Source code for pypeit.core.fitting

""" Module for fitting codes

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

# TODO -- Consider moving the Object out of core

import numpy as np
import inspect
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from pypeit.core import pydl
from pypeit import bspline
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.datamodel import DataContainer

from IPython import embed

[docs] class PypeItFit(DataContainer): """ General fitting class used by PypeIt. The datamodel attributes are: .. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_pypeitfit.rst When written to an output-file HDU, all `numpy.ndarray`_ elements are bundled into an ``_, and the other elements are written as header keywords. Any datamodel elements that are None are *not* included in the output. """ # Set the version of this class version = '1.0.0' datamodel = {'xval': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='x inputs'), 'yval': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='y inputs'), 'order': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.integer, descr='The order of the polynomial to be used in the fitting. ' 'This is a 2d array for 2d fits'), 'x2': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='x2 inputs, second independent variable'), 'weights': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='Weights. Often the same as invvar'), 'fitc': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='Fit coefficients'), 'fitcov': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='Covariance of the coefficients'), # TODO: Can we make this boolean? 'gpm': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.integer, descr='Mask (1=good)'), 'success': dict(otype=int, descr='Flag indicating whether fit was successful (success=1) ' 'or if it failed (success=0)'), 'func': dict(otype=str, descr='Fit function (polynomial, legendre, chebyshev, polynomial2d,' ' legendre2d)'), 'minx': dict(otype=float, descr='minimum value in the array (or the left limit for a ' 'legendre / chebyshev polynomial)'), 'maxx': dict(otype=float, descr='maximum value in the array (or the right limit for a ' 'legendre / chebyshev polynomial)'), 'minx2': dict(otype=float, descr='Same as minx for the second independent variable x2'), 'maxx2': dict(otype=float, descr='Same as maxx for the second independent variable x2')} # This needs to contain all datamodel items # TODO: It depends on how you use it, but the above statement isn't # strictly true; see, e.g., TracePCA as one example. def __init__(self, xval=None, yval=None, order=None, x2=None, weights=None, fitc=None, fitcov=None, func=None, minx=None, maxx=None, minx2=None, maxx2=None, gpm=None, success=None): # Setup the DataContainer args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) _d = {k: values[k] for k in args[1:]} # Init super(PypeItFit, self).__init__(d=_d)
[docs] def _bundle(self, ext='PYPEITFIT'): """ Bundle the data in preparation for writing to a fits file. See :func:`pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer._bundle`. Data is always written to a 'PYPEITFIT' extension. """ return super(PypeItFit, self)._bundle(ext=ext)
[docs] def to_hdu(self, **kwargs): """ Over-ride :func:`pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer.to_hdu` to force to a BinTableHDU See that func for Args and Returns """ if 'force_to_bintbl' in kwargs and not kwargs['force_to_bintbl']: msgs.warn('PypeItFits objects must always be forced to a BinaryTableHDU for writing.') kwargs['force_to_bintbl'] = True return super(PypeItFit, self).to_hdu(**kwargs)
@property def bool_gpm(self): """ Generate a bool version of gpm which is int for I/O Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_ or None: bool version of self.gpm or None """ return self.gpm.astype(bool) if self.gpm is not None else None
[docs] def fit(self): """ Perform the fit, either in 1D or 2D depending on the data and model. Returns: int: Flag indicating whether fit was successful (1) or if it failed (0) """ # Init self.fitcov = None # If the user provided an gpm apply it. The logic below of evaluating the fit only at the non-masked # pixels is preferable to the other approach of simply setting the weights to zero. The reason for that is that # the fits use a least-square optimization approach using matrix algebra, and lots of zero weights are # 1) more costly, and 2) will not produce exactly the same result (due to roundoff error) as actually # removing the locations you want to mask. # This block ensures sensible zero coefficient outputs are returned if the fits was successful if self.bool_gpm is not None and not np.any(self.bool_gpm): if self.func == "gaussian": self.fitc = np.zeros(self.order[0]).astype(float) elif '2d' in self.func: self.fitc = np.zeros(self.order[0] + 1, self.order[1] + 1).astype(float) else: self.fitc = np.zeros(self.order[0] + 1).astype(float) msgs.warn('Input gpm is masked everywhere. Fit is probably probelmatic') self.success = 0 return self.success if self.bool_gpm is not None: x_out = self.xval[self.bool_gpm] y_out = self.yval[self.bool_gpm] if self.x2 is not None: x2_out = self.x2[self.bool_gpm] else: x2_out = None if self.weights is not None: w_out = self.weights[self.bool_gpm] else: w_out = None else: x_out = self.xval y_out = self.yval if self.x2 is not None: x2_out = self.x2 else: x2_out = None if self.weights is not None: w_out = self.weights else: w_out = None # For two-d fits x = x, y = x2, y = z if ('2d' in self.func) and (x2_out is not None): # Is this a 2d fit? self.fitc, self.minx, self.maxx, self.minx2, self.maxx2 = polyfit2d_general( x_out, x2_out, y_out, self.order, w=w_out, function=self.func[:-2], minx=self.minx, maxx=self.maxx, miny=self.minx2, maxy=self.maxx2) elif