Module containing routines used by 3D datacubes.
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os
import copy
import inspect
from astropy import wcs, units
from astropy.io import fits
import erfa
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import numpy as np
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import alignframe, datamodel, flatfield, io, sensfunc, spec2dobj, utils
from pypeit.core.flexure import calculate_image_phase
from pypeit.core import datacube, extract, flux_calib, parse
from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
from IPython import embed
class DataCube(datamodel.DataContainer):
DataContainer to hold the products of a datacube
The datamodel attributes are:
.. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_datacube.rst
flux (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The science datacube (nwave, nspaxel_y, nspaxel_x)
sig (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The error datacube (nwave, nspaxel_y, nspaxel_x)
bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The bad pixel mask of the datacube (nwave, nspaxel_y, nspaxel_x).
True values indicate a bad pixel
wave (`numpy.ndarray`_):
A 1D numpy array containing the wavelength array for convenience (nwave)
blaze_wave (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Wavelength array of the spectral blaze function
blaze_spec (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The spectral blaze function
sensfunc (`numpy.ndarray`_, None):
Sensitivity function (nwave,). Only saved if the data are fluxed.
PYP_SPEC (str):
Name of the PypeIt Spectrograph
fluxed (bool):
If the cube has been flux calibrated, this will be set to "True"
head0 (`astropy.io.fits.Header`_):
Primary header
filename (str):
Filename to use when loading from file
spect_meta (:obj:`dict`):
Parsed meta from the header
spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`):
Build from PYP_SPEC
_ivar (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`):
Build from PYP_SPEC
_wcs (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`):
Build from PYP_SPEC
version = '1.2.0'
datamodel = {'flux': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Flux datacube in units of counts/s/Ang/arcsec^2 or '
'10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang/arcsec^2'),
'sig': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Error datacube (matches units of flux)'),
'bpm': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.uint8,
descr='Bad pixel mask of the datacube (0=good, 1=bad)'),
'wave': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Wavelength of each slice in the spectral direction. '
'The units are Angstroms.'),
'blaze_wave': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Wavelength array of the spectral blaze function'),
'blaze_spec': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='The spectral blaze function'),
'sensfunc': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Sensitivity function 10^-17 erg/(counts/cm^2)'),
'PYP_SPEC': dict(otype=str, descr='PypeIt: Spectrograph name'),
'fluxed': dict(otype=bool, descr='Boolean indicating if the datacube is fluxed.')}
internals = ['head0',
'_ivar', # This is set internally, and should be accessed with self.ivar
def __init__(self, flux, sig, bpm, wave, PYP_SPEC, blaze_wave, blaze_spec, sensfunc=None,
args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe())
_d = dict([(k, values[k]) for k in args[1:]])
# Setup the DataContainer
datamodel.DataContainer.__init__(self, d=_d)
# Initialise the internals
self._ivar = None
self._wcs = None
self.head0 = None # This contains the primary header of the spec2d used to make the datacube
def _bundle(self):
Over-write default _bundle() method to separate the DetectorContainer
into its own HDU
:obj:`list`: A list of dictionaries, each list element is
written to its own fits extension. See the description
d = []
# Rest of the datamodel
for key in self.keys():
# Skip Nones
if self[key] is None:
# Array?
if self.datamodel[key]['otype'] == np.ndarray:
tmp = {}
if self.datamodel[key]['atype'] == np.floating:
tmp[key] = self[key].astype(np.float32)
tmp[key] = self[key]
# Add to header of the primary image
d[0][key] = self[key]
# Return
return d
def to_file(self, ofile, primary_hdr=None, hdr=None, **kwargs):
Over-load :func:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer.to_file`
to deal with the header
ofile (:obj:`str`):
primary_hdr (`astropy.io.fits.Header`_, optional):
Base primary header. Updated with new subheader keywords. If
None, initialized using :func:`~pypeit.io.initialize_header`.
wcs (`astropy.io.fits.Header`_, optional):
The World Coordinate System, represented by a fits header
kwargs (dict):
Keywords passed directly to parent ``to_file`` function.
if primary_hdr is None:
primary_hdr = io.initialize_header()
# Build the header
if self.head0 is not None and self.PYP_SPEC is not None:
spectrograph = load_spectrograph(self.PYP_SPEC)
subheader = spectrograph.subheader_for_spec(self.head0, self.head0)
subheader = {}
# Add them in
for key in subheader:
primary_hdr[key] = subheader[key]
# Set the exposure time to 1, since datacubes are counts/second.
# This is needed for the sensitivity function calculation
primary_hdr['EXPTIME'] = 1.0
# Do it
super(DataCube, self).to_file(ofile, primary_hdr=primary_hdr, hdr=hdr, **kwargs)
def from_file(cls, ifile, verbose=True, chk_version=True, **kwargs):
Instantiate the object from an extension in the specified fits file.
