with coefficiencts cannot be more than 2D')
nvec, npca = _coeff.shape
# - Check the inverse variance
_ivar = None if ivar is None else np.atleast_2d(ivar)
if _ivar is not None and _ivar.shape != _coeff.shape:
raise ValueError('Inverse variance array does not match input coefficients.')
# - Check the weights
_weights = np.ones(_coeff.shape, dtype=float) if weights is None else np.asarray(weights)
if _weights.ndim == 1:
_weights = np.tile(_weights, (_coeff.shape[1],1)).T
if _weights.shape != _coeff.shape:
raise ValueError('Weights array does not match input coefficients.')
# - Set the abscissa of the data if not provided and check its
# shape
if coo is None:
coo = np.arange(nvec, dtype=float)
if coo.size != nvec:
raise ValueError('Vector coordinates have incorrect shape.')
# - Check the order of the functions to fit
_order = np.atleast_1d(order)
if _order.size == 1:
_order = np.full(npca, order, dtype=int)
if _order.size != npca:
raise ValueError('Function order must be a single number or one number per PCA component.')
# - Force the values of minx and maxx if they're not provided directly
if minx is None:
minx = np.amin(coo)
if maxx is None:
maxx = np.amax(coo)
# Instantiate the output
# TODO: This fitting is fast. Maybe we should determine the best
# order for each PCA component, up to some maximum, by comparing
# reduction in chi-square vs added number of parameters?
# Fit the coefficients of each PCA component so that they can be
# interpolated to other coordinates.
inmask = np.ones_like(coo, dtype=bool)
model = np.empty(npca, dtype=fitting.PypeItFit)
for i in range(npca):
model[i] = fitting.robust_fit(coo, _coeff[:,i], _order[i], in_gpm=inmask,
invvar=None if _ivar is None else _ivar[:,i],
weights=_weights[:,i], function=function, maxiter=maxiter,
lower=lower, upper=upper, maxrej=maxrej, sticky=False,
use_mad=_ivar is None, minx=minx, maxx=maxx)
if debug:
# Visually check the fits
xvec = np.linspace(np.amin(coo), np.amax(coo), num=100)
rejected = np.logical_not(model[i].gpm) & inmask
plt.scatter(coo[inmask], _coeff[inmask,i], marker='.', color='k', s=100,
facecolor='none', label='pca coeff')
plt.scatter(coo[np.logical_not(inmask)], _coeff[np.logical_not(inmask),i], marker='.',
color='orange', s=100, facecolor='none',
label='pca coeff, masked from previous')
if np.any(rejected):
plt.scatter(coo[rejected], _coeff[rejected,i], marker='x', color='C3', s=80,
label='robust_polyfit_djs rejected')
plt.plot(xvec, model[i].eval(xvec), linestyle='--', color='C0',
label='Polynomial fit of order={0}'.format(_order[i]))
plt.xlabel('Trace Coordinate', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('PCA Coefficient', fontsize=14)
plt.title('PCA Fit for Dimension #{0}/{1}'.format(i+1, npca))
# Propagate rejection of coeffs for this component to the next
# component.
# TODO: Can we put in a comment here or in the docstring
# explaining why we do this?
inmask = model[i].gpm.astype(bool)
# Return the fitted model
return model
def pca_predict(x, pca_coeffs_model, pca_components, pca_mean, mean):
Use a model of the PCA coefficients to predict vectors at the
specified coordinates.
x (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_):
One or more trace coordinates at which to sample the PCA
coefficients and produce the PCA-driven model. As used
within PypeIt, this is typically the spatial pixel
coordinate or echelle order number.
pca_coeffs_model (`numpy.ndarray`_):
An array of :class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`
objects, one PCA component, used to calculate the PCA
coefficients at the provided position, ``x``. See
pca_components (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Vectors with the PCA components. Shape must be
:math:`(N_{\rm comp}, N_{\rm pix})`.
pca_mean (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The mean offset of the PCA decomposition for each pixel.
Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)`.
mean (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_):
The mean offset of each trace coordinate to use for the
PCA prediction. This is typically identical to ``x``, and
its shape must match ``x``.
`numpy.ndarray`_: PCA constructed vectors, one per position
``x``. Shape is either :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)` or
:math:`(N_{\rm x},N_{\rm pix})`, depending on the input
shape/type of ``x``.
_x = np.atleast_1d(x)
_mean = np.atleast_1d(mean)
if _x.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('Coordinates for predicted vectors must be no more than 1D.')
if _mean.shape != _x.shape:
raise ValueError('Input mean must match the shape of the input prediction coordinates.')
# Calculate the coefficients using the best fitting function
npca = pca_components.shape[0]
c = np.zeros((_x.size, npca), dtype=float)
for i in range(npca):
c[:,i] = pca_coeffs_model[i].eval(_x)
# Calculate the predicted vectors and return them
vectors = np.dot(c, pca_components) + pca_mean[None,:] + _mean[:,None]
return vectors if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else vectors[0,:]