Source code for pypeit.core.gui.object_find

This script allows the user to add/delete/modify object traces

.. todo::

    Implement color scaling with RMB click+drag

.. include:: ../include/links.rst


import os
import sys
import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Button, RadioButtons
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

# TODO: Commented out the import of specobjs because it was only used by
# the (presumably) defunct method.
#from pypeit import specobjs
from pypeit import msgs

# TODO: No globals please
operations = dict({'cursor': "Select object trace (LMB click)\n" +
                   "         Navigate (LMB drag = pan, RMB drag = zoom)\n" +
                   "         Note: In order to pan/zoom, you need to first activate\n" +
                   "         the pan/zoom tool with the 'p' key, or by selecting the\n" +
                   "         pan/zoom tool on the Matplotlib navigation tool menu. You\n" +
                   "         can also zoom using the magnifying glass (select this option\n" +
                   "         from the Matplotlib navigation tool menu)\n",
                   'a': "Add a new object trace using the selected method",
                   'c': "Center the window at the location of the mouse",
                   'd': "Delete selected object trace",
                   'h/r': "Return zoom to the original plotting limits",
                   'p': "Toggle pan/zoom with the cursor",
                   '?': "Display the available options",
#                   Commands that could be used for manual object location
#                   'c': "Clear the anchor points and start again",
#                   'm': "Insert a fitting anchor for manual object tracing",
#                   'n': "Delete the fitting anchor nearest to the cursor",
#                   '+/-': "Raise/Lower the order of the fitting polynomial"

[docs] class ObjectTraces: """ Simple class to store the object traces """ def __init__(self): self._det = [] self._add_rm = [] # Flag to say if an object was been added (1), removed (-1), or was there originally (0) self._pos_spat = [] self._pos_spec = [] self._trace_spat = [] self._trace_spec = [] self._fwhm = [] @property def nobj(self): return len(self._det)
[docs] def from_specobj(self, sobjs, det): """Fill the object traces from a SpecObjs class Args: sobjs (SpecObjs): An instance of the SpecObjs class det (int): Detector to which this applies """ nobj = sobjs.nobj for ii in range(nobj): pos_spat = sobjs[ii].trace_spat[sobjs[ii].trace_spat.size//2] pos_spec = sobjs[ii].trace_spec[sobjs[ii].trace_spec.size//2] self.add_object(det, pos_spat, pos_spec, sobjs[ii].trace_spat, sobjs[ii].trace_spec, sobjs[ii].fwhm, addrm=0)
[docs] def from_dict(self, obj_dict, det): """Fill the object traces from a SpecObjs class Args: obj_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the spatial object traces and FWHM det (int): Detector to which this applies """ nobj = len(obj_dict['traces']) for ii in range(nobj): spec_trace = np.arange(obj_dict['traces'][ii].size) pos_spat = obj_dict['traces'][ii][obj_dict['traces'][ii].size//2] pos_spec = spec_trace[spec_trace.size//2] self.add_object(det, pos_spat, pos_spec, obj_dict['traces'][ii], spec_trace, obj_dict['fwhm'][ii], addrm=0)
[docs] def add_object(self, det, pos_spat, pos_spec, trc_spat, trc_spec, fwhm, addrm=1): """ Add an object trace Args: det (int): Detector to add a slit on pos_spat (float): patial pixel position pos_spec (float): Spectral pixel position trc_spat (`numpy.ndarray`_): Spatial trace of object trc_spec (`numpy.ndarray`_): Spectral trace of object fwhm (float): FWHM of the object addrm (int): Flag to say if an object was been added (1), removed (-1), or was an auto found slit (0) """ self._det.append(det) self._add_rm.append(addrm) self._pos_spat.append(pos_spat) self._pos_spec.append(pos_spec) self._trace_spat.append(trc_spat) self._trace_spec.append(trc_spec) self._fwhm.append(fwhm)