Over-load :func:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer.from_file`
to deal with the header
ifile (:obj:`str`, `Path`_):
Fits file with the data to read
verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Print informational messages (not currently used)
chk_version (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Passed to :func:`from_hdu`.
kwargs (:obj:`dict`, optional):
Arguments passed directly to :func:`from_hdu`.
with io.fits_open(ifile) as hdu:
# Read using the base class
self = cls.from_hdu(hdu, chk_version=chk_version, **kwargs)
# Internals
self.filename = ifile
self.head0 = hdu[0].header
# Meta
self.spectrograph = load_spectrograph(self.PYP_SPEC)
self.spect_meta = self.spectrograph.parse_spec_header(hdu[0].header)
self._ivar = None
self._wcs = wcs.WCS(hdu[1].header)
return self
def ivar(self):
Utility function to compute the inverse variance cube
self._ivar : `numpy.ndarray`_
The inverse variance of the datacube. Note that self._ivar should
not be accessed directly, and you should only call self.ivar
if self._ivar is None:
self._ivar = utils.inverse(self.sig**2)
return self._ivar
class DARcorrection:
This class holds all of the functions needed to quickly compute the differential atmospheric refraction correction.
def __init__(self, airmass, parangle, pressure, temperature, humidity, cosdec, wave_ref=4500.0):
airmass (:obj:`float`):
The airmass of the observations (unitless)
parangle (:obj:`float`):
The parallactic angle of the observations (units=radians, relative to North, towards East is postive)
pressure (:obj:`float`):
The atmospheric pressure during the observations in Pascal. Valid range is from 10kPa - 140 kPa.
temperature (:obj:`float`):
Temperature in degree Celsius. Valid temperate range is -40 to
100 degree Celsius.
humidity (:obj:`float`):
The humidity during the observations (Expressed as a percentage, not a fraction!).
Valid range is 0 to 100.
cosdec (:obj:`float`):
Cosine of the target declination.
wave_ref (:obj:`float`, optional):
Reference wavelength (The DAR correction will be performed relative to this wavelength)
msgs.info("Preparing the parameters for the DAR correction")
# Get DAR parameters
self.airmass = airmass # unitless
self.parangle = parangle
self.pressure = pressure * units.mbar
self.temperature = temperature * units.deg_C
self.humidity = humidity/100.0
self.wave_ref = wave_ref*units.Angstrom
self.cosdec = cosdec
# Calculate the coefficients of the correction
self.refa, self.refb = erfa.refco(self.pressure.to_value(units.hPa), self.temperature.to_value(units.deg_C),
self.humidity, self.wave_ref.to_value(units.micron))
# Print out the DAR parameters
msgs.info("DAR correction parameters:" + msgs.newline() +
" Airmass = {0:.2f}".format(self.airmass) + msgs.newline() +
" Pressure = {0:.2f} mbar".format(self.pressure.to_value(units.mbar)) + msgs.newline() +
" Humidity = {0:.2f} %".format(self.humidity*100.0) + msgs.newline() +
" Temperature = {0:.2f} deg C".format(self.temperature.to_value(units.deg_C)) + msgs.newline() +
" Reference wavelength = {0:.2f} Angstrom".format(self.wave_ref.to_value(units.Angstrom)))
def calculate_dispersion(self, waves):
""" Calculate the total atmospheric dispersion relative to the reference wavelength
waves : `numpy.ndarray`_
1D array of wavelengths (units must be Angstroms)
full_dispersion : :obj:`float`
The atmospheric dispersion (in degrees) for each wavelength input
# Calculate the zenith angle
z = np.arccos(1.0/self.airmass)
# Calculate the coefficients of the correction
# self.refa, self.refb = erfa.refco(self.pressure.to_value(units.hPa), self.temperature.to_value(units.deg_C),
# self.humidity, self.wave_ref.to_value(units.micron))
cnsa, cnsb = erfa.refco(self.pressure.to_value(units.hPa), self.temperature.to_value(units.deg_C),
self.humidity, (waves*units.Angstrom).to_value(units.micron))
dar_full = np.rad2deg((self.refa-cnsa) * np.tan(z) + (self.refb-cnsb) * np.tan(z)**3)
return dar_full
def correction(self, waves):
Main routine that computes the DAR correction for both right ascension and declination.
