Source code for pypeit.core.gui.skysub_regions

This script allows the user to manually select the sky background regions

.. include:: ../include/links.rst


import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Button
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.core import skysub
from pypeit.images import buildimage

operations = dict({'cursor': "Add sky region (LMB drag)\n" +
                   "         Remove sky region (RMB drag)\n" +
                   "         Note: If you would like to pan or zoom, you need to activate\n" +
                   "         the pan/zoom tool with the 'p' key, or by selecting the\n" +
                   "         pan/zoom tool on the Matplotlib navigation tool menu. You\n" +
                   "         can also zoom using the magnifying glass (select this option\n" +
                   "         from the Matplotlib navigation tool menu). While the pan/zoom\n" +
                   "         feature is enabled, you will not be able to update sky regions.\n",
                   'c': "Center the window at the location of the mouse",
                   'd': "Delete all sky regions and start again",
                   'h/r': "Return zoom to the original plotting limits",
                   'p': "Toggle pan/zoom with the cursor",
                   '?': "Display the available options",

[docs] class SkySubGUI: """ GUI to interactively define the sky regions. The GUI can be run within PypeIt during data reduction, or as a standalone script outside of PypeIt. To initialize the GUI, call the initialize() function in this file. """ def __init__(self, canvas, image, frame, outname, det, slits, axes, pypeline, spectrograph, printout=False, runtime=False, resolution=None, initial=False, flexure=None, overwrite=False): """Controls for the interactive sky regions definition tasks in PypeIt. The main goal of this routine is to interactively select sky background regions. Parameters ---------- canvas : Matploltib figure canvas The canvas on which all axes are contained image : AxesImage The image plotted to screen frame : ndarray The image data outname : str The output filename to save the sky regions mask det : int Detector to add a slit on slits : :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet` Object with the image coordinates of the slit edges axes : dict Dictionary of four Matplotlib axes instances (Main spectrum panel, two for residuals, one for information) pypeline : str Name of the instrument pipeline spectrograph : str Name of the spectrograph printout : bool Should the results be printed to screen initial : bool, optional To use the initial edges regardless of the presence of the tweaked edges, set this to True. flexure : float, optional If provided, offset each slit by this amount runtime : bool Is the GUI being launched during data reduction? resolution : int The resolution of the skysub definitions. It is the number of pixels to divide the slit width by (i.e. 1000 pixels means a resolution of 0.1% of the slit width). """ # Store the axes self._det = det self.image = image self.frame = frame self.pypeline = pypeline self.spectrograph = spectrograph self._outname = outname self._overwrite = overwrite self.nspec, self.nspat = frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1] self._spectrace = np.arange(self.nspec) self._printout = printout self._runtime = runtime self.axes = axes self._currslit = -1 self.slits = slits self._nslits = slits.nslits self._maxslitlength = np.max(self.slits.get_slitlengths(initial=initial)) self._resolution = int(10.0 * self._maxslitlength) if resolution is None else int(resolution) self._allreg = np.zeros(int(self._resolution), dtype=bool) self._specx = np.arange(int(self._resolution)) self._start = [0, 0] self._end = [0, 0] # Unset some of the matplotlib keymaps for key in plt.rcParams.keys(): if 'keymap' in key: plt.rcParams[key] = [] # Enable some useful ones, though matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams['keymap.home'] = ['h', 'r', 'home'] matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams['keymap.pan'] = ['p'] # Initialise the main canvas tools canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.draw_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.button_press_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.key_press_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.button_release_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_callback) self.canvas = canvas # Interaction variables # Does the user need to provide a response before any other # operation will be permitted? Once the user responds, the # second element of this array provides the action to be # performed. self._respreq = [False, None] self._qconf = False # Confirm quit message self._changes = False self._use_updates = True self._inslit = -1 # Which slit is the mouse in self.mmx, self.mmy = 0, 0 self._fitr = [] # Matplotlib shaded fit region self._fita = None self.slits_left, self.slits_right, _ = slits.select_edges(initial=initial, flexure=flexure) self.initialize_menu() self.reset_regions() # Draw the spectrum self.canvas.draw() # self.reset_regions()