[docs] def delete_object(self, ind): """Delete an object trace Args: ind (int): Index of object trace to remove """ if self._add_rm[ind] == 1: # If an object was added by hand, the user can delete it from the list del self._det[ind] del self._add_rm[ind] del self._pos_spat[ind] del self._pos_spec[ind] del self._trace_spat[ind] del self._trace_spec[ind] del self._fwhm[ind] else: # otherwise, just flag that it needs to be removed self._add_rm[ind] = -1
[docs] def get_pypeit_string(self): """Construct a string that can be placed in the .pypeit file to define new object traces """ strall = "" for ii in range(self.nobj): if self._add_rm[ii] == 1: strall += ",{0:d}:{1:.1f}:{2:.1f}:{3:.1f}".format(self._det[ii], self._pos_spat[ii], self._pos_spec[ii], self._fwhm[ii]) strall += "\n" return strall[1:]
[docs] class ObjFindGUI: """ GUI to interactively identify object traces. The GUI can be run within PypeIt during data reduction, or as a standalone script outside of PypeIt. To initialise the GUI, call the initialise() function in this file. """ def __init__(self, canvas, image, frame, det, sobjs, left, right, obj_trace, trace_models, axes, profdict, slit_ids=None, printout=False, runtime=False): """Controls for the interactive Object ID tasks in PypeIt. The main goal of this routine is to interactively add/delete/modify object apertures. Args: canvas (Matploltib figure canvas): The canvas on which all axes are contained image (AxesImage): The image plotted to screen frame (ndarray): The image data det (int): Detector to add a slit on sobjs (SpecObjs, None): An instance of the SpecObjs class left (numpy.ndarray): Slit left edges right (numpy.ndarray): Slit right edges obj_trace (dict): Result of :func:`pypeit.scripts.object_finding.parse_traces`. trace_models (dict): Dictionary with the object, standard star, and slit trace models axes (dict): Dictionary of four Matplotlib axes instances (Main spectrum panel, two for residuals, one for information) profdict (dict): Dictionary containing profile information (profile data, and the left/right lines displayinf the FWHM) slit_ids (list, None): List of slit ID numbers printout (bool): Should the results be printed to screen runtime (bool): Is the GUI being launched during data reduction? """ # Store the axes self._det = det self.image = image self.frame = frame self.nspec, self.nspat = frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1] self._spectrace = np.arange(self.nspec) self.profile = profdict self._printout = printout self._runtime = runtime self._slit_ids = slit_ids self.left = left self.right = right self.obj_trace = obj_trace self.trace_models = trace_models self.axes = axes self.specobjs = sobjs self.objtraces = [] self._object_traces = ObjectTraces() self.anchors = [] self._obj_idx = -1 self._spatpos = np.arange(frame.shape[1])[np.newaxis, :].repeat(frame.shape[0], axis=0) # Spatial coordinate (as the frame shape) self.empty_mantrace() if sobjs is None: self._object_traces.from_dict(self.obj_trace, det) else: self._object_traces.from_specobj(sobjs, det) # Unset some of the matplotlib keymaps for key in plt.rcParams.keys(): if 'keymap' in key: plt.rcParams[key] = [] # Enable some useful ones, though matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams['keymap.home'] = ['h', 'r', 'home'] matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams['keymap.pan'] = ['p'] # Initialise the main canvas tools canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.draw_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.button_press_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.key_press_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.button_release_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_callback) self.canvas = canvas # Interaction variables self._respreq = [False, None] # Does the user need to provide a response before any other operation will be permitted? Once the user responds, the second element of this array provides the action to be performed. self._qconf = False # Confirm quit message self._changes = False self._use_updates = True self._trcmthd = 'object' self.mmx, self.mmy = 0, 0 self._inslit = 0 # Which slit is the mouse in # Draw the spectrum self.canvas.draw() # Initialise buttons and menu options self._ax_meth_default = 'Object' self._methdict = dict({'Object': [0, 'object'], 'Standard Star': [1, 'std'], 'Slit Edges': [2, 'slit']}) # 'Manual': [3, 'manual'] self.initialise_menu()