self.func == "polynomial": self.fitc = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit( x_out, y_out, self.order[0], w=np.sqrt(w_out) if w_out is not None else None) # numpy convention elif self.func == "legendre" or self.func == "chebyshev": xv, self.minx, self.maxx = scale_minmax(x_out, minx=self.minx, maxx=self.maxx) self.fitc = np.polynomial.legendre.legfit(xv, y_out, self.order[0], w=np.sqrt(w_out) if w_out is not None else None) \ if self.func == "legendre" else np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebfit( xv, y_out, self.order[0], w=np.sqrt(w_out) if w_out is not None else None) # numpy convention else: msgs.error("Fitting function '{0:s}' is not implemented yet" + msgs.newline() + "Please choose from 'polynomial', 'legendre', 'chebyshev','polynomial2d', 'legendre2d'") self.success = 1 return self.success
[docs] def eval(self, x, x2=None): """ Return the evaluated fit at locations x (and x2, if 2D) Args: x (`numpy.ndarray`_): x2 (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): For 2D fits Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: """ return evaluate_fit(self.fitc, self.func, x, x2=x2, minx=self.minx, maxx=self.maxx, minx2=self.minx2, maxx2=self.maxx2)
[docs] def calc_fit_rms(self, apply_mask=True, x2=None): """ Simple RMS calculation for the fit on the data. Args: apply_mask (bool, optional): If true, apply mask to data before calculating RMS. x2 (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): x locations for 2D fits Returns: float: Root mean square """ msk = self.bool_gpm if self.weights is None: weights = np.ones(self.xval.size) else: weights = self.weights if apply_mask: xval = self.xval[msk] yval = self.yval[msk] weights = weights[msk] x2_val = x2[msk] if x2 is not None else None else: xval = self.xval.copy() yval = self.yval.copy() x2_val = x2 # Normalise weights /= np.sum(weights) values = self.eval(xval, x2=x2_val) # RMS return np.sqrt(np.sum(weights * (yval - values) ** 2))
[docs] def evaluate_fit(fitc, func, x, x2=None, minx=None, maxx=None, minx2=None, maxx2=None): """ Return the evaluated fit at the x locations Args: fitc (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fit coefficients func (str): Name of the functional form to fit x (`numpy.ndarray`_): x locations for the evaluation x2 (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): x2 locations for 2D fits minx (float, optional): Minimum x value for the fit used to normalise the x values maxx (float, optional): Maximum x value for the fit used to normalise the x values minx2 (float, optional): Minimum x value for the fit used to normalise the x2 values maxx2 (float, optional): Maximum x value for the fit used to normalise the x2 values Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Evaluated fit at the x (and x2) locations """ if func is None: return None # For two-d fits x = x, y = x2, y = z if ('2d' in func) and (x2 is not None): # Is this a 2d fit? if func[:-2] == "polynomial": return np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval2d(x, x2, fitc) elif func[:-2] in ["legendre", "chebyshev"]: # Scale x-direction xv, _, _ = scale_minmax(x, minx=minx, maxx=maxx) # Scale x2-direction x2v, _, _ = scale_minmax(x2, minx=minx2, maxx=maxx2) return (np.polynomial.legendre.legval2d(xv, x2v, fitc) if func[:-2] == "legendre" else np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebval2d(xv, x2v, fitc)) else: msgs.error("Function {0:s} has not yet been implemented for 2d fits".format(func)) # TODO: Why is this return here? The code will never reach this point # because of the if/elif/else above. What should the behavior be, raise # an exception or return None? return None elif func == "polynomial": return np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(x, fitc) elif func == "legendre" or func == "chebyshev": xv, _, _ = scale_minmax(x, minx=minx, maxx=maxx) return (np.polynomial.legendre.legval(xv, fitc) if func == "legendre" else np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebval(xv, fitc)) else: msgs.error("Fitting function '{0:s}' is not implemented yet" + msgs.newline() + "Please choose from 'polynomial', 'legendre', 'chebyshev', 'polynomial2d', 'legendre2d', 'chebyshev2d'")
[docs] def robust_fit(xarray, yarray, order, x2=None, function='polynomial', minx=None, maxx=None, minx2=None, maxx2=None, maxiter=10, in_gpm=None, weights=None, invvar=None, lower=None, upper=None, maxdev=None, maxrej=None, groupdim=None, groupsize=None, groupbadpix=False, grow=0, sticky=True, use_mad=True, verbose=True): """ A robust fit is performed to the xarray, yarray pairs ``mask[i] = 1`` are good values, if provided. The underlying method(s) are the numpy fitting routines, e.g. polyfit, legfit. Args: xarray (`numpy.ndarray`_): independent variable values yarray (`numpy.ndarray`_): dependent variable values order (:obj:`int` or numpy.ndarray`_): the order of the polynomial to be used in the fitting. This is an integer for 1d fits and must be a tuple or 2d array for 2d fits (i.e. using x2 as the second independent variable). x2 (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Do a 2d fit? This is the second independent variable for 2d fits. function (str): which function should be used in the fitting. (valid inputs are: 'polynomial', 'legendre', 'chebyshev', 'polynomial2d', 'legendre2d') minx (float, optional): minimum value in the array (or the left limit for a legendre/chebyshev polynomial) maxx (float, optional): maximum value in the array (or the right limit for a legendre/chebyshev polynomial) minx2 (float, optional): Same as minx for second independent variable x2. maxx2 (float, optional): Same as maxx for second