# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see PYDL_LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Also cite https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1095150 when referencing PYDL
Module implements a set of basis functions for fitting.
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
def _init_basis(x, m):
Initialize the basis functions.
x (array-like):
Compute the basis polynomials at these abscissa values.
m (:obj:`int`):
The number of polynomials to compute. For example, if
:math:`m = 3`, :math:`P_0 (x)`, :math:`P_1 (x)` and
:math:`P_2 (x)` will be computed. Must be :math:`\geq1`.
tuple: Returns (1) the input :math:`x` array explicitly
converted to a `numpy.ndarray`_ and (2) a unity array with
the same data type as :math:`x`. The returned shape of the
latter is the :math:`(N_x, m)`.
Raised if the input order is not at least 1.
if m < 1:
raise ValueError('Order must be at least 1.')
_x = np.atleast_1d(x)
return _x, np.ones((_x.size, m), dtype=_x.dtype)
def _build_basis(x, m, func):
Perform initial checks of the basis function inputs.
x (array-like):
Compute the basis polynomials at these abscissa values.
m (:obj:`int`):
The number of polynomials to compute. For example, if
:math:`m = 3`, :math:`P_0 (x)`, :math:`P_1 (x)` and
:math:`P_2 (x)` will be computed. Must be :math:`\geq1`.
func (callable):
Callable function that generates the basis polynomials.
E.g., `scipy.special.legendre` for Legendre polynomials.
`numpy.ndarray`_: An array of shape :math:`(N_x, m)` with
the basis polynomials.
Raised if the provided ``func`` is not callable.
if not callable(func):
raise TypeError('Must provide a callable function that constructs the basis polynomials.')
_x, basis = _init_basis(x, m)
if m >= 2:
basis[:,1] = _x
if m >= 3:
for k in range(2, m):
# TODO: Is there a faster way to set this up?
basis[:,k] = np.polyval(func(k), _x)
return basis
def flegendre(x, m):
"""Compute the first `m` Legendre polynomials.
x : array-like
Compute the Legendre polynomials at these abscissa values.
m : :class:`int`
The number of Legendre polynomials to compute. For example, if
:math:`m = 3`, :math:`P_0 (x)`, :math:`P_1 (x)` and :math:`P_2 (x)`
will be computed.
Polynomial basis functions evaluated at ``x``.
return _build_basis(x, m, special.legendre)
def fchebyshev(x, m):
"""Compute the first `m` Chebyshev polynomials.
x : array-like
Compute the Chebyshev polynomials at these abscissa values.
m : :class:`int`
The number of Chebyshev polynomials to compute. For example, if
:math:`m = 3`, :math:`T_0 (x)`, :math:`T_1 (x)` and
:math:`T_2 (x)` will be computed.
Polynomial basis functions evaluated at ``x``.
return _build_basis(x, m, special.chebyt)
def fchebyshev_split(x, m):
"""Compute the first `m` Chebyshev polynomials, but modified to allow a
split in the baseline at :math:`x=0`. The intent is to allow a model fit
where a constant term is different for positive and negative `x`.
x : array-like
Compute the Chebyshev polynomials at these abscissa values.
m : :class:`int`
The number of Chebyshev polynomials to compute. For example, if
:math:`m = 3`, :math:`T_0 (x)`, :math:`T_1 (x)` and
:math:`T_2 (x)` will be computed.
Polynomial basis functions evaluated at ``x``.
_x, basis = _init_basis(x, m)
basis[:,0] = (_x >= 0).astype(_x.dtype)
if m > 2:
basis[:,2] = _x
if m > 3:
for k in range(3, m):
basis[:,k] = 2.0 * _x * basis[:,k-1] - basis[:,k-2]
return basis
def fpoly(x, m):
"""Compute the first `m` simple polynomials.
x : array-like
Compute the simple polynomials at these abscissa values.
m : :class:`int`
The number of simple polynomials to compute. For example, if
:math:`m = 3`, :math:`x^0`, :math:`x^1` and
:math:`x^2` will be computed.
Polynomial basis functions evaluated at ``x``.
_x, basis = _init_basis(x, m)
if m >= 2:
basis[:,1] = _x
if m >= 3:
for k in range(2, m):
basis[:,k] = basis[:,k-1] * _x
return basis