[docs] def print_help(self): """Print the keys and descriptions that can be used for Identification """ keys = operations.keys() print("===============================================================") print("Add/remove object traces until you are happy with the resulting") print("traces. When you've finished, click one of the exit buttons on") print("the right side of the page. If you click 'Continue (and save changes)'") print("the object traces will be printed to the terminal, where you can") print("copy them into your .pypeit file.") print("") print("thick coloured dashed lines = object traces") print("thick coloured solid line = currently selected object trace") print("thin green/blue lines = slit edges") print("") print("Meanings of the different coloured dashed lines:") print(" green = user-defined object trace") print(" blue = trace automatically generated with PypeIt") print(" red = trace automatically generated with PypeIt (deleted)") print("===============================================================") print(" OBJECT ID OPERATIONS") for key in keys: print("{0:6s} : {1:s}".format(key, operations[key])) print("---------------------------------------------------------------")
[docs] def initialise_menu(self): """Initialise the menu buttons """ axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' # Continue with reduction (using updated specobjs) ax_cont = plt.axes([0.82, 0.85, 0.15, 0.05]) self._ax_cont = Button(ax_cont, "Continue (and save changes)", color=axcolor, hovercolor='y') self._ax_cont.on_clicked(self.button_cont) # Continue with reduction (using original specobjs) ax_exit = plt.axes([0.82, 0.79, 0.15, 0.05]) self._ax_exit = Button(ax_exit, "Continue (don't save changes)", color=axcolor, hovercolor='y') self._ax_exit.on_clicked(self.button_exit) # Button to select trace method rax = plt.axes([0.82, 0.59, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) rax.set_title("Select trace method:") self._ax_meth = RadioButtons(rax, ('Object', 'Standard Star', 'Slit Edges'))#, 'Manual')) self._ax_meth.on_clicked(self.radio_meth) # Determine the best default to use: if self.trace_models['object']['trace_model'] is not None: self._ax_meth_default = 'Object' elif self.trace_models['std']['trace_model'] is not None: self._ax_meth_default = 'Standard Star' elif self.trace_models['slit']['trace_model'] is not None: self._ax_meth_default = 'Slit Edges' # elif self._trcdict["trace_model"]["manual"]["trace_model"] is not None: # self._ax_meth_default = 'Manual' # Set the active method self._ax_meth.set_active(self._methdict[self._ax_meth_default][0])
[docs] def radio_meth(self, label, infobox=True): """Tell the code what to do when a different trace method is selected Args: label (str): The label of the radio button that was clicked """ # Update the radio button if self._methdict[label][1]: self._trcmthd = self._methdict[label][1] # Check if the method is available, if not, change to the default (manual is always allowed) if self._trcmthd != "manual": if self.trace_models[self._trcmthd]['trace_model'] is None: self.update_infobox(message="That option is not available - changing to default", yesno=False) self._ax_meth.set_active(self._methdict[self._ax_meth_default][0]) self._trcmthd = self._methdict[self._ax_meth_default][1] else: if infobox: self.update_infobox(message="Trace method set to: {0:s}".format(label), yesno=False) else: if infobox: self.update_infobox(message="Trace method set to: {0:s}".format(label), yesno=False)
[docs] def button_cont(self, event): """What to do when the 'exit and save' button is clicked """ self._respreq = [True, "exit_update"] self.update_infobox(message="Are you sure you want to exit and use the updated object traces?", yesno=True)