waves : `numpy.ndarray`_
1D array of wavelengths (units must be Angstroms)
ra_corr : `numpy.ndarray`_
The RA component of the atmospheric dispersion correction (in degrees) for each wavelength input.
dec_corr : `numpy.ndarray`_
The Dec component of the atmospheric dispersion correction (in degrees) for each wavelength input.
# Determine the correction angle
corr_ang = self.parangle - np.pi/2
# Calculate the full amount of refraction
dar_full = self.calculate_dispersion(waves)
# Calculate the correction in dec and RA for each detector pixel
# These numbers should be ADDED to the original RA and Dec values
ra_corr = (dar_full/self.cosdec)*np.cos(corr_ang)
dec_corr = -dar_full*np.sin(corr_ang)
return ra_corr, dec_corr
class CoAdd3D:
Main routine to convert processed PypeIt spec2d frames into
DataCube (spec3d) files. This routine is only used for IFU
data reduction.
Algorithm steps are detailed in the coadd routine.
# Superclass factory method generates the subclass instance
def get_instance(cls, spec2dfiles, par, skysub_frame=None, sensfile=None, scale_corr=None, grating_corr=None,
ra_offsets=None, dec_offsets=None, spectrograph=None, det=1,
overwrite=False, show=False, debug=False):
Instantiate the subclass appropriate for the provided spectrograph.
The class to instantiate must match the ``pypeline``
attribute of the provided ``spectrograph``, and must be a
subclass of :class:`CoAdd3D`; see the parent class
instantiation for parameter descriptions.
:class:`CoAdd3D`: One of the subclasses with
:class:`CoAdd3D` as its base.
return next(c for c in cls.__subclasses__()
if c.__name__ == (spectrograph.pypeline + 'CoAdd3D'))(
spec2dfiles, par, skysub_frame=skysub_frame, sensfile=sensfile, scale_corr=scale_corr,
grating_corr=grating_corr, ra_offsets=ra_offsets, dec_offsets=dec_offsets,
spectrograph=spectrograph, det=det, overwrite=overwrite, show=show, debug=debug)
def __init__(self, spec2dfiles, par, skysub_frame=None, sensfile=None, scale_corr=None, grating_corr=None,
ra_offsets=None, dec_offsets=None, spectrograph=None, det=None,
overwrite=False, show=False, debug=False):
spec2dfiles (:obj:`list`):
List of all spec2D files
par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`):
An instance of the parameter set. If None, assumes that detector 1
is the one reduced and uses the default reduction parameters for the
spectrograph (see
for the relevant spectrograph class).
skysub_frame (:obj:`list`, optional):
If not None, this should be a list of frames to use for the sky subtraction of each individual
entry of spec2dfiles. It should be the same length as spec2dfiles.
sensfile (:obj:`list`, optional):
If not None, this should be a list of frames to use for the sensitivity function of each individual
entry of spec2dfiles. It should be the same length as spec2dfiles.
scale_corr (:obj:`list`, optional):
If not None, this should be a list of relative scale correction options. It should be the
same length as spec2dfiles.
grating_corr (:obj:`list`, optional):
If not None, this should be a list of `str`, where each element is the relative path to the
Flat calibration file that was used to reduce each spec2d file. It should be the
same length as spec2dfiles.
ra_offsets (:obj:`list`, optional):
If not None, this should be a list of relative RA offsets of each frame. It should be the
same length as spec2dfiles. The units should be degrees.
dec_offsets (:obj:`list`, optional):
If not None, this should be a list of relative Dec offsets of each frame. It should be the
same length as spec2dfiles. The units should be degrees.
spectrograph (:obj:`str`, :class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`, optional):
The name or instance of the spectrograph used to obtain the data.
If None, this is pulled from the file header.
det (:obj:`int`_, optional):
Detector index
overwrite (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Overwrite the output file, if it exists?
show (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Show results in ginga
debug (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Show QA for debugging.