independent variable x2. maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of rejection iterations, default 10. Set this to zero to disable rejection and simply do a fit. in_gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Input mask. Bad points are marked with a value that evaluates to ``False``. Must have the same number of dimensions as ``data``. Points masked as bad "False" in the inmask will also always evaluate to "False" in the outmask. invvar (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Inverse variance of the data, used to reject points based on the values of `upper` and `lower`. This can either be a single float for the entire yarray or a ndarray with the same shape as the yarray. weights (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): shape same as xarray and yarray If input the code will do a weighted fit. If not input, the code will use invvar as the weights. If both invvar and weights are input. The fit will be done with weights, but the rejection will be based on:: chi = (data-model) * np.sqrt(invvar) lower (:obj:`int` or :obj:`float`, optional): If set, reject points with ``data < model - lower * sigma``, where ``sigma = 1.0/sqrt(invvar)``. upper (:obj:`int` or :obj:`float`, optional): If set, reject points with ``data > model + upper * sigma``, where ``sigma = 1.0/sqrt(invvar)``. maxdev (:obj:`int` or :obj:`float`, optional): If set, reject points with ``abs(data-model) > maxdev``. It is permitted to set all three of `lower`, `upper` and `maxdev`. maxrej (:obj:`int`, :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional): Maximum number of points to reject in this iteration. If `groupsize` or `groupdim` are set to arrays, this should be an array as well. groupdim (:obj:`int`, optional): Dimension along which to group the data; set to 1 to group along the 1st dimension, 2 for the 2nd dimension, etc. If data has shape ``[100,200]``, then setting ``GROUPDIM=2`` is equivalent to grouping the data with ``groupsize=100``. In either case, there are 200 groups, specified by ``[*,i]``. NOT WELL TESTED IN PYTHON! groupsize (:obj:`int`, optional): If this and maxrej are set, then reject a maximum of maxrej points per group of groupsize points. If groupdim is also set, then this specifies sub-groups within that. NOT WELL TESTED IN PYTHON!! groupbadpix (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, consecutive sets of bad pixels are considered groups, overriding the values of `groupsize`. grow (:obj:`int`, optional, default = 0): If set to a non-zero integer, N, the N nearest neighbors of rejected pixels will also be rejected. sticky (:obj:`bool`, optional, default is True): If set to ``True``, pixels rejected in one iteration remain rejected in subsequent iterations, even if the model changes. If use_mad (:obj:`bool`, optional, default = False): It set to ``True``, compute the median of the maximum absolute deviation between the data and use this for the rejection instead of the default which is to compute the standard deviation of the yarray - modelfit. Note that it is not possible to specify use_mad=True and also pass in values invvar, and the code will return an error if this is done. Returns: PypeItFit or None: Object containing the inputs to the fit and the fit itself """ # Setup the initial mask if in_gpm is None: in_gpm = np.ones(xarray.size, dtype=bool) if weights is None: if invvar is not None: weights = np.copy(invvar) else: weights = np.ones(xarray.size, dtype=float) # Iterate, and mask out new values on each iteration iIter = 0 qdone = False this_gpm = np.copy(in_gpm) #mskcnt = np.sum(this_gpm) #pypeitFit = None while (not qdone) and (iIter < maxiter): if np.sum(this_gpm) <= np.sum(order) + 1: msgs.warn("More parameters than data points - fit might be undesirable") if not np.any(this_gpm): msgs.warn("All points were masked. Returning current fit and masking all points. Fit is likely undesirable") pypeitFit = PypeItFit(xval=xarray.astype(float), yval=yarray.astype(float), func=function, order=np.atleast_1d(order), x2=x2.astype(float) if x2 is not None else x2, weights=weights.astype(float), gpm=this_gpm.astype(int), minx=float(minx) if minx is not None else minx, maxx=float(maxx) if maxx is not None else maxx, minx2=float(minx2) if minx2 is not None else minx2, maxx2=float(maxx2) if maxx2 is not None else maxx2) ymodel = pypeitFit.eval(xarray, x2=x2) # TODO Add nrej and nrej_tot as in robust_optimize below? this_gpm, qdone = pydl.djs_reject(yarray, ymodel, outmask=this_gpm, inmask=in_gpm, invvar=invvar, lower=lower, upper=upper, maxdev=maxdev, maxrej=maxrej, groupdim=groupdim, groupsize=groupsize, groupbadpix=groupbadpix, grow=grow, use_mad=use_mad, sticky=sticky) # Update the iteration iIter += 1 if (iIter == maxiter) & (maxiter != 0) & verbose: msgs.warn(f'Maximum number of iterations maxiter={maxiter} reached in robust_polyfit_djs') # Do the final fit pypeitFit = PypeItFit(xval=xarray.astype(float), yval=yarray.astype(float), func=function, order=np.atleast_1d(order), x2=x2.astype(float) if x2 is not None else x2, weights=weights.astype(float), gpm=this_gpm.astype(int), minx=float(minx) if minx is not None else minx, maxx=float(maxx) if maxx is not None else maxx, minx2=float(minx2) if minx2 is not None else minx2, maxx2=float(maxx2) if maxx2 is not None else maxx2) # Return return pypeitFit