[docs] def button_exit(self, event): """What to do when the 'exit and do not save changes' button is clicked """ self._respreq = [True, "exit_restore"] self.update_infobox(message="Are you sure you want to exit and use the original object traces?", yesno=True)
[docs] def replot(self): """Redraw the entire canvas """ self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.draw_objtraces() self.draw_anchors() self.canvas.draw()
[docs] def draw_objtraces(self): """Draw the object traces """ for i in self.objtraces: i.pop(0).remove() self.objtraces = [] # Plot the object traces allcols = ['DodgerBlue', 'LimeGreen', 'r'] # colors mean: [original, added, deleted] for iobj in range(self._object_traces.nobj): color = allcols[self._object_traces._add_rm[iobj]] if iobj == self._obj_idx: self.objtraces.append(self.axes['main'].plot(self._object_traces._trace_spat[iobj], self._object_traces._trace_spec[iobj], color=color, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, alpha=0.5)) else: self.objtraces.append(self.axes['main'].plot(self._object_traces._trace_spat[iobj], self._object_traces._trace_spec[iobj], color=color, linestyle='--', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5))
[docs] def draw_anchors(self): """Draw the anchors for manual tracing """ for i in self.anchors: i.pop(0).remove() self.anchors = [] # Plot the best fitting trace, if it exists if self._mantrace["spat_trc"] is not None: self.anchors.append(self.axes['main'].plot(self._mantrace["spat_trc"], self._mantrace["spec_trc"], 'g-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5)) # Plot the anchor points on top self.anchors.append(self.axes['main'].plot(self._mantrace["spat_a"], self._mantrace["spec_a"], 'ro', alpha=0.5))
[docs] def draw_profile(self): """Draw the object profile """ if self._obj_idx == -1: sz = self.profile['profile'].get_xdata.size self.profile['profile'].set_ydata(np.zeros(sz)) else: # Plot the extent of the FWHM self.profile['fwhm'][0].set_xdata(-self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx]/2.0) self.profile['fwhm'][1].set_xdata(+self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx]/2.0) # Update the data shown objprof = self.make_objprofile() self.profile['profile'].set_ydata(objprof) self.axes['profile'].set_xlim([-self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx], +self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx]]) omin, omax = objprof.min(), objprof.max() self.axes['profile'].set_ylim([omin-0.1*(omax-omin), omax+0.1*(omax-omin)])
[docs] def draw_callback(self, event): """Draw callback (i.e. everytime the canvas is being drawn/updated) Args: event (`matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_): A matplotlib event instance """ # Get the background self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.axes['main'].bbox) self.draw_objtraces()
[docs] def get_ind_under_point(self, event): """Get the index of the object trace closest to the cursor Args: event (`matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ mindist = self._spatpos.shape[0]**2 self._obj_idx = -1 for iobj in range(self._object_traces.nobj): dist = (event.xdata-self._object_traces._trace_spat[iobj])**2 +\ (event.ydata-self._object_traces._trace_spec[iobj])**2 if np.min(dist) < mindist: mindist = np.min(dist) self._obj_idx = iobj if self._obj_idx != -1: self.draw_profile() return
[docs] def get_axisID(self, event): """Get the ID of the axis where an event has occurred Args: event (`matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event Returns: int, None: Axis where the event has occurred """ if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: return 0 elif event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: return 1 elif event.inaxes == self.axes['profile']: return 2 return None
[docs] def mouse_move_callback(self, event): """Store the locations of mouse as it moves across the canvas """ if event.inaxes is None: return axisID = self.get_axisID(event) if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: self.mmx, self.mmy = event.xdata, event.ydata