[docs] @classmethod def initialize(cls, det, frame, slits, pypeline, spectrograph, outname="skyregions.fits", overwrite=False, initial=False, flexure=None, runtime=False, printout=False): """ Initialize the 'ObjFindGUI' window for interactive object tracing Parameters ---------- det : int Detector index frame : `numpy.ndarray`_ Sky subtracted science image slits : :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet` Object with the image coordinates of the slit edges pypeline : str Name of the reduction pipeline spectrograph : str Name of the spectrograph printout : bool Should the results be printed to screen runtime : bool Is this GUI being launched during a data reduction? Returns ------- srgui : :class:`SkySubGUI` Returns an instance of the :class:`SkySubGUI` class """ # NOTE: SlitTraceSet objects always store the left and right # traces as 2D arrays, even if there's only one slit. nslit = slits.nslits lordloc, rordloc, _ = slits.select_edges(initial=initial, flexure=flexure) # Determine the scale of the image med = np.median(frame) mad = np.median(np.abs(frame - med)) vmin = med - 3 * mad vmax = med + 3 * mad # Add the main figure axis fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 9), facecolor="white") plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05, top=0.85, left=0.05, right=0.8) image = ax.imshow(frame, aspect='auto', cmap='Greys', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # Overplot the slit traces specarr = np.arange(lordloc.shape[0]) for sl in range(nslit): ax.plot(lordloc[:, sl], specarr, 'g-') ax.plot(rordloc[:, sl], specarr, 'b-') # Add an information GUI axis axinfo = fig.add_axes([0.15, .92, .7, 0.07]) axinfo.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axinfo.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axinfo.text(0.5, 0.5, "Press '?' to list the available options", transform=axinfo.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') axinfo.set_xlim((0, 1)) axinfo.set_ylim((0, 1)) axes = dict(main=ax, info=axinfo) # Initialise the object finding window and display to screen fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('PypeIt - Sky regions') srgui = SkySubGUI(fig.canvas, image, frame, outname, det, slits, axes, pypeline, spectrograph, printout=printout, runtime=runtime, initial=initial, flexure=flexure, overwrite=overwrite) return srgui
[docs] def finalize(self): plt.rcdefaults() plt.close()
[docs] def region_help(self): print("You can enter the regions in the text box, as a comma separated") print("list of percentages. For example, typing :10,35:65,80: in the") print("text box and pressing enter will add sky regions to the left 10%,") print("the inner 30%, and the right 20% of each slit.") print("")
[docs] def print_help(self): """Print the keys and descriptions that can be used for Identification """ keys = operations.keys() print("===============================================================") print("Define the sky background regions in each slit by using the left") print("mouse button to click and drag over the sky background region.") print("Use the right mouse button (click and drag) to delete a region.") print("If you click 'Continue (and save changes)' the sky background") print("regions file will be saved to the Calibrations directory.") print("") print("To assign regions to all slits simultaneously, click and drag") print("over the gray regions on the right toolbar. Alternatively,") self.region_help() print("thin green/blue lines = slit edges") print("thin green/blue lines = slit edges") print("") print("thin green/blue lines = slit edges") print("shaded red regions = selected sky regions") print("===============================================================") print(" OTHER OPERATIONS") for key in keys: print("{0:6s} : {1:s}".format(key, operations[key])) print("---------------------------------------------------------------")
