Source code for pypeit.core.meta
Provides methods common to :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` and
:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph` that define the
common metadata used for all spectrographs.
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import numpy as np
from astropy import units, coordinates
from IPython import embed
def convert_radec(ra, dec):
Handle multiple ra,dec inputs and return decimal degrees
If ra, dec are str but do *not* have J or ':' in the RA term,
then they will be converted to floats
ra (str or float or `numpy.ndarray`_):
RA as decimal deg (float) or hh:mm:ss.s (str)
dec (str or float or `numpy.ndarray`_):
DEC as decimal deg (float) or +dd:mm:ss.s (str)
Must be the same format as ra
float,float of ra,dec in decimal deg if input is str or float
np.ndarray, np.ndarray of ra,dec in decimal deg if input is np.ndarray
if isinstance(ra, str):
if (('J' in ra) or (':' in ra)) or (' ' in ra.strip()):
coord = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=(units.hourangle, units.deg))
return coord.ra.value, coord.dec.value
return float(ra), float(dec)
elif isinstance(ra, np.ndarray):
if isinstance(ra[0], str):
if (('J' in ra[0]) or (':' in ra[0])) or (' ' in ra[0].strip()):
coords = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra,dec, unit=(units.hourangle, units.deg))
return coords.ra.value, coords.dec.value
return ra.astype(float), dec.astype(float)
elif isinstance(ra[0], float):
return ra.astype(float), dec.astype(float)
raise IOError("Bad ra, dec format!!")
return ra, dec
def define_core_meta():
Define the core set of meta data that must be defined
to run PypeIt.
See the metadata.rst file for further discussion
.. warning::
The keys should all be <= 8 length as they are all written
to the Header.
Each meta entry is a dict with the following keys:
- dtype: str, float, int
- comment: str
- rtol: float, optional -- Sets the relative tolerance for
float meta when used to set a configuration
Each meta dtype must be scalar or str. No tuple, list, ndarray, etc.
dict: core_meta
# Mainly to format output to PypeIt file
core_meta = {}
# Target
core_meta['ra'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='(J2000) RA in decimal degrees')
core_meta['dec'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='(J2000) DEC in decimal degrees')
core_meta['target'] = dict(dtype=str, comment='Name of the target')
# Instrument related
core_meta['dispname'] = dict(dtype=str, comment='Disperser name')
core_meta['decker'] = dict(dtype=str, comment='Slit/mask/decker name')
core_meta['binning'] = dict(dtype=str, comment='"spectral,spatial" binning')
# Obs
core_meta['mjd'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='Observation MJD; Read by astropy.time.Time format=mjd')
core_meta['airmass'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='Airmass')
core_meta['exptime'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='Exposure time (s)')
# Test me
# TODO: Do we need this?
for key in core_meta.keys():
assert len(key) <= 8
# Return
return core_meta
def define_additional_meta(nlamps=20):
Defines meta that tends to be instrument-specific and not used as
widely in the code.
See :func:`define_core_meta` for additional details
For meta used to define configurations, the rtol key specifies
the relative tolerance for a match
nlamps (:obj:`int`, optional):
Number of calibrations lamps for this instrument.