[docs] def button_press_callback(self, event): """What to do when the mouse button is pressed Args: event (`matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ if event.inaxes is None: return if self.canvas.toolbar.mode != "": return if event.button == 1: self._addsub = 1 elif event.button == 3: self._addsub = 0 if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: self._start = [event.x, event.y] elif event.inaxes == self.axes['profile']: self._start = [event.x, event.y]
[docs] def button_release_callback(self, event): """What to do when the mouse button is released Args: event (`matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ if event.inaxes is None: return if event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: if (event.xdata > 0.8) and (event.xdata < 0.9): answer = "y" elif event.xdata >= 0.9: answer = "n" else: return self.operations(answer, -1) self.update_infobox(default=True) return elif event.inaxes == self.axes['profile']: if (event.x == self._start[0]) and (event.y == self._start[1]): self.set_fwhm(event.xdata) self.update_infobox(message="FWHM updated for the selected object", yesno=False) return elif self._respreq[0]: # The user is trying to do something before they have responded to a question return if self.canvas.toolbar.mode != "": return # Draw an actor axisID = self.get_axisID(event) if axisID is not None: if axisID <= 2: self._end = [event.x, event.y] if (self._end[0] == self._start[0]) and (self._end[1] == self._start[1]): # The mouse button was pressed (not dragged) self.get_ind_under_point(event) self.update_infobox(message="Object selected", yesno=False) pass elif self._end != self._start: # The mouse button was dragged if axisID == 0: if self._start > self._end: tmp = self._start self._start = self._end self._end = tmp # Now do something pass # Now plot self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.draw_objtraces() self.canvas.draw()
[docs] def key_press_callback(self, event): """What to do when a key is pressed Args: event (`matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ # Check that the event is in an axis... if not event.inaxes: return # ... but not the information box! if event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: return axisID = self.get_axisID(event) self.operations(event.key, axisID)
[docs] def operations(self, key, axisID): """Canvas operations Args: key (str): Which key has been pressed axisID (int): The index of the axis where the key has been pressed (see get_axisID) """ # Check if the user really wants to quit if key == 'q' and self._qconf: if self._changes: self.update_infobox(message="WARNING: There are unsaved changes!!\nPress q again to exit", yesno=False) self._qconf = True else: msgs.bug("Need to change this to kill and return the results to PypeIt") plt.close() elif self._qconf: self.update_infobox(default=True) self._qconf = False # Manage responses from questions posed to the user. if self._respreq[0]: if key != "y" and key != "n": return else: # Switch off the required response self._respreq[0] = False # Deal with the response if self._respreq[1] == "delete_object" and key == "y": self.delete_object() elif self._respreq[1] == "clear_anchors" and key == "y": self.empty_mantrace() self.replot() elif self._respreq[1] == "exit_update" and key == "y": self._use_updates = True self.print_pypeit_info() self.operations("qu", None) elif self._respreq[1] == "exit_restore" and key == "y": self._use_updates = False self.operations("qr", None) else: return # Reset the info box self.update_infobox(default=True) return if key == '?': self.print_help() elif key == 'a': self.add_object() elif key == 'c': if axisID == 0: # If this is pressed on the main window self.recenter() # elif key == 'c': # self._respreq = [True, "clear_anchors"] # self.update_infobox(message="Are you sure you want to clear the anchors", yesno=True) elif key == 'd': if self._obj_idx != -1: self._respreq = [True, "delete_object"] self.update_infobox(message="Are you sure you want to delete this object trace", yesno=True) # elif key == 'm': # if self._trcmthd != 'manual': # self.update_infobox(message="To add an anchor point, set the 'manual' trace method", yesno=False) # else: # self.add_anchor() # elif key == 'n': # self.remove_anchor() elif key == 'qu' or key == 'qr': if self._changes: self.update_infobox(message="WARNING: There are unsaved changes!!