[docs] def robust_optimize(ydata, fitfunc, arg_dict, maxiter=10, inmask=None, invvar=None, lower=None, upper=None, maxdev=None, maxrej=None, groupdim=None, groupsize=None, groupbadpix=False, grow=0, sticky=True, use_mad=False, verbose=False, **kwargs_optimizer): """ A routine to perform robust optimization. It is completely analogous to :func:`robust_fit`, but is more general in that it allows one to fit a more general model using the optimizer of the users choice. If you are fitting simple functions like Chebyshev or Legednre polynomials using a linear least-squares algorithm, you should use :func:`robust_fit` instead of this function. Args: ydata (`numpy.ndarray`_): Data to fit. fitfunc (callable): The callable object used to perform the fitting. The calling sequence must be:: ret_tuple = fitfunc(ydata, inmask, arg_dict, **kwargs_optimizer) See the descriptions of `ydata`, `inmask`, `arg_dict`, and `kwargs_optimizer`. The returned object ret_tuple that can have two or three elements. If it has two elements (result, ymodel): - `result`: Object returned by the specific scipy.optimize method used to perform the fit. - `ymodel`: A `numpy.ndarray` with the model fit to `ydata` and with the same shape. If it has three elements (result, ymodel, newivar): - `newivar`: new inverse variance for the ydata ymodel comparison, in other words chi = (ydata - ymodel)*np.sqrt(newivar). This functionality allows one to deal with cases where the noise of the data-model comaprison is model dependent. arg_dict (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary containing the other variables needed to evaluate the model fit. maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of rejection iterations. Set this to zero to disable rejection and simply do a fit. inmask (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Input mask. Bad points are marked with a value that evaluates to `False`. Must have the same number of dimensions as `ydata`. Points masked as `False` in `inmask` will also always evaluate to `False` in the output mask. invvar (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Inverse variance of the data, used to reject points based on the values of `upper` and `lower`. This can either be a single float for the entire yarray or a ndarray with the same shape as the yarray. lower (:obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, optional): If set, reject points with ``data < model - lower * sigma``, where ``sigma = 1/sqrt(invvar)`` upper (:obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, optional): If set, reject points with ``data > model + upper * sigma``, where ``sigma = 1/sqrt(invvar)``. maxdev (:obj:`int` or :obj:`float`, optional): If set, reject points with ``abs(data-model) > maxdev``. It is permitted to set all three of `lower`, `upper` and `maxdev`. maxrej (:obj:`int`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Maximum number of points to reject in this iteration. If `groupsize` or `groupdim` are set to arrays, this should be an array, as well. groupdim (:obj:`int`, optional): Dimension along which to group the data. Set to 1 to group along the 1st dimension, 2 for the 2nd dimension, etc. For example, if data has shape [100,200], then setting `groupdim=2` is equivalent to grouping the data with `groupsize=100`. In either case, there are 200 groups, specified by `[*,i]`. This functionality is **not well tested in python**! groupsize (:obj:`int`, optional): If this and `maxrej` are set, then reject a maximum of `maxrej` points per group of `groupsize` points. If `groupdim` is also set, then this specifies sub-groups within that. This functionality is **not well tested in python**! groupbadpix (:obj:`bool`, optional): If `True`, consecutive sets of bad pixels are considered groups, overriding the values of `groupsize`. grow (:obj:`int`, optional): If set to a non-zero integer, N, the N nearest neighbors of rejected pixels will also be rejected. sticky (:obj:`bool`, optional): If `True`, pixels rejected in one iteration remain rejected in subsequent iterations, even if the model changes. use_mad (:obj:`bool`, optional): It `True`, compute the median of the maximum absolute deviation between the data and use this for the rejection instead of the default, which is to compute the standard deviation of `ydata - modelfit`. Note that it is not possible to specify `use_mad=True` and also pass in a value for `invvar`, and the code will return an error if this is done. **kwargs_optimizer: Optional parameters passed to the optimizer. Returns: tuple: - The object returned by the `scipy.optimize` function used by the fitter. See `fitfunc`. - A `numpy.ndarray`_ with the model value fit to `ydata` and has its same shape. - Boolean `numpy.ndarray`_ with the same shape as data indicating which pixels were masked in the final fit. Convention is that `True` are good values where `False` indicates bad values. """ # Setup the initial mask if inmask is None: inmask = np.ones(ydata.size, dtype=bool) nin_good = np.sum(inmask) iIter = 0 qdone = False thismask = np.copy(inmask) # If init_from_last is not None, the fitfunc will initialize from the previous iteration's fit, which # results in signficant speedup for e.g. differential_evolution optimization. Thus # init_from_last is None on the first iteration and then is updated in the iteration loop. init_from_last = None while (not qdone) and (iIter < maxiter): ret_tuple = fitfunc(ydata, thismask, arg_dict, init_from_last=init_from_last, **kwargs_optimizer) if (len(ret_tuple) == 2): result, ymodel = ret_tuple invvar_use = invvar elif (len(ret_tuple) == 3): result, ymodel, invvar_use = ret_tuple else: msgs.error('Invalid return value from fitfunc') # Update the init_from_last = result thismask_iter = thismask.copy() thismask, qdone = pydl.djs_reject(ydata, ymodel, outmask=thismask, inmask=inmask, invvar=invvar_use, lower=lower, upper=upper, maxdev=maxdev, maxrej=maxrej, groupdim=groupdim, groupsize=groupsize, groupbadpix=groupbadpix, grow=grow, use_mad=use_mad, sticky=sticky) nrej = np.sum(thismask_iter & np.invert(thismask)) nrej_tot = np.sum(inmask & np.invert(thismask)) if verbose: 'Iteration #{:d}: nrej={:d} new rejections, nrej_tot={:d} total rejections out of ntot={:d} ' 'total pixels'.format(iter, nrej, nrej_tot, nin_good)) iIter += 1 if (iIter == maxiter) & (maxiter != 0): msgs.warn('Maximum number of iterations maxiter={:}'.format(maxiter) + ' reached in robust_optimize') outmask = np.copy(thismask) if np.sum(outmask) == 0: msgs.warn('All points were rejected!!! The fits will be zero everywhere.') # Perform a final fit using the final outmask if new pixels were rejected on the last iteration if qdone is False: ret_tuple = fitfunc(ydata, outmask, arg_dict, init_from_last=init_from_last, **kwargs_optimizer) return ret_tuple + (outmask,)
