Provide basic mosaicing functions.
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.core import transform
from pypeit.utils import inverse
def prepare_mosaic(shape, tforms, buffer=0, inplace=False):
Prepare to mosaic images by determining the shape of the mosaic
image and adjusting the transformation coordinates to the mosaic
pixel coordinates.
shape (:obj:`tuple`):
A two-tuple with the shape of the images to mosaic. The shape is
assumed to be the same for all images.
tforms (:obj:`list`):
A list of :math:`3\times3` `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the
transformations to apply to each image. These are adjusted
as necessary to perform the transformations within the
coordinate system of the mosaic image.
buffer (:obj:`int`, optional):
An added buffer in each dimension that frames the mosaic image and
should not have any image data. Buffer must be non-negative.
inplace (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If True, alter the provided ``tforms`` in-place. Otherwise,
the returned transforms are new arrays.
:obj:`tuple`: Returns the shape for the mosaic image as a
two-tuple and the new transformation matrices as a list of
`numpy.ndarray`_ objects.
# Use the number of transforms to set the number of images
nimg = len(tforms)
# Get a box that bounds the transformed coordinates of all the mosaic
# images.
coo = np.array([[-0.5,-0.5], [shape[0]-0.5,-0.5], [shape[0]-0.5, shape[1]-0.5],
[-0.5, shape[1]-0.5]])
box = None
for i in range(nimg):
tc = transform.coordinate_transform_2d(coo, tforms[i])
if box is None:
box = np.vstack((np.floor(np.amin(tc, axis=0)), np.ceil(np.amax(tc, axis=0))))
box[0] = np.amin(np.vstack((tc,box[0])), axis=0)
box[1] = np.amax(np.vstack((tc,box[1])), axis=0)
# Set the mosaic image shape
if buffer < 0:
msgs.error('Mosaic image buffer must be >= 0.')
mosaic_shape = tuple(*np.ceil(np.diff(box, axis=0) + 2*buffer).astype(int))
# Adjust the image transformations to be within the limits of the mosaic
# image.
_tforms = tforms if inplace else [None]*nimg
for i in range(nimg):
_tforms[i] = transform.affine_transform_series([dict(translation=(-(box[0,0]-buffer),
]) @ tforms[i]
return mosaic_shape, _tforms
def build_image_mosaic(imgs, tforms, ivar=None, bpm=None, mosaic_shape=None, cval=0., order=0,
Use the provided images and transformation matrices to construct an image
.. warning::
Beware when using ``order > 0``!
Bad-pixel masks are *always* mapped to the mosaic image using
``order=0`` (i.e., without interpolation). However, masked pixels are
not excluded from the input images during the transformation. For
higher order interpolations (``order > 0``), this means that the masked
pixels can contribute to the interpolation for any given output pixel.
Users should appropriately consider how these pixels will affect the
mosaic pixels *before* calling this function.
Similarly, error propagation from the input image to the mosaic image is
only approximate when ``order > 0``. Error propagaion is performed
simply by applying the coordinate transform to each variance image with
the same order as used for the input image, and then combining those
variances as necessary in overlap regions.
Tests show that this approach is also not invertable. I.e., iteratively
transforming the image back and forth between the native and mosaic
frames lead to image drifts.
imgs (:obj:`list` of `numpy.ndarray`_):
List of `numpy.ndarray`_ images to include in the mosaic. If arrays
do not contain floating-point values, they will be cast as
``np.float64`` before passing them to
`scipy.ndimage.affine_transform`_. The shape of all the input images
must be identical if ``mosaic_shape`` is None.
tforms (:obj:`list` of `numpy.ndarray`_):
List of `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the transformation matrices
necessary to convert between image and mosaic coordinates. See
:func:`pypeit.core.mosaic.build_image_mosaic_transform`. The number
of transforms must match the number of images. If ``mosaic_shape``
is None, the transforms are considered in a relative sense. That
is, the shape of the output mosaic is determined by applying these
transforms to the bounding boxes of each image and then determining
the shape needed to retain all pixels in the input images. The
transforms are then adjusted appropriately to map to this shape; see
:func:`~pypeit.core.mosaic.prepare_mosaic`. If ``mosaic_shape`` is
*not* None, these transforms are expected to map directly to the
output mosaic coordinates.
ivar (:obj:`list` of `numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
List of `numpy.ndarray`_ images with the inverse variance of the
image data. The number of inverse-variance images must match the
number of images in the mosaic. If None, inverse variance is
returned as None.
bpm (:obj:`list` of `numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
List of boolean `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the bad-pixel mask for
each image in the mosaic. The number of bad-pixel masks must match
the number of images in the mosaic. If None, all input pixels are
considered valid.
mosaic_shape (:obj:`tuple`, optional):
Shape for the output image. If None, the shape is determined by
:func:`pypeit.core.mosaic.prepare_mosaic` and the shape of all the
input images *must* be identical.
cval (:obj:`float`, optional):
The value used to fill empty pixels in the mosaic.
order (:obj:`int`, optional):
The order of the spline interpolation of each input image onto the
mosaic grid. This is passed directly to
`scipy.ndimage.affine_transform`_. The order has to be in the range
0-5; ``order=0`` is nearest-grid-point interpolations, ``order=1``
is linear.
overlap (:obj:`str`, optional):
Keyword that indicates how to handle pixels in the regions where
multiple images overlap in the mosaic. Options are:
- ``'combine'``: Average the values of the pixels and, if the
inverse variance is provided, propagate the error.