[docs] def initialize_menu(self): """Initialize the menu buttons """ axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' # Continue with reduction (using updated specobjs) ax_cont = plt.axes([0.82, 0.85, 0.15, 0.05]) self._ax_cont = Button(ax_cont, "Continue (and save changes)", color=axcolor, hovercolor='y') self._ax_cont.on_clicked(self.button_cont) # Continue with reduction (using original specobjs) ax_exit = plt.axes([0.82, 0.79, 0.15, 0.05]) self._ax_exit = Button(ax_exit, "Continue (don't save changes)", color=axcolor, hovercolor='y') self._ax_exit.on_clicked(self.button_exit) # Frame for the axis self.axes['allslitreg'] = plt.axes([0.82, 0.68, 0.15, 0.04], facecolor='black', title="Assign sky regions to all slits") self.axes['allslitreg'].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) self.axes['allslitreg'].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) self.axes['allslitreg'].axvspan(0, self._resolution-1, color='lightgrey') self.axes['allslitreg'].set_xlim(-self._resolution/10, self._resolution + self._resolution/10) self.axes['allslitreg'].set_ylim(0, 1) # Text box ax_regb = plt.axes([0.82, 0.62, 0.15, 0.05]) self._ax_regb = Button(ax_regb, "Enter regions", color=axcolor, hovercolor='y') self._ax_regb.on_clicked(self.button_regb)
[docs] def button_regb(self, event): """Allow for text to be entered in the terminal. If the text is valid, and then apply to all slits. The text should be a comma separated list of percentages to apply to all slits Example: The following string :10, 35:65, 80: would select the first 10%, the inner 30%, and the final 20% of all slits Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ A matplotlib event instance """ self.update_infobox(message='Enter regions in the terminal (see terminal for help)', yesno=False) print("") self.region_help() print("To exit this tool, enter no text, and press enter.") while True: print("") text = input("Enter the regions: ") status, reg = skysub.read_userregions(text, self._nslits, self._maxslitlength) if status == 0: print("Regions parsed successfully") for rr in range(len(reg)): # Apply to all slits for sl in range(self._nslits): self._skyreg[sl] = reg[rr].copy() self.replot() break elif status == 1: print('Region definition should be a comma-separated list of percentages (see help)') elif status == 2: print('Region definition should contain a semi-colon (see help)') # Break out of the loop if no text is entered if len(text.strip()) == 0: break return
[docs] def button_cont(self, event): """What to do when the 'exit and save' button is clicked Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ A matplotlib event instance """ self._respreq = [True, "exit_update"] self.update_infobox(message='Are you sure you want to exit and save the newly defined ' 'sky regions?', yesno=True)
[docs] def button_exit(self, event): """What to do when the 'exit and do not save changes' button is clicked Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ A matplotlib event instance """ self._respreq = [True, "exit_restore"] self.update_infobox(message='Are you sure you want to exit without saving the sky ' 'regions?', yesno=True)
[docs] def replot(self): """Redraw the entire canvas """ self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.draw_regions() self.canvas.draw()
[docs] def draw_regions(self): """Refresh the fit regions """ # Remove the regions and reset the patches for rr in range(len(self._fitr)): self._fitr[rr].remove() if self._fita is not None: self._fita.remove() self._fitr = [] # Loop through all slits: for sl in range(self._nslits): # Fill fraction of the slit diff = self.slits_right[:, sl] - self.slits_left[:,sl] tmp = np.zeros(self._resolution+2) tmp[1:-1] = self._skyreg[sl] wl = np.where(tmp[1:] > tmp[:-1])[0] wr = np.where(tmp[1:] < tmp[:-1])[0] for rr in range(wl.size): left = self.slits_left[:, sl] + wl[rr]*diff/(self._resolution-1.0) righ = self.slits_left[:, sl] + wr[rr]*diff/(self._resolution-1.0) self._fitr.append(self.axes['main'].fill_betweenx(self._spectrace, left, righ, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)) # Plot the region on top of the "all slits" panel trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(self.axes['allslitreg'].transData, self.axes['allslitreg'].transAxes) self._fita = self.axes['allslitreg'].fill_between(self._specx, 0, 1, transform=trans, where=self._allreg, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5, zorder=10)
[docs] def draw_callback(self, event): """Draw callback (i.e. everytime the canvas is being drawn/updated) Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ A matplotlib event instance """ # Get the background self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.axes['main'].bbox) self.draw_regions()