#return result, ymodel, outmask
[docs] def scale_minmax(x, minx=None, maxx=None): """ Scale in the input array Args: x (`numpy.ndarray`_): x values to be scaled minx (float, optional): Minimum value for scaling maxx (float, optional): Maximum value for scaling Returns: tuple: - the scaled x-values in a `numpy.ndarray`_ - xmin as a float - xmax as a float """ xmin = (-1.0 if np.size(x)==1 else np.min(x)) if minx is None else minx xmax = ( 1.0 if np.size(x)==1 else np.max(x)) if maxx is None else maxx xv = 2.0 * (x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) - 1.0 return xv, xmin, xmax
[docs] def moffat(x,p0,p1,p2): """ Moffat profile This 3 parameter formulation assumes the trace is known Args: x (float or `numpy.ndarray`_): x values p0 (float): Amplitude p1 (float): Width scaling p2 : float Returns: float or `numpy.ndarray`_: Evaluated Moffat """ return p0 / (1+(x/p1)**2)**p2
[docs] def fit_gauss(x_out, y_out, guesses=None, w_out=None, nparam=3, maxfev=0): """ Fit a 3 or 4 parameter gaussian Args: x_out (`numpy.ndarray`_): x values to be fit y_out (`numpy.ndarray`_): y values to be fit guesses (tuple, optional): ampl, cent, sigma, [floor] guesses for the Gaussian; each as floats w_out (`numpy.ndarray_`): Weights. 1./sqrt(ivar) is expected nparam (int, optional): Number of parameters in the Gaussian Only options are 3 or 4 where the latter includes a floor in the fit. maxfev (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of function evaluations. Passed directly to `scipy.optimize.curve_fit`_. Note that setting ``maxfev`` to 0 uses the default value set by `scipy.optimize.leastsq`_. Returns: tuple: Fit coefficients, fit covariance from numpy's curve_fit """ if guesses is None: ampl, cent, sigma, floor = guess_gauss(x_out, y_out) else: ampl, cent, sigma, floor = guesses # Error if w_out is not None: sig_y = 1. / w_out else: sig_y = None # 3 param values p0=[ampl, cent, sigma] func = gauss_3deg if nparam == 4: p0 = [floor] + p0 func = gauss_4deg return curve_fit(func, x_out, y_out, p0=p0, sigma=sig_y, maxfev=maxfev)
[docs] def gauss_3deg(x,ampl,cent,sigm): """ Generate a simple 3-parameter Gaussian Args: x (float or `numpy.ndarray`_): x values ampl (float): Amplitude cent (float): Centroid sigm (float): sigma Returns: float or `numpy.ndarray`_: Evaluated Gausssian """ return ampl*np.exp(-1.*(cent-x)**2/2/sigm**2)
[docs] def gauss_4deg(x,b, ampl,cent,sigm): """ Generate a simple 4-parameter Gaussian Args: x (float or `numpy.ndarray`_): x values b (float): Floor ampl (float): Amplitude cent (float): Centroid sigm (float): sigma Returns: float or `numpy.ndarray`_: Evaluated Gausssian """ return b + ampl*np.exp(-1.*(cent-x)**2/2/sigm**2)
[docs] def guess_gauss(x,y): """ Guesses Gaussian parameters with basic stats Args: x (`numpy.ndarray`_): x-values y (`numpy.ndarray`_): y-values Returns: tuple: Amplitude, centroid, sigma, floor all as :obj:`float` """ ypos = y - y.min() cent = np.sum(ypos*x)/np.sum(ypos) sigma = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.sum((x-cent)**2*ypos)/np.sum(ypos))) # From scipy doc # Calculate ampl from pixels within +/- sigma/2 cen_pix= np.abs(x-cent)<sigma/2 if np.any(cen_pix): ampl = np.median(y[cen_pix]) else: ampl = y.max() # Floor floor = np.median(np.percentile(y,50)) # Return return ampl, cent, sigma, floor
[docs] def polyfit2d_general(x, y, z, deg, w=None, function='polynomial', minx=None, maxx=None, miny=None, maxy=None): """ 2D Polynomimal fit Args: x (`numpy.ndarray`_): x-values y (`numpy.ndarray`_): y-values z (`numpy.ndarray`_): value of data at each (x,y) coordinate deg (tuple): degree of polynomial fit in the form [nx,ny] w (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): weights. Often invvar function (str, optional): 2D function to fit. Options are 'polynomial', 'chebyshev' or 'legendre' minx (float, optional): Minimum x value for the fit used to normalise the x values maxx (float, optional): Maximum x value for the fit used to normalise the x values miny (float, optional): Minimum value for the fit used to normalise the y values maxy (float, optional): Maximum value for the fit used to normalise the y values Returns: tuple: - The coefficients of the polynomial fit as a `numpy.ndarray`_ - minx, maxx, miny, maxy: min and max values for the fit as :obj:`float` """ x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) z = np.asarray(z) deg = np.asarray(deg) # Vander if function == 'polynomial': vander = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyvander2d(x, y, deg) elif function == 'legendre' or function == 'chebyshev': xv, minx, maxx = scale_minmax(x, minx=minx, maxx=maxx) yv, miny, maxy = scale_minmax(y, minx=miny, maxx=maxy) vander = np.polynomial.legendre.legvander2d(xv, yv, deg) if function == 'legendre' \ else np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebvander2d(xv, yv, deg) else: msgs.error("Not ready for this type of {:s}".format(function)) # Weights if w is not None: w = np.asarray(w) + 0.0 if w.ndim != 1: msgs.bug("fitting.polyfit2d - Expected 1D vector for weights") if len(x) != len(w) or len(y) != len(w) or len(x) != len(y): msgs.bug("fitting.polyfit2d - Expected x, y and weights to have same length") z = z * w vander = vander * w[:,np.newaxis] # Reshape vander = vander.reshape((-1,vander.shape[-1])) z = z.reshape((vander.shape[0],)) c = np.linalg.lstsq(vander, z, rcond=None)[0] return c.reshape(deg+1), minx, maxx, miny, maxy