- ``'error'``: Raise an exception. Largely provided for testing
under the expectation that *no* pixels should overlap in the
:obj:`tuple`: Four objects are returned. The first three are
`numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the mosaic image, its inverse variance
(None if no inverse variance is provided), and an integer array with the
number of input pixels in each output pixel. The last contains the
detailed transformation matrices applied to each image. If
``mosaic_shape`` is provided, these are identical to the input
``tforms``; otherwise, these are the transforms adjusted from the
relative frame to the absolute mosaic frame given its determined shape;
see :func:`~pypeit.core.mosaic.prepare_mosaic`.
# Check the input
nimg = len(imgs)
if len(tforms) != nimg:
msgs.error('Number of image transformations does not match number of images to mosaic.')
if ivar is not None and len(ivar) != nimg:
msgs.error('If providing any, must provide inverse-variance for each image in the mosaic.')
if bpm is not None and len(bpm) != nimg:
msgs.error('If providing any, must provide bad-pixel masks for each image in the mosaic.')
if overlap not in ['combine', 'error']:
msgs.error(f'Unknown value for overlap ({overlap}), must be "combine" or "error".')
if any([not np.issubdtype(img.dtype, np.floating) for img in imgs]):
msgs.warn('Images must be floating type, and will be recast before transforming.')
# Get the output shape, if necessary
if mosaic_shape is None:
shape = imgs[0].shape
if not np.all([img.shape == shape for img in imgs]):
msgs.error('If output mosaic shape is not provided, all input images must have the '
'same shape!')
mosaic_shape, _tforms = prepare_mosaic(shape, tforms)
_tforms = tforms
msgs.info(f'Constructing image mosaic with {nimg} images and output shape {mosaic_shape}.')
if ivar is not None:
var = [inverse(_ivar) for _ivar in ivar]
mosaic_npix = np.zeros(mosaic_shape, dtype=int)
mosaic_data = np.zeros(mosaic_shape, dtype=float)
# NOTE: "mosaic_ivar" is actually the variance until it's inverted just
# before output
mosaic_ivar = None if ivar is None else np.zeros(mosaic_shape, dtype=float)
# TODO: These loops can end up creating and destroying lots of big arrays.
# Is there a way to make this faster? If memory becomes an issue, try adding
# del _tform_img
# gc.collect()
# at the end of each loop
for i in range(nimg):
_inv_tform = np.linalg.inv(_tforms[i])
img = imgs[i] if np.issubdtype(imgs[i].dtype, np.floating) else imgs[i].astype(float)
_tform_img = ndimage.affine_transform(img, _inv_tform, output_shape=mosaic_shape,
cval=-1e20, order=order)
filled = _tform_img > -1e20
if bpm is not None:
_tform_gpm = ndimage.affine_transform(np.logical_not(bpm[i]).astype(float), _inv_tform,
output_shape=mosaic_shape, cval=0., order=0)
filled &= _tform_gpm > 0.
mosaic_data[filled] += _tform_img[filled]
mosaic_npix[filled] += 1
if ivar is not None:
# NOTE: "mosaic_ivar" is actually the variance until it's inverted
# just before output
_var = var[i] if np.issubdtype(var[i], np.floating) else var[i].astype(float)
mosaic_ivar[filled] += ndimage.affine_transform(_var, _inv_tform,
cval=0., order=order)[filled]
# TODO: This test is crude. Input and output pixel sizes should be
# identical, but I don't know if the order=0 approach will ever lead to a
# single mosaic pixel being filled by more than one input pixel. If so,
# `overlap='error'` will catch both those cases and when multiple input
# images overlap.
has_overlap = np.any(mosaic_npix > 1)
if has_overlap and overlap == 'error':
# Input images should not be allowed to overlap
msgs.error('Mosaic has pixels with contributions by more than one input image!')
filled = mosaic_npix > 0
mosaic_data[np.logical_not(filled)] = cval
# Average the overlapping pixels
if has_overlap:
mosaic_data[filled] /= mosaic_npix[filled]
if mosaic_ivar is not None:
# Propagate the error by averaging the variances
if has_overlap:
mosaic_ivar[filled] /= mosaic_npix[filled]
# Revert to inverse variance
mosaic_ivar = inverse(mosaic_ivar)
return mosaic_data, mosaic_ivar, mosaic_npix, _tforms