:obj:`dict`: Describes the additional meta data used in
# TODO: Can we consolidate dither (only read by vlt_xshooter, and never
# used in the code) with the MOSFIRE dith* keywords?
additional_meta = {'amp': dict(dtype=str, comment='Amplifier used'),
'arm': dict(dtype=str, comment='Name of arm (e.g. NIR for X-Shooter)'),
'calpos': dict(dtype=str, comment='Position of calibration system (KCWI)'),
'datasec': dict(dtype=str, comment='Data section (windowing)'),
'dateobs': dict(dtype=str, comment='Observation date'),
'decker_secondary': dict(dtype=str, comment='Partial Slitmask/decker name. '
'It differs from decker. This is currently '
'only needed for the reduction of some '
'MOSFIRE masks, which use calibrations '
'taken with a partially different decker '
'name than the one used for the associated '
'science frames.'),
'detector': dict(dtype=str, comment='Name of detector'),
'dichroic': dict(dtype=str, comment='Beam splitter'),
'dispangle': dict(dtype=float, comment='Angle of the disperser', rtol=0.),
'cenwave': dict(dtype=float, comment='Central wavelength of the disperser', rtol=0.),
# TODO what is the difference between dither and dithoff? Also, we should rename these to be
# more clearly the offset along the slit to distinguish from the IFU case of RA_off and DEC_off
'dither': dict(dtype=float, comment='Dither amount in arcsec'),
'dithoff': dict(dtype=float, comment='Dither offset'),
'dithpat': dict(dtype=str, comment='Dither pattern'),
'dithpos': dict(dtype=str, comment='Dither position'),
'posang': dict(dtype=float, comment='Position angle of the observation (degrees, positive is East from North)'),
'ra_off': dict(dtype=float, comment='Dither offset in RA'),
'dec_off': dict(dtype=float, comment='Dither offset in DEC'),
'echangle':dict(dtype=float, comment='Echelle angle'),
'filter1': dict(dtype=str, comment='First filter in optical path'),
'filter2': dict(dtype=str, comment='Second filter in optical path'),
'frameno': dict(dtype=str, comment='Frame number provided by instrument software'),
'hatch': dict(dtype=str, comment='Position of instrument hatch'),
'humidity': dict(dtype=float, comment='Humidity at observation time (as a percentage, not a fraction)'),
'idname': dict(dtype=str, comment='Instrument supplied frametype (e.g. bias)'),
'instrument': dict(dtype=str, comment='Header supplied instrument name'),
'mode': dict(dtype=str, comment='Observing mode'),
'object': dict(dtype=str, comment='Alternative object name (cf. target)'),
'obstime': dict(dtype=str, comment='Observation time'),
'oscansec': dict(dtype=str, comment='Overscan section (windowing)'),
'parangle': dict(dtype=float, comment='Parallactic angle (units.radian)'),
'pressure': dict(dtype=float, comment='Pressure (units.pascal) at observation time'),
'seq_expno': dict(dtype=int, comment='Number of exposure in observing sequence'),
'slitwid': dict(dtype=float, comment='Slit width, sometimes distinct from decker'),
'slitlength': dict(dtype=float, comment='Slit length, used only for long slits'),
'temperature': dict(dtype=float, comment='Temperature (units.K) at observation time'),
'utc': dict(dtype=str, comment='UTC of observation'),
'mirror': dict(dtype=str, comment='Position of an instrument mirror (e.g. IN or OUT)'),
'xd': dict(dtype=float, comment='Cross disperser (e.g. red or blue for HIRES)'),
'xdangle':dict(dtype=float, comment='Cross disperser angle'),
for kk in range(nlamps):
additional_meta['lampstat{:02d}'.format(kk+1)] \
= dict(dtype=str, comment='Status of a given lamp (e.g off/on)')
additional_meta['lampshst{:02d}'.format(kk + 1)] \
= dict(dtype=str, comment='Status of a lamp shutter (e.g closed/open)')
return additional_meta
def get_meta_data_model(nlamps=20):
Construct full metadata model general to all spectrographs.
This is a wrapper for :func:`define_core_meta` and
:func:`define_additional_meta` that checks that the keys defined
by both are unique (a coding issue) and returns a single combined
nlamps (:obj:`int`, optional):
Number of calibrations lamps for this instrument, passed
directly to :func:`define_additional_meta`.
:obj:`dict`: Dictionary with the full metadata model common to all
Raised if the coding of func:`define_core_meta` and
:func:`define_additional_meta` do not produce unique
keys. This should never be raised in the released
core = define_core_meta()
add = define_additional_meta(nlamps=nlamps)
if np.any(np.isin(list(core.keys()), list(add.keys()))):
raise ValueError('CODING ERROR: Keys in core and additional meta data are not unique!')
return core