[docs] def twoD_Gaussian(tup, amplitude, xo, yo, sigma_x, sigma_y, theta, offset): """ A 2D Gaussian to be used to fit the cross-correlation Args: tup (tuple): A two element tuple containing the (x,y) coordinates where the 2D Gaussian will be evaluated amplitude (float): The amplitude of the 2D Gaussian xo (float): The centre of the Gaussian in the x direction yo (float): The centre of the Gaussian in the y direction sigma_x (float): The dispersion of the Gaussian in the x direction sigma_y (float): The dispersion of the Gaussian in the y direction theta (float): The angle of the major axis relative to the horizontal offset (float): Constant additive term Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The value of the 2D Gaussian at the given coordinates """ (x, y) = tup xo = float(xo) yo = float(yo) a = (np.cos(theta)**2)/(2*sigma_x**2) + (np.sin(theta)**2)/(2*sigma_y**2) b = -(np.sin(2*theta))/(4*sigma_x**2) + (np.sin(2*theta))/(4*sigma_y**2) c = (np.sin(theta)**2)/(2*sigma_x**2) + (np.cos(theta)**2)/(2*sigma_y**2) g = offset + amplitude*np.exp( - (a*((x-xo)**2) + 2*b*(x-xo)*(y-yo) + c*((y-yo)**2))) return g.ravel()
# Below here are codes related to b-spline fitting
[docs] def iterfit(xdata, ydata, invvar=None, inmask=None, upper=5, lower=5, x2=None, maxiter=10, nord=4, bkpt=None, fullbkpt=None, kwargs_bspline={}, kwargs_reject={}): """Iteratively fit a b-spline set to data, with rejection. This is a utility function that allows the bspline to be used via a direct function call. Parameters ---------- xdata : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Independent variable. ydata : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Dependent variable. invvar : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Inverse variance of `ydata`. If not set, it will be calculated based on the standard deviation. inmask : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Input Good Pixel Mask for performing the fit. If not set, it will be set to the locus of positive ``invvar`` points. upper : :class:`int` or :class:`float`, optional Upper rejection threshold in units of sigma, defaults to 5 sigma. lower : :class:`int` or :class:`float`, optional Lower rejection threshold in units of sigma, defaults to 5 sigma. x2 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Orthogonal dependent variable for 2d fits. maxiter : :class:`int`, optional Maximum number of rejection iterations, default 10. Set this to zero to disable rejection. nord : :class:`int`, optional Order of the b-spline, default 4. bkpt : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Breakpoints for the b-spline, default None. fullbkpt : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Full breakpoints for the b-spline, default None. kwargs_bspline : :class:`dict`, optional Keyword arguments for the b-spline, default {}. kwargs_reject : :class:`dict`, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`pypeit.core.pydl.djs_reject`, default {}. Returns ------- outputs: tuple A tuple containing the fitted bspline object and an output mask. """ # from .math import djs_reject nx = xdata.size if ydata.size != nx: raise ValueError('Dimensions of xdata and ydata do not agree.') if invvar is not None: if invvar.size != nx: raise ValueError('Dimensions of xdata and invvar do not agree.') else: # # This correction to the variance makes it the same # as IDL's variance() # var = ydata.var() * (float(nx) / float(nx - 1)) if var == 0: var = 1.0 invvar = np.ones(ydata.shape, dtype=ydata.dtype) / var if inmask is None: inmask = invvar > 0.0 if x2 is not None: if x2.size != nx: raise ValueError('Dimensions of xdata and x2 do not agree.') yfit = np.zeros(ydata.shape) if invvar.size == 1: outmask = True else: outmask = np.ones(invvar.shape, dtype='bool') xsort = xdata.argsort(kind='stable') maskwork = (outmask & inmask & (invvar > 0.0))[xsort] # `maskwork` is in xsort order if 'oldset' in kwargs_bspline: sset = kwargs_bspline['oldset'] sset.mask[:] = True sset.coeff[:] = 0. else: if not maskwork.any(): raise ValueError('No valid data points.') # return (None,None) # JFH comment this out for now # if 'fullbkpt' in kwargs: # fullbkpt = kwargs['fullbkpt'] else: sset = bspline.bspline(xdata[xsort[maskwork]], nord=nord, bkpt=bkpt, fullbkpt=fullbkpt, **kwargs_bspline) if maskwork.sum() < sset.nord: print('Number of good data points fewer than nord.') return (sset, outmask) if x2 is not None: if 'xmin' in kwargs_bspline: xmin = kwargs_bspline['xmin'] else: xmin = x2.min() if 'xmax' in kwargs_bspline: xmax = kwargs_bspline['xmax'] else: xmax = x2.max() if xmin == xmax: xmax = xmin + 1 sset.xmin = xmin sset.xmax = xmax if 'funcname' in kwargs_bspline: sset.funcname = kwargs_bspline['funcname'] xwork = xdata[xsort] ywork = ydata[xsort] invwork = invvar[xsort] if x2 is not None: x2work = x2[xsort] else: x2work = None iiter = 0 error = -1 qdone = False while (error != 0 or qdone is False) and iiter <= maxiter: goodbk = sset.mask.nonzero()[0] if maskwork.sum() <= 1 or not sset.mask.any(): sset.coeff[:] = 0. iiter = maxiter + 1 # End iterations else: if 'requiren' in kwargs_bspline: i = 0 while xwork[i] < sset.breakpoints[goodbk[sset.nord]] and i < nx - 1: i += 1 ct = 0 for ileft in range(sset.nord, sset.mask.sum() - sset.nord + 1): while (xwork[i] >= sset.breakpoints[goodbk[ileft]] and xwork[i] < sset.breakpoints[goodbk[ileft + 1]] and i < nx - 1): ct += invwork[i] * maskwork[i] > 0 i += 1 if ct >= kwargs_bspline['requiren']: ct = 0 else: sset.mask[goodbk[ileft]] = False error, yfit = xwork, # x-sorted x data array ywork, # x-sorted y data array invwork * maskwork, # masked x-sorted invvar array x2=x2work # x-sorted x2 array ) iiter += 1 inmask_rej = maskwork if error == -2: return (sset, outmask) elif error == 0: # ToDO JFH by setting inmask to be tempin which is maskwork, we are basically implicitly enforcing sticky rejection # here. See I'm leaving this as is for consistency with the IDL version, but this may require # further consideration. I think requiring sticky to be set is the more transparent behavior. maskwork, qdone = pydl.djs_reject(ywork, yfit, invvar=invwork, inmask=inmask_rej, outmask=maskwork, upper=upper, lower=lower, **kwargs_reject) else: pass outmask[xsort] = maskwork # TODO: TPEB 2/2/23. Why do these next two lines exist? They don't seem to do anything. temp = yfit yfit[xsort] = temp return (sset, outmask)
[docs] def bspline_profile(xdata, ydata, invvar, profile_basis, ingpm=None, upper=5, lower=5, maxiter=25, nord=4, bkpt=None, fullbkpt=None, relative=None, kwargs_bspline={}, kwargs_reject={}, quiet=False): """ Fit a B-spline in the least squares sense with rejection to the provided data and model profiles. .. todo:: Fully describe procedure. Parameters ---------- xdata : `numpy.ndarray`_ Independent variable. ydata : `numpy.ndarray`_ Dependent variable. invvar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Inverse variance of `ydata`. profile_basis : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model profiles. ingpm : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Input good-pixel mask. Values to fit in ``ydata`` should be True. upper : :obj:`int` or :obj:`float`, optional Upper rejection threshold in units of sigma, defaults to 5 sigma. lower : :obj:`int` or :obj:`float`, optional Lower rejection threshold in units of sigma, defaults to 5 sigma. maxiter : :obj:`int`, optional Maximum number of rejection iterations, default 10. Set this to zero to disable rejection. nord : :obj:`int`, optional Order of B-spline fit bkpt : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Array of breakpoints to be used for the b-spline fullbkpt : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Full array of breakpoints to be used for the b-spline, without letting the b-spline class append on any extra bkpts relative : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Array of integer indices to be used for computing the reduced chi^2 of the fits, which then is used as a scale factor for the upper,lower rejection thresholds kwargs_bspline : :obj:`dict`, optional Keyword arguments used to instantiate :class:`pypeit.bspline.bspline` kwargs_reject : :obj:`dict`, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`pypeit.core.pydl.djs_reject` quiet : :obj:`bool`, optional Suppress output to the screen Returns ------- sset : :class:`pypeit.bspline.bspline` Result of the fit. gpm : `numpy.ndarray`_ Output good-pixel mask which the same size as ``xdata``. The values in this array for the corresponding data are not used in the fit, either because the input data was masked or the data were rejected during the fit, if they are False. Data rejected during the fit (if rejection is performed) are:: rejected = ingpm & np.logical_not(gpm) yfit : `numpy.ndarray`_ The best-fitting model; shape is the same as ``xdata``. reduced_chi : :obj:`float` Reduced chi-square of the best-fitting model. exit_status : :obj:`int` Indication of the success/failure of the fit. Values are: - 0 = fit exited cleanly - 1 = maximum iterations were reached - 2 = all points were masked - 3 = all break points were dropped - 4 = Number of good data points fewer than nord """ # Checks nx = xdata.size if ydata.size != nx: msgs.error('Dimensions of xdata and ydata do not agree.') # TODO: invvar and profile_basis should be optional # ToDO at the moment invvar is a required variable input # if invvar is not None: # if invvar.size != nx: # raise ValueError('Dimensions of xdata and invvar do not agree.') # else: # # # # This correction to the variance makes it the same # # as IDL's variance() # # # var = ydata.var()*(float(nx)/float(nx-1)) # if var == 0: # var = 1.0 # invvar = np.ones(ydata.shape, dtype=ydata.dtype)/var npoly = int(profile_basis.size / nx) if profile_basis.size != nx * npoly: msgs.error('Profile basis is not a multiple of the number of data points.') # Init yfit = np.zeros(ydata.shape) reduced_chi = 0. # TODO: Instantiating these place-holder arrays can be expensive. Can we avoid doing this? outmask = True if invvar.size == 1 else np.ones(invvar.shape, dtype=bool) if ingpm is None: ingpm = invvar > 0 if not quiet: termwidth = 80 - 13'B-spline fit:')' npoly = {0} profile basis functions'.format(npoly))' ngood = {0}/{1} measurements'.format(np.sum(ingpm), ingpm.size))' {0:>4} {1:>8} {2:>7} {3:>6} '.format( 'Iter', 'Chi^2', 'N Rej', 'R. Fac').center(termwidth, '*')) hlinestr = ' {0} {1} {2} {3} '.format('-' * 4, '-' * 8, '-' * 7, '-' * 6) nullval = ' {0:>8} {1:>7} {2:>6} '.format('-' * 2, '-' * 2, '-' * 2) maskwork = outmask & ingpm & (invvar > 0) if not maskwork.any(): msgs.error('No valid data points in bspline_profile!.') # Init bspline class sset = bspline.bspline(xdata[maskwork], nord=nord, npoly=npoly, bkpt=bkpt, fullbkpt=fullbkpt, funcname='Bspline longslit special', **kwargs_bspline) if maskwork.sum() < sset.nord: if not quiet: msgs.warn('Number of good data points fewer than nord.') # TODO: Why isn't maskwork returned? return sset, outmask, yfit, reduced_chi, 