\nPress q again to exit", yesno=False) self._qconf = True else: plt.close() # elif key == '+': # if self._mantrace["polyorder"] < 10: # self._mantrace["polyorder"] += 1 # self.update_infobox(message="Polynomial order = {0:d}".format(self._mantrace["polyorder"]), yesno=False) # self.fit_anchors() # else: # self.update_infobox(message="Polynomial order must be <= 10", yesno=False) # elif key == '-': # if self._mantrace["polyorder"] > 1: # self._mantrace["polyorder"] -= 1 # self.update_infobox(message="Polynomial order = {0:d}".format(self._mantrace["polyorder"]), yesno=False) # self.fit_anchors() # else: # self.update_infobox(message="Polynomial order must be >= 1", yesno=False) self.replot()
[docs] def add_anchor(self): """Add a manual anchor point """ self._mantrace['spat_a'].append(self.mmx) self._mantrace['spec_a'].append(self.mmy) self.fit_anchors()
[docs] def remove_anchor(self): """Remove a manual anchor point """ # Find the anchor closest to the mouse position if len(self._mantrace['spat_a']) != 0: mindist = (self._mantrace['spat_a'][0]-self.mmx)**2 + (self._mantrace['spec_a'][0]-self.mmy)**2 minidx = 0 for ianc in range(1, len(self._mantrace['spat_a'])): dist = (self._mantrace['spat_a'][ianc] - self.mmx) ** 2 + (self._mantrace['spec_a'][ianc] - self.mmy) ** 2 if dist < mindist: mindist = dist minidx = ianc del self._mantrace['spat_a'][minidx] del self._mantrace['spec_a'][minidx] self.fit_anchors()
[docs] def fit_anchors(self): """Fit the manual anchor points """ if len(self._mantrace['spat_a']) <= self._mantrace['polyorder']: self.update_infobox(message="You need to select more trace points before manually adding\n" + "a manual object trace. To do this, use the 'm' key", yesno=False) else: # Fit a polynomial to the anchor points coeff = np.polyfit(self._mantrace['spec_a'], self._mantrace['spat_a'], self._mantrace['polyorder']) self._mantrace['spat_trc'] = np.polyval(coeff, self._mantrace['spec_trc']) # Replot, regardless of whether a fit is done (a point might have been added/removed) self.replot()
[docs] def get_slit(self): """Find the slit that the mouse is currently in """ ypos = int(self.mmy) for sl in range(self.left.shape[1]): if (self.mmx > self.left[ypos, sl]) and (self.mmx < self.right[ypos, sl]): self._inslit = sl return
[docs] def add_object(self): if self._trcmthd == 'manual' and len(self._mantrace['spat_a']) <= self._mantrace['polyorder']: self.update_infobox(message="You need to select more trace points before manually adding\n" + "a manual object trace. To do this, use the 'm' key", yesno=False) return # Add an object trace spec_vec = self._mantrace['spec_trc'] if self._trcmthd == 'manual': trace_model = self._mantrace['spat_trc'].copy() # Now empty the manual tracing self.empty_mantrace() else: if self._trcmthd == 'slit': self.get_slit() trace_model = self.trace_models[self._trcmthd]['trace_model'][:,self._inslit].copy() else: trace_model = self.trace_models[self._trcmthd]['trace_model'].copy() spat_0 = np.interp(self.mmy, spec_vec, trace_model) shift = self.mmx - spat_0 trace_model += shift # Determine the FWHM if self._object_traces.nobj != 0: fwhm = self._object_traces._fwhm[0] else: # Otherwise just use the fwhm parameter input to the code (or the default value) fwhm = 2 # Finally, add this object to the list self._object_traces.add_object(self._det, self.mmx, self.mmy, trace_model, self._spectrace.copy(), fwhm)