# TODO :: Consider loading all calibrations into a single variable within the main CoAdd3D parent class.
# Set the variables
self.spec2d = spec2dfiles
self.numfiles = len(spec2dfiles)
self.par = par
self.overwrite = overwrite
self.chk_version = self.par['rdx']['chk_version']
# Extract some parsets for simplicity
self.cubepar = self.par['reduce']['cube']
self.flatpar = self.par['calibrations']['flatfield']
self.senspar = self.par['sensfunc']
# Extract some commonly used variables
self.method = self.cubepar['method']
self.combine = self.cubepar['combine']
self.align = self.cubepar['align']
self.correct_dar = self.cubepar['correct_dar']
# Do some quick checks on the input options
if skysub_frame is not None and len(skysub_frame) != self.numfiles:
msgs.error("The skysub_frame list should be identical length to the spec2dfiles list")
if sensfile is not None and len(sensfile) != self.numfiles:
msgs.error("The sensfile list should be identical length to the spec2dfiles list")
if scale_corr is not None and len(scale_corr) != self.numfiles:
msgs.error("The scale_corr list should be identical length to the spec2dfiles list")
if grating_corr is not None and len(grating_corr) != self.numfiles:
msgs.error("The grating_corr list should be identical length to the spec2dfiles list")
if ra_offsets is not None and len(ra_offsets) != self.numfiles:
msgs.error("The ra_offsets list should be identical length to the spec2dfiles list")
if dec_offsets is not None and len(dec_offsets) != self.numfiles:
msgs.error("The dec_offsets list should be identical length to the spec2dfiles list")
# Make sure both ra_offsets and dec_offsets are either both None or both lists
if ra_offsets is None and dec_offsets is not None:
msgs.error("If you provide dec_offsets, you must also provide ra_offsets")
if ra_offsets is not None and dec_offsets is None:
msgs.error("If you provide ra_offsets, you must also provide dec_offsets")
# Set the frame specific options
self.sensfile = None
if sensfile is None:
# User didn't provide a sensfile for each frame. Check if they provided a single one.
if self.cubepar['sensfile'] is not None:
# User provided a single sensfile. Use this for all frames.
self.sensfile = self.numfiles*[self.cubepar['sensfile']]
# User provided a sensfile for each frame. Use these.
self.sensfile = sensfile
self.skysub_frame = skysub_frame
self.scale_corr = scale_corr
self.grating_corr = grating_corr
self.ra_offsets = list(ra_offsets) if isinstance(ra_offsets, np.ndarray) else ra_offsets
self.dec_offsets = list(dec_offsets) if isinstance(dec_offsets, np.ndarray) else dec_offsets
# If there is only one frame being "combined" AND there's no reference image, then don't compute the translation.
if self.numfiles == 1 and self.cubepar["reference_image"] is None:
if self.align:
msgs.warn("Parameter 'align' should be False when there is only one frame and no reference image")
msgs.info("Setting 'align' to False")
self.align = False
if self.ra_offsets is not None:
if not self.align:
msgs.warn("When 'ra_offset' and 'dec_offset' are set, 'align' must be True.")
msgs.info("Setting 'align' to True")
self.align = True
# If no ra_offsets or dec_offsets have been provided, initialise the lists
self.user_alignment = True
if self.ra_offsets is None and self.dec_offsets is None:
msgs.info("No RA or Dec offsets have been provided.")
if self.align:
msgs.info("An automatic alignment will be performed using WCS information from the headers.")
