Source code for pypeit.core.gui.gui_util

GUI utilities

.. include:: ../include/links.rst

import warnings

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot, widgets

[docs] class Pointer(widgets.AxesWidget): """ A pointer widget Args: ax (matplotlib.image.AxesImage): Returned object after running ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`` plotting an image to point within. kwargs (dict): Passed directly to ``matplotlib.widgets.Cursor``. """ def __init__(self, ax, **kwargs): super().__init__(ax) if 'name' in kwargs: = kwargs['name'] kwargs.pop('name') else: = None self.cursor = widgets.Cursor(ax, useblit=True, **kwargs) self.connect_event('button_press_event', self._button_update) self.connect_event('button_release_event', self._button_update) self.connect_event('key_press_event', self._key_update) self.connect_event('key_release_event', self._key_update) self.observers = {} self.observers_descr = {} self.drag_active = False self.pos = None self.action = None
[docs] def _event_update(self, event, event_type): """ Update the pointer position Args: event (`matplotlib.backend_bases.Event`_): Key (or mouse) or button event instance. event_type (:obj:`str`): Type of event. Must be 'key' or 'button'. """ if self.ignore(event): return if event_type not in ['button', 'key']: raise ValueError(f'Event type must be button or key, not {event_type}.') if == f'{event_type}_press_event' and event.inaxes is self.drag_active = True event.canvas.grab_mouse( if not self.drag_active: return if == f'{event_type}_release_event' \ or ( == f'{event_type}_press_event' and event.inaxes is not self.drag_active = False event.canvas.release_mouse( return self._set_event(getattr(event, event_type), event.xdata, event.ydata)
[docs] def _button_update(self, event): """Execute an event created by a button press.""" self._event_update(event, 'button')
[docs] def _key_update(self, event): """Execute an event created by a key or mouse press.""" self._event_update(event, 'key')
[docs] def _set_event(self, action, x, y): """ Execute an event. Args: action (:obj:`str`): The keyword for the event action to perform x (:obj:`float`): X position in the pyplot window where the event took place y (:obj:`float`): Y position in the pyplot window where the event took place """ self.action = action self.pos = (x, y) if not self.eventson: return if self.action not in self.observers: print(f'No action: {action} ({}, {x}, {y})') return self.observers[self.action](self.pos)
[docs] def register(self, action, func, descr=None): """ Register a function to associate with a specific button or key press. *All* functions must have the same calling sequence (see :func:`_set_event`), which is that they only accept a tuple with the coordinates of the cursor when the event occurred. Args: action (:obj:`str`): The keyword for the event action to perform func (callable): The function to call when the corresponding event is triggered descr (:obj:`str`, optional): The description of the action being taken. Used to build a help dialog. """ self.observers[action] = func self.observers_descr[action] = descr
[docs] def disconnect(self, action): """ Remove the action from the register. Args: action (:obj:`str`): The keyword for the event action to remove """ try: del self.observers[action] except KeyError: pass try: del self.observers_descr[action] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def build_help(self): """ Register the help dialog. Any action already assigned to the '?' key will be removed! """ if '?' in self.observers: warnings.warn('Help key (?) is already registered and will be overwritten') self.disconnect('?') self.register('?', self.print_help, descr='Print this list of key bindings')
[docs] def print_help(self, pos): """ Print the help dialog. This is an event call-back function that must accept an array-like object giving the pointer coordinates. Args: pos (array-like): List with x and y position of the cursor at the time of the window event. """ print('-'*50) print('Key bindings') for action in self.observers.keys(): descr = 'No description given' if self.observers_descr[action] is None \ else self.observers_descr[action] print(f' {action}: {descr}') print('-'*50)
[docs] class UpdateableRangeSlider(widgets.RangeSlider): """ A range slider. This is virtually identical to the base class, but with a few customizations regarding where labels are placed (or removed). See `matplotlib.widgets.RangeSlider`_ for the argument descriptions. """ def __init__(self, ax, label, valmin, valmax, valinit=None, valfmt=None, closedmin=True, closedmax=True, dragging=True, valstep=None, orientation="horizontal", track_color='lightgrey', handle_style=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(ax, label, valmin, valmax, valinit=valinit, valfmt=valfmt, closedmin=closedmin, closedmax=closedmax, dragging=dragging, valstep=valstep, orientation=orientation, track_color=track_color, handle_style=handle_style, **kwargs) self.label.set_position((0.5, 0.8)) self.label.set_verticalalignment('bottom') self.label.set_horizontalalignment('center') self.label.set_weight('bold') # "Removes" the labels showing the current range self.valtext.set_visible(False)
[docs] def update_range(self, rng, label=None): """ Update the slider to cover a different range. Args: rng (array-like): Two-element array like object setting the new limits for the slider. label (:obj:`str`, optional): New label for the updated slider. If None, the label remains unchanged. """ self._active_handle = None xy = self.poly.get_xy() xy[:,0] = np.roll(np.repeat(rng, 3)[:-1],-1) self.poly.set_xy(xy) self.valmin, self.valmax = rng self.valinit = np.array(rng) self._handles[0].set_xdata(np.array([rng[0]])) self._handles[1].set_xdata(np.array([rng[1]])) if label is not None: self.label.set_text(label) self.set_val(rng)
[docs] class UpdateableImage: """ Provides an interface to change the Z range of an image and toggle between a set of images. Args: images (`numpy.ndarray`_, :obj:`list`): One or more images to plot. The images should have the same shape. image_plot (`matplotlib.image.AxesImage`_): Object returned by `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`_. slider (:class:`UpdateableRangeSlider`): Slider used to adjust the image plot limits. """ def __init__(self, images, image_plot, slider): self.showing = 0 self.images = images if isinstance(images, list) else [images] self.nimages = len(self.images) self.image_plot = image_plot self.slider = slider self.slider.on_changed(self.change_range)
[docs] def change_range(self, val): """ Adjust the plotted range. Args: val (:obj:`list`): New range to plot """ self.image_plot.set_clim(*val) pyplot.draw()
[docs] def next_image(self, *args): """ Got to the next image in the list. All arguments to this function are accepted but ignored. The reason is because this is the function passed to `matplotlib.widgets.Button.on_clicked`_, but this function does not need any of the input from the ``Button`` event. """ self.showing += 1 if self.showing >= self.nimages: self.showing = 0 self.image_plot.set_data(self.images[self.showing]) rng = [np.amin(self.images[self.showing]), np.amax(self.images[self.showing])] self.slider.update_range(rng) self.change_range(rng)
[docs] def clean_pyplot_keymap(): """ Remove all default key bindings for a matplotlib plot window. """ for key in pyplot.rcParams.keys(): if 'keymap' in key: pyplot.rcParams[key] = []