[docs] def get_current_slit(self, event): """Get the index of the slit closest to the cursor Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ # Find the current slit self._currslit = -1 yv = np.argmin(np.abs(event.ydata-self._spectrace)) wsl = np.where((event.xdata > self.slits_left[yv, :]) & (event.xdata < self.slits_right[yv, :]))[0] # Double check there's only one solution if wsl.size == 1: self._currslit = int(wsl[0]) return
[docs] def get_axisID(self, event): """Get the ID of the axis where an event has occurred Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event Returns: int, None: Axis where the event has occurred """ if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: return 0 elif event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: return 1 elif event.inaxes == self.axes['allslitreg']: return 2 return None
[docs] def mouse_move_callback(self, event): """Store the locations of mouse as it moves across the canvas """ if event.inaxes is None: return if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: self.mmx, self.mmy = event.xdata, event.ydata
[docs] def button_press_callback(self, event): """What to do when the mouse button is pressed Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ if event.inaxes is None: return if self.canvas.toolbar.mode != "": return if event.button == 1: self._addsub = 1 self.get_current_slit(event) elif event.button == 3: self._addsub = 0 self.get_current_slit(event) if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: self._start = [event.xdata, event.ydata] elif event.inaxes == self.axes['allslitreg']: self._start = [int(round(event.xdata)), event.ydata]
[docs] def button_release_callback(self, event): """What to do when the mouse button is released Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ if event.inaxes is None: return if event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: if (event.xdata > 0.8) and (event.xdata < 0.9): answer = "y" elif event.xdata >= 0.9: answer = "n" else: return self.operations(answer, -1) self.update_infobox(default=True) return elif self._respreq[0]: # The user is trying to do something before they have responded to a question return if self.canvas.toolbar.mode != "": return # Draw an actor axisID = self.get_axisID(event) if axisID is not None: if axisID == 2: # Set the slide l value self._end = [int(round(event.xdata)), event.ydata] self.add_region_all() else: self._end = [event.xdata, event.ydata] if (self._end[0] == self._start[0]) and (self._end[1] == self._start[1]): # The mouse button was pressed (not dragged) pass elif self._end != self._start: # The mouse button was dragged if axisID == 0: if self._start[0] > self._end[0]: self._start[0], self._end[0] = self._end[0], self._start[0] # Now do something self.add_region() self.replot()
[docs] def key_press_callback(self, event): """What to do when a key is pressed Args: event : `matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_ Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ # Check that the event is in an axis... if not event.inaxes: return # ... but not the information box! if event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: return axisID = self.get_axisID(event) self.operations(event.key, axisID)
[docs] def operations(self, key, axisID): """Canvas operations Args: key : str Which key has been pressed axisID : int The index of the axis where the key has been pressed (see get_axisID) """ # Check if the user really wants to quit if key == 'q' and self._qconf: if self._changes: self.update_infobox(message='WARNING: There are unsaved changes!!\nPress q ' 'again to exit', yesno=False) self._qconf = True else: msgs.bug("Need to change this to kill and return the results to PypeIt") plt.close() elif self._qconf: self.update_infobox(default=True) self._qconf = False # Manage responses from questions posed to the user. if self._respreq[0]: if key != "y" and key != "n": return else: # Switch off the required response self._respreq[0] = False # Deal with the response if self._respreq[1] == "exit_update" and key == "y": self._use_updates = True self.operations("qu", None) elif self._respreq[1] == "exit_restore" and key == "y": self._use_updates = False self.operations("qr", None) else: return # Reset the info box self.update_infobox(default=True) return if key == '?': self.print_help() elif key == 'd': if axisID == 0: # If this is pressed on the main window self.reset_regions() elif key == 'c': if axisID == 0: # If this is pressed on the main window self.recenter() elif key == 'qu' or key == 'qr': if self._changes: self.update_infobox(message='WARNING: There are unsaved changes!!\nPress q ' 'again to exit', yesno=False) self._qconf = True else: plt.close() self.replot()