# User offsets are not provided, so turn off the user_alignment
self.user_alignment = False
# Initialise the lists of ra_offsets and dec_offsets
self.ra_offsets = [0.0]*self.numfiles
self.dec_offsets = [0.0]*self.numfiles
if self.grating_corr is None:
self.grating_corr = [None] * self.numfiles
# Check on Spectrograph input
if spectrograph is None:
with fits.open(spec2dfiles[0]) as hdu:
spectrograph = hdu[0].header['PYP_SPEC']
self.spec = load_spectrograph(spectrograph)
self.specname = self.spec.name
# Initialise arrays for storage
self.ifu_ra, self.ifu_dec = np.array([]), np.array([]) # The RA and Dec at the centre of the IFU, as stored in the header
self.all_sci, self.all_ivar, self.all_wave, self.all_slitid, self.all_wghts = [], [], [], [], []
self.all_tilts, self.all_slits, self.all_align, self.all_header = [], [], [], []
self.all_wcs, self.all_ra, self.all_dec, self.all_dar = [], [], [], []
self.weights = np.ones(self.numfiles) # Weights to use when combining cubes
self._dspat = None if self.cubepar['spatial_delta'] is None else self.cubepar['spatial_delta'] / 3600.0 # binning size on the sky (/3600 to convert to degrees)
self._dwv = self.cubepar['wave_delta'] # linear binning size in wavelength direction (in Angstroms)
# TODO :: The default behaviour (combine=False, align=False) produces a datacube that uses the instrument WCS
# It should be possible (and perhaps desirable) to do a spatial alignment (i.e. align=True), apply this to the
# RA,Dec values of each pixel, and then use the instrument WCS to save the output (or, just adjust the crval).
# At the moment, if the user wishes to spatially align the frames, a different WCS is generated.
# Determine what method is requested
self.spec_subpixel, self.spat_subpixel, self.slice_subpixel = 1, 1, 1
self.skip_subpix_weights = True
if self.method == "subpixel":
self.spec_subpixel, self.spat_subpixel, self.slice_subpixel = self.cubepar['spec_subpixel'], self.cubepar['spat_subpixel'], self.cubepar['slice_subpixel']
self.skip_subpix_weights = False
msgs.info("Adopting the subpixel algorithm to generate the datacube, with subpixellation scales:" + msgs.newline() +
f" Spectral: {self.spec_subpixel}" + msgs.newline() +
f" Spatial: {self.spat_subpixel}" + msgs.newline() +
f" Slices: {self.slice_subpixel}")
elif self.method == "ngp":
msgs.info("Adopting the nearest grid point (NGP) algorithm to generate the datacube.")
self.skip_subpix_weights = True
msgs.error(f"The following datacube method is not allowed: {self.method}")
# Get the detector number and string representation
if det is None:
det = 1 if self.par['rdx']['detnum'] is None else self.par['rdx']['detnum']
self.detname = self.spec.get_det_name(det)
# Check if the output file exists
# Check the reference cube and image exist, if requested
self.fluxcal = False if self.sensfile is None else True
self.blaze_wave, self.blaze_spec = None, None
self.blaze_spline, self.flux_spline = None, None
self.flat_splines = dict() # A dictionary containing the splines of the flatfield
# If a reference image has been set, check that it exists
if self.cubepar['reference_image'] is not None:
if not os.path.exists(self.cubepar['reference_image']):
msgs.error("Reference image does not exist:" + msgs.newline() + self.cubepar['reference_image'])
# Load the default scaleimg frame for the scale correction
self.scalecorr_default = "none"
self.relScaleImgDef = np.array([1])
# Load the default sky frame to be used for sky subtraction
self.skysub_default = "image"
self.skyImgDef, self.skySclDef = None, None # This is the default behaviour (i.e. to use the "image" for the sky subtraction)
def check_outputs(self):
Check if any of the intended output files already exist. This check should be done near the
beginning of the coaddition, to avoid any computation that won't be saved in the event that
files won't be overwritten.
if self.combine:
outfile = datacube.get_output_filename("", self.cubepar['output_filename'], self.combine)
out_whitelight = datacube.get_output_whitelight_filename(outfile)
if os.path.exists(outfile) and not self.overwrite:
msgs.error("Output filename already exists:"+msgs.newline()+outfile)
if os.path.exists(out_whitelight) and self.cubepar['save_whitelight'] and not self.overwrite:
msgs.error("Output filename already exists:"+msgs.newline()+out_whitelight)
# Finally, if there's just one file, check if the output filename is given
if self.numfiles == 1 and self.cubepar['output_filename'] != "":
outfile = datacube.get_output_filename("", self.cubepar['output_filename'], True, -1)
out_whitelight = datacube.get_output_whitelight_filename(outfile)
if os.path.exists(outfile) and not self.overwrite:
msgs.error("Output filename already exists:" + msgs.newline() + outfile)
if os.path.exists(out_whitelight) and self.cubepar['save_whitelight'] and not self.overwrite:
msgs.error("Output filename already exists:" + msgs.newline() + out_whitelight)
for ff in range(self.numfiles):
outfile = datacube.get_output_filename(self.spec2d[ff], self.cubepar['output_filename'], self.combine, ff+1)
out_whitelight = datacube.get_output_whitelight_filename(outfile)
if os.path.exists(outfile) and not self.overwrite:
msgs.error("Output filename already exists:" + msgs.newline() + outfile)
if os.path.exists(out_whitelight) and self.cubepar['save_whitelight'] and not self.overwrite:
msgs.error("Output filename already exists:" + msgs.newline() + out_whitelight)
def set_blaze_spline(self, wave_spl, spec_spl):
Generate a spline that represents the blaze function. This only needs to be done once,
because it is used as the reference blaze. It is only important if you are combining
frames that require a grating correction (i.e. have slightly different grating angles).