# TODO: This method must have been defunct because it uses elements of # _trcdict that don't exist (as far as I can tell) and instantiates a # SpecObj from the specobjs module, which hasn't existed for while # # def add_object_sobj(self): # """Add an object to specobjs # """ # if self._trcmthd == 'manual' and len(self._mantrace['spat_a']) <= self._mantrace['polyorder']: # self.update_infobox(message="You need to select more trace points before manually adding\n" + # "a manual object trace. To do this, use the 'm' key", yesno=False) # return # # Add an object trace # spec_vec = self._mantrace['spec_trc'] # if self._trcmthd == 'manual': # trace_model = self._mantrace['spat_trc'].copy() # # Now empty the manual tracing # self.empty_mantrace() # else: # trace_model = self._trcdict["trace_model"][self._trcmthd]["trace_model"].copy() # spat_0 = np.interp(self.mmy, spec_vec, trace_model) # shift = self.mmx - spat_0 # trace_model += shift # xsize = self._trcdict["slit_righ"] - self._trcdict["slit_left"] # nsamp = np.ceil(xsize.max()) # # Extract the SpecObj parameters # par = self._trcdict['sobj_par'] # # Create a SpecObj # thisobj = specobjs.SpecObj(par['frameshape'], par['slit_spat_pos'], par['slit_spec_pos'], # det=par['det'], setup=par['setup'], slitid=par['slitid'], # orderindx=par['orderindx'], objtype=par['objtype']) # thisobj.hand_extract_spat = self.mmx # thisobj.hand_extract_spec = self.mmy # thisobj.hand_extract_det = par['det'] # thisobj.hand_extract_fwhm = None # thisobj.hand_extract_flag = True # f_ximg = RectBivariateSpline(spec_vec, np.arange(self.nspat), par["ximg"]) # thisobj.spat_fracpos = f_ximg(thisobj.hand_extract_spec, thisobj.hand_extract_spat, # grid=False) # interpolate from ximg # thisobj.smash_peakflux = np.interp(thisobj.spat_fracpos * nsamp, np.arange(nsamp), # self._trcdict['profile']) # interpolate from fluxconv # # assign the trace # thisobj.trace_spat = trace_model # thisobj.trace_spec = spec_vec # thisobj.spat_pixpos = thisobj.trace_spat[self.nspec//2] # thisobj.set_idx() # if self._object_traces.nobj != 0: # thisobj.fwhm = self._object_traces._fwhm[0] # else: # Otherwise just use the fwhm parameter input to the code (or the default value) # thisobj.fwhm = 2 # # Finally, add new object # self.specobjs.add_sobj(thisobj)
[docs] def delete_object(self): """Delete an object trace """ self._object_traces.delete_object(self._obj_idx) self._obj_idx = -1 self.replot()
[docs] def delete_object_sobj(self): """Delete a specobj """ self.specobjs.remove_sobj(self._obj_idx) self._obj_idx = -1
[docs] def print_pypeit_info(self): """print text that the user should insert into their .pypeit file """ if 1 in self._object_traces._add_rm:"Include the following info in the manual_extract column in your .pypeit file:\n") print(self._object_traces.get_pypeit_string())
[docs] def recenter(self): xlim = self.axes['main'].get_xlim() ylim = self.axes['main'].get_ylim() xmin = self.mmx - 0.5*(xlim[1]-xlim[0]) xmax = self.mmx + 0.5*(xlim[1]-xlim[0]) ymin = self.mmy - 0.5*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]) ymax = self.mmy + 0.5*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]) self.axes['main'].set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) self.axes['main'].set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
[docs] def make_objprofile(self): """Generate an object profile from the traces """ coords = self._spatpos - self._object_traces._trace_spat[self._obj_idx][:, np.newaxis] ww = np.where(np.abs(coords) < 4*self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx]) bincent = self.profile['profile'].get_xdata() offs = 0.5*(bincent[1]-bincent[0]) edges = np.append(bincent[0]-offs, bincent+offs) prof, _ = np.histogram(coords[ww], bins=edges, weights=self.frame[ww]) return prof/ww[0].size
[docs] def set_fwhm(self, xdata): """Set the FWHM using the available panel Args: xdata (float): The x coordinate selected by the user """ self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx] = 2.0*np.abs(xdata) self.draw_profile() self.replot() return
[docs] def get_specobjs(self): """Get the updated version of SpecObjs Returns: SpecObjs: SpecObjs Class """ if self._use_updates:"Have not updated SpecObjs yet") return self.specobjs else: return None