[docs] def get_result(self): """Generate a calibration file containing a mask of the skysub regions, and print information for what the user should include in their .pypeit file Returns ------- msskyreg : :class:`SkyRegions`, None Returns an instance of the :class:`SkyRegions` class. If None is returned, the user has requested to not use the updates. """ if not self._use_updates: return None # Generate the mask inmask = skysub.generate_mask(self.pypeline, self._skyreg, self.slits, self.slits_left, self.slits_right) if np.all(np.logical_not(inmask)): msgs.warn("Sky regions are empty - A sky regions calibration frame will not be generated") return None # Build the Sky Regions calibration frame return buildimage.SkyRegions(image=inmask.astype(float), PYP_SPEC=self.spectrograph)
[docs] def get_outname(self): """ Get an output filename Returns ------- outfil : :obj:`str` The output filename to use for the Sky Regions calibration frame """ outfil = self._outname if os.path.exists(self._outname) and not self._overwrite: outfil = 'temp.fits' msgs.warn(f"A SkyRegions file already exists and you have not forced an overwrite:\n{self._outname}")"Adopting the following output filename: {outfil}") return outfil
[docs] def recenter(self): xlim = self.axes['main'].get_xlim() ylim = self.axes['main'].get_ylim() xmin = self.mmx - 0.5*(xlim[1]-xlim[0]) xmax = self.mmx + 0.5*(xlim[1]-xlim[0]) ymin = self.mmy - 0.5*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]) ymax = self.mmy + 0.5*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]) self.axes['main'].set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) self.axes['main'].set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
[docs] def update_infobox(self, message="Press '?' to list the available options", yesno=True, default=False): """Send a new message to the information window at the top of the canvas Args: message : str Message to be displayed yesno : bool Is a yes/no option desired? default : bool Would you like to refresh the info box and just display the default message """ self.axes['info'].clear() if default: self.axes['info'].text(0.5, 0.5, "Press '?' to list the available options", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.canvas.draw() return # Display the message self.axes['info'].text(0.5, 0.5, message, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') if yesno: self.axes['info'].fill_between([0.8, 0.9], 0, 1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.5, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes) self.axes['info'].fill_between([0.9, 1.0], 0, 1, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes) self.axes['info'].text(0.85, 0.5, "YES", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.axes['info'].text(0.95, 0.5, "NO", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.axes['info'].set_xlim((0, 1)) self.axes['info'].set_ylim((0, 1)) self.canvas.draw()
[docs] def add_region(self): """ Add/subtract a defined region """ # Figure out the locations of the start values ys = np.argmin(np.abs(self._start[1]-self._spectrace)) difs = self.slits_right[ys, self._currslit] - self.slits_left[ys, self._currslit] sval = (self._start[0]-self.slits_left[ys, self._currslit]) / difs sidx = int(round(self._resolution*sval)) # Figure out the locations of the start values yf = np.argmin(np.abs(self._end[1]-self._spectrace)) diff = self.slits_right[yf, self._currslit] - self.slits_left[yf, self._currslit] fval = (self._end[0]-self.slits_left[yf, self._currslit]) / diff fidx = int(round(self._resolution*fval)) # Switch the indices if needed if sidx > fidx: sidx, fidx = fidx, sidx # Check that we are within bounds if sidx < 0: sidx = 0 if fidx > self._resolution: fidx = self._resolution # Assign the sky regions self._skyreg[self._currslit][sidx:fidx] = self._addsub # If some regions are removed, remove this from the "all slits" regions, as well if self._addsub == 0: self._allreg[sidx:fidx] = 0
[docs] def add_region_all(self): """ Set the sky regions for all slits simultaneously """ # Do some checks xmin, xmax = self._start[0], self._end[0] if xmax < xmin: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin if xmin < 0: xmin = 0 if xmax > self._resolution: xmax = self._resolution # Apply to all slits for sl in range(self._nslits): self._skyreg[sl][xmin:xmax] = self._addsub # Set the all regions parameter self._allreg[xmin:xmax] = self._addsub
[docs] def reset_regions(self): """ Reset the sky regions for all slits simultaneously """ self._skyreg = [np.zeros(self._resolution, dtype=bool) for all in range(self._nslits)] self._allreg[:] = False