4 # This was checked in detail against IDL for identical inputs # KBW: Tried a few things and this was about as fast as you can get. outer = np.outer(np.ones(nord, dtype=float), profile_basis.flatten('F')).T action_multiple = outer.reshape((nx, npoly * nord), order='F') # -------------------- # Iterate spline fit iiter = 0 error = -1 # Indicates that the fit should be done qdone = False # True if rejection iterations are done exit_status = 0 relative_factor = 1.0 nrel = 0 if relative is None else len(relative) # TODO: Why do we need both maskwork and tempin? tempin = np.copy(ingpm) while (error != 0 or qdone is False) and iiter <= maxiter and exit_status == 0: ngood = maskwork.sum() goodbk = sset.mask.nonzero()[0] if ngood <= 1 or not sset.mask.any(): sset.coeff[:] = 0. exit_status = 2 # This will end iterations else: # Do the fit. Return values from workit for error are as follows: # 0 if fit is good # -1 if some breakpoints are masked, so try the fit again # -2 if everything is screwed # we'll do the fit right here.............. if error != 0: bf1, laction, uaction = sset.action(xdata) if np.any(bf1 == -2) or bf1.size != nx * nord: msgs.error("BSPLINE_ACTION failed!") action = np.copy(action_multiple) for ipoly in range(npoly): action[:, np.arange(nord) * npoly + ipoly] *= bf1 del bf1 # Clear the memory if np.any(np.logical_not(np.isfinite(action))): msgs.error('Infinities in action matrix. B-spline fit faults.') error, yfit = sset.workit(xdata, ydata, invvar * maskwork, action, laction, uaction) iiter += 1 if error == -2: if not quiet: msgs.warn('All break points lost!! Bspline fit failed.') exit_status = 3 return sset, np.zeros(xdata.shape, dtype=bool), np.zeros(xdata.shape), reduced_chi, \ exit_status if error != 0: if not quiet:' {0:4d}'.format(iiter) + nullval).center(termwidth)) continue # Iterate the fit -- next rejection iteration chi_array = (ydata - yfit) * np.sqrt(invvar * maskwork) reduced_chi = np.sum(np.square(chi_array)) / (ngood - npoly * (len(goodbk) + nord) - 1) relative_factor = 1.0 if relative is not None: this_chi2 = reduced_chi if nrel == 1 \ else np.sum(np.square(chi_array[relative])) \ / (nrel - (len(goodbk) + nord) - 1) relative_factor = max(np.sqrt(this_chi2), 1.0) # Rejection # TODO: JFH by setting ingpm to be tempin which is maskwork, we # are basically implicitly enforcing sticky rejection here. See # I'm leaving this as is for consistency with # the IDL version, but this may require further consideration. # I think requiring sticky to be set is the more transparent # behavior. maskwork, qdone = pydl.djs_reject(ydata, yfit, invvar=invvar, inmask=tempin, outmask=maskwork, upper=upper * relative_factor, lower=lower * relative_factor, **kwargs_reject) tempin = np.copy(maskwork) if not quiet:' {0:4d} {1:8.3f} {2:7d} {3:6.2f} '.format(iiter, reduced_chi, np.sum(maskwork == 0), relative_factor).center(termwidth)) if iiter == (maxiter + 1): exit_status = 1 # Exit status: # 0 = fit exited cleanly # 1 = maximum iterations were reached # 2 = all points were masked # 3 = all break points were dropped # 4 = Number of good data points fewer than nord if not quiet:' {0:>4} {1:8.3f} {2:7d} {3:6.2f} '.format('DONE', reduced_chi, np.sum(maskwork == 0), relative_factor).center(termwidth))'*' * termwidth) # Finish # TODO: Why not return maskwork directly outmask = np.copy(maskwork) # Return return sset, outmask, yfit, reduced_chi, exit_status
[docs] def bspline_qa(xdata, ydata, sset, gpm, yfit, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, show=True): """ Construct a QA plot of the bspline fit. Args: xdata (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array with the independent variable. Regardless of shape, data is treated as one-dimensional. ydata (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array with the dependent variable. Regardless of shape, data is treated as one-dimensional. sset (:class:`pypeit.bspline.bspline`): Object with the results of the fit. (First object returned by :func:`bspline_profile`). gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_): Boolean array with the same size as ``xdata``. Measurements rejected during the fit have ``gpm=False``. (Second object returned by :func:`bspline_profile`). yfit (`numpy.ndarray`_): Best-fitting model sampled at ``xdata``. (Third object returned by :func:`bspline_profile`). xlabel (:obj:`str`, optional): Label for the ordinate. If None, none given. ylabel (:obj:`str`, optional): Label for the abcissa. If None, none given. title (:obj:`str`, optional): Label for the plot. If None, none given. show (:obj:`bool`, optional): Plot the result. If False, the axis instance is returned. This is done before any labels or legends are added to the plot. Returns: `matplotlib.axes.Axes`_: Axes instance with the data, model, and breakpoints. Only returned if ``show`` is False. """ goodbk = sset.mask bkpt, _ = sset.value(sset.breakpoints[goodbk]) was_fit_and_masked = np.logical_not(gpm) plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(xdata, ydata, color='k', marker='o', markersize=0.4, mfc='k', fillstyle='full', linestyle='None', label='data') ax.plot(xdata[was_fit_and_masked], ydata[was_fit_and_masked], color='red', marker='+', markersize=1.5, mfc='red', fillstyle='full', linestyle='None', label='masked') ax.plot(xdata, yfit, color='cornflowerblue', label='fit') ax.plot(sset.breakpoints[goodbk], bkpt, color='lawngreen', marker='o', markersize=2.0, mfc='lawngreen', fillstyle='full', linestyle='None', label='bspline breakpoints') ax.set_ylim(0.99 * np.amin(yfit), 1.01 * np.amax(yfit)) if not show: return ax plt.legend() if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if title is not None: plt.title(title)