[docs] def update_infobox(self, message="Press '?' to list the available options", yesno=True, default=False): """Send a new message to the information window at the top of the canvas Args: message (str): Message to be displayed """ self.axes['info'].clear() if default: self.axes['info'].text(0.5, 0.5, "Press '?' to list the available options", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.canvas.draw() return # Display the message self.axes['info'].text(0.5, 0.5, message, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') if yesno: self.axes['info'].fill_between([0.8, 0.9], 0, 1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.5, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes) self.axes['info'].fill_between([0.9, 1.0], 0, 1, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes) self.axes['info'].text(0.85, 0.5, "YES", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.axes['info'].text(0.95, 0.5, "NO", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.axes['info'].set_xlim((0, 1)) self.axes['info'].set_ylim((0, 1)) self.canvas.draw()
[docs] def empty_mantrace(self): """Generate an empty dictionary for the manual tracing """ self._mantrace = dict(spat_a=[], spec_a=[], spat_trc=None, spec_trc=np.arange(self.nspec), polyorder=0) return
[docs] def initialise(det, frame, left, right, obj_trace, trace_models, sobjs, slit_ids=None, runtime=False, printout=False): """ Initialise the 'ObjFindGUI' window for interactive object tracing Args: det (int): 1-indexed detector number frame (`numpy.ndarray`_): Sky subtracted science image left (`numpy.ndarray`_): Slit left edges right (`numpy.ndarray`_): Slit right edges obj_trace (dict): Result of :func:`pypeit.scripts.object_finding.parse_traces`. trace_models (dict): Dictionary with the object, standard star, and slit trace models sobjs (SpecObjs, None): SpecObjs Class det (int): Detector index slit_ids (list, None): List of slit ID numbers runtime (bool): Is this GUI being launched during a data reduction? printout (bool): Should the results be printed to screen Returns: :class:`ObjFindGUI`: Returns an instance of the ObjFindGUI class """ # This allows the input lord and rord to either be (nspec, nslit) arrays or a single # vectors of size (nspec) if left.ndim == 2: nslit = left.shape[1] _left = left.copy() _right = right.copy() else: nslit = 1 _left = left.reshape(-1,1) _right = right.reshape(-1,1) # TODO: This edits the input array! if trace_models['slit']['trace_model'].ndim == 1: trace_models['slit']['trace_model'] = trace_models['slit']['trace_model'].reshape(-1,1) # Assign the slit IDs if none were provided if slit_ids is None: slit_ids = [str(slit) for slit in np.arange(nslit)] # Determine the scale of the image med = np.median(frame) mad = np.median(np.abs(frame-med)) vmin = med-3*mad vmax = med+3*mad # Add the main figure axis fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 9), facecolor="white") plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05, top=0.85, left=0.05, right=0.8) image = ax.imshow(frame, aspect='auto', cmap = 'Greys', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # Overplot the slit traces specarr = np.arange(_left.shape[0]) for sl in range(nslit): ax.plot(_left[:, sl], specarr, 'g-') ax.plot(_right[:, sl], specarr, 'b-') # Add an object profile axis axprof = fig.add_axes([0.82, 0.05, .15, 0.30]) profx = np.arange(-10, 10.1, 0.1) profy = np.zeros(profx.size) profile = axprof.plot(profx, profy, 'k-') vlinel = axprof.axvline(-1, color='r') vliner = axprof.axvline(+1, color='r') axprof.set_title("Object profile") axprof.set_xlim((-3, 3)) axprof.set_ylim((0, 1)) axprof.set_yticks([]) # Add an information GUI axis axinfo = fig.add_axes([0.15, .92, .7, 0.07]) axinfo.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axinfo.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axinfo.text(0.5, 0.5, "Press '?' to list the available options", transform=axinfo.transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') axinfo.set_xlim((0, 1)) axinfo.set_ylim((0, 1)) axes = dict(main=ax, profile=axprof, info=axinfo) profdict = dict(profile=profile[0], fwhm=[vlinel, vliner]) # Initialise the object finding window and display to screen fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('PypeIt - Object Tracing') ofgui = ObjFindGUI(fig.canvas, image, frame, det, sobjs, _left, _right, obj_trace, trace_models, axes, profdict, slit_ids=slit_ids, printout=printout, runtime=runtime) return ofgui