Source code for pypeit.core.meta

Provides methods common to :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` and
:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph` that define the
common metadata used for all spectrographs.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst


import numpy as np

from astropy import units, coordinates

from IPython import embed

[docs] def convert_radec(ra, dec): """ Handle multiple ra,dec inputs and return decimal degrees If ra, dec are str but do *not* have J or ':' in the RA term, then they will be converted to floats Args: ra (str or float or `numpy.ndarray`_): RA as decimal deg (float) or hh:mm:ss.s (str) dec (str or float or `numpy.ndarray`_): DEC as decimal deg (float) or +dd:mm:ss.s (str) Must be the same format as ra Returns: tuple: float,float of ra,dec in decimal deg if input is str or float np.ndarray, np.ndarray of ra,dec in decimal deg if input is np.ndarray """ if isinstance(ra, str): if (('J' in ra) or (':' in ra)) or (' ' in ra.strip()): coord = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=(units.hourangle, units.deg)) return coord.ra.value, coord.dec.value else: return float(ra), float(dec) elif isinstance(ra, np.ndarray): if isinstance(ra[0], str): if (('J' in ra[0]) or (':' in ra[0])) or (' ' in ra[0].strip()): coords = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra,dec, unit=(units.hourangle, units.deg)) return coords.ra.value, coords.dec.value else: return ra.astype(float), dec.astype(float) elif isinstance(ra[0], float): return ra.astype(float), dec.astype(float) else: raise IOError("Bad ra, dec format!!") else: return ra, dec
[docs] def define_core_meta(): """ Define the core set of meta data that must be defined to run PypeIt. See the metadata.rst file for further discussion .. warning:: The keys should all be <= 8 length as they are all written to the Header. Each meta entry is a dict with the following keys: - dtype: str, float, int - comment: str - rtol: float, optional -- Sets the relative tolerance for float meta when used to set a configuration Each meta dtype must be scalar or str. No tuple, list, ndarray, etc. Returns: dict: core_meta """ # Mainly to format output to PypeIt file core_meta = {} # Target core_meta['ra'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='(J2000) RA in decimal degrees') core_meta['dec'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='(J2000) DEC in decimal degrees') core_meta['target'] = dict(dtype=str, comment='Name of the target') # Instrument related core_meta['dispname'] = dict(dtype=str, comment='Disperser name') core_meta['decker'] = dict(dtype=str, comment='Slit/mask/decker name') core_meta['binning'] = dict(dtype=str, comment='"spectral,spatial" binning') # Obs core_meta['mjd'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='Observation MJD; Read by astropy.time.Time format=mjd') core_meta['airmass'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='Airmass') core_meta['exptime'] = dict(dtype=float, comment='Exposure time (s)') # Test me # TODO: Do we need this? for key in core_meta.keys(): assert len(key) <= 8 # Return return core_meta
[docs] def define_additional_meta(nlamps=20): """ Defines meta that tends to be instrument-specific and not used as widely in the code. See :func:`define_core_meta` for additional details For meta used to define configurations, the rtol key specifies the relative tolerance for a match Args: nlamps (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of calibrations lamps for this instrument. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Describes the additional meta data used in pypeit. """ # TODO: Can we consolidate dither (only read by vlt_xshooter, and never # used in the code) with the MOSFIRE dith* keywords? additional_meta = {'amp': dict(dtype=str, comment='Amplifier used'), 'arm': dict(dtype=str, comment='Name of arm (e.g. NIR for X-Shooter)'), 'calpos': dict(dtype=str, comment='Position of calibration system (KCWI)'), 'datasec': dict(dtype=str, comment='Data section (windowing)'), 'dateobs': dict(dtype=str, comment='Observation date'), 'decker_secondary': dict(dtype=str, comment='Partial Slitmask/decker name. ' 'It differs from decker. This is currently ' 'only needed for the reduction of some ' 'MOSFIRE masks, which use calibrations ' 'taken with a partially different decker ' 'name than the one used for the associated ' 'science frames.'), 'detector': dict(dtype=str, comment='Name of detector'), 'dichroic': dict(dtype=str, comment='Beam splitter'), 'dispangle': dict(dtype=float, comment='Angle of the disperser', rtol=0.), 'cenwave': dict(dtype=float, comment='Central wavelength of the disperser', rtol=0.), # TODO what is the difference between dither and dithoff? Also, we should rename these to be # more clearly the offset along the slit to distinguish from the IFU case of RA_off and DEC_off 'dither': dict(dtype=float, comment='Dither amount in arcsec'), 'dithoff': dict(dtype=float, comment='Dither offset'), 'dithpat': dict(dtype=str, comment='Dither pattern'), 'dithpos': dict(dtype=str, comment='Dither position'), 'posang': dict(dtype=float, comment='Position angle of the observation (degrees, positive is East from North)'), 'ra_off': dict(dtype=float, comment='Dither offset in RA'), 'dec_off': dict(dtype=float, comment='Dither offset in DEC'), 'echangle':dict(dtype=float, comment='Echelle angle'), 'filter1': dict(dtype=str, comment='First filter in optical path'), 'filter2': dict(dtype=str, comment='Second filter in optical path'), 'frameno': dict(dtype=str, comment='Frame number provided by instrument software'), 'hatch': dict(dtype=str, comment='Position of instrument hatch'), 'humidity': dict(dtype=float, comment='Humidity at observation time (as a percentage, not a fraction)'), 'idname': dict(dtype=str, comment='Instrument supplied frametype (e.g. bias)'), 'instrument': dict(dtype=str, comment='Header supplied instrument name'), 'mode': dict(dtype=str, comment='Observing mode'), 'object': dict(dtype=str, comment='Alternative object name (cf. target)'), 'obstime': dict(dtype=str, comment='Observation time'), 'oscansec': dict(dtype=str, comment='Overscan section (windowing)'), 'parangle': dict(dtype=float, comment='Parallactic angle (units.radian)'), 'pressure': dict(dtype=float, comment='Pressure (units.pascal) at observation time'), 'seq_expno': dict(dtype=int, comment='Number of exposure in observing sequence'), 'slitwid': dict(dtype=float, comment='Slit width, sometimes distinct from decker'), 'slitlength': dict(dtype=float, comment='Slit length, used only for long slits'), 'temperature': dict(dtype=float, comment='Temperature (units.K) at observation time'), 'utc': dict(dtype=str, comment='UTC of observation'), 'mirror': dict(dtype=str, comment='Position of an instrument mirror (e.g. IN or OUT)'), 'xd': dict(dtype=float, comment='Cross disperser (e.g. red or blue for HIRES)'), 'xdangle':dict(dtype=float, comment='Cross disperser angle'), } for kk in range(nlamps): additional_meta['lampstat{:02d}'.format(kk+1)] \ = dict(dtype=str, comment='Status of a given lamp (e.g off/on)') additional_meta['lampshst{:02d}'.format(kk + 1)] \ = dict(dtype=str, comment='Status of a lamp shutter (e.g closed/open)') return additional_meta
[docs] def get_meta_data_model(nlamps=20): """ Construct full metadata model general to all spectrographs. This is a wrapper for :func:`define_core_meta` and :func:`define_additional_meta` that checks that the keys defined by both are unique (a coding issue) and returns a single combined dictionary. Args: nlamps (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of calibrations lamps for this instrument, passed directly to :func:`define_additional_meta`. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary with the full metadata model common to all spectrographs. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the coding of func:`define_core_meta` and :func:`define_additional_meta` do not produce unique keys. This should never be raised in the released version. """ core = define_core_meta() add = define_additional_meta(nlamps=nlamps) if np.any(np.isin(list(core.keys()), list(add.keys()))): raise ValueError('CODING ERROR: Keys in core and additional meta data are not unique!') core.update(add) return core