wave_spl (`numpy.ndarray`_):
1D wavelength array where the blaze has been evaluated
spec_spl (`numpy.ndarray`_):
1D array (same size as wave_spl), that represents the blaze function for each wavelength.
# Check if a reference blaze spline exists (either from a standard star if fluxing or from a previous
# exposure in this for loop)
if self.blaze_spline is None:
self.blaze_wave, self.blaze_spec = wave_spl, spec_spl
self.blaze_spline = interp1d(wave_spl, spec_spl, kind='linear',
bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
def set_default_scalecorr(self):
Set the default mode to use for relative spectral scale correction.
if self.cubepar['scale_corr'] is not None:
if self.cubepar['scale_corr'] == "image":
msgs.info("The default relative spectral illumination correction will use the science image")
self.scalecorr_default = "image"
msgs.info("Loading default scale image for relative spectral illumination correction:" +
msgs.newline() + self.cubepar['scale_corr'])
spec2DObj = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file(self.cubepar['scale_corr'],
except Exception as e:
msgs.warn(f'Loading spec2d file raised {type(e).__name__}:\n{str(e)}')
msgs.warn("Could not load scaleimg from spec2d file:" + msgs.newline() +
self.cubepar['scale_corr'] + msgs.newline() +
"scale correction will not be performed unless you have specified the correct" + msgs.newline() +
"scale_corr file in the spec2d block")
self.cubepar['scale_corr'] = None
self.scalecorr_default = "none"
self.relScaleImgDef = spec2DObj.scaleimg
self.scalecorr_default = self.cubepar['scale_corr']
def get_current_scalecorr(self, spec2DObj, scalecorr=None):
Determine the scale correction that should be used to correct
for the relative spectral scaling of the science frame
spec2DObj (:class:`~pypeit.spec2dobj.Spec2DObj`):
2D PypeIt spectra object.
scalecorr (:obj:`str`, optional):
A string that describes what mode should be used for the sky
subtraction. The allowed values are:
* default: Use the default value, as defined in
* image: Use the relative scale that was derived from the
science frame
* none: Do not perform relative scale correction
:obj:`tuple`: Contains (this_scalecorr, relScaleImg) where
this_scalecorr is a :obj:`str` that describes the scale correction
mode to be used (see scalecorr description) and relScaleImg is a
`numpy.ndarray`_ (2D, same shape as science frame) containing the
relative spectral scaling to apply to the science frame.
this_scalecorr = self.scalecorr_default
relScaleImg = self.relScaleImgDef.copy()
if scalecorr is not None:
if scalecorr.lower() == 'default':
if self.scalecorr_default == "image":
relScaleImg = spec2DObj.scaleimg
this_scalecorr = "image" # Use the current spec2d for the relative spectral illumination scaling
this_scalecorr = self.scalecorr_default # Use the default value for the scale correction
elif scalecorr.lower() == 'image':
relScaleImg = spec2DObj.scaleimg
this_scalecorr = "image" # Use the current spec2d for the relative spectral illumination scaling
elif scalecorr.lower() == 'none':
relScaleImg = np.array([1])
this_scalecorr = "none" # Don't do relative spectral illumination scaling
# Load a user specified frame for sky subtraction
msgs.info("Loading the following frame for the relative spectral illumination correction:" +
msgs.newline() + scalecorr)
spec2DObj_scl = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file(scalecorr, self.detname,
except Exception as e:
msgs.warn(f'Loading spec2d file raised {type(e).__name__}:\n{str(e)}')
msgs.error("Could not load skysub image from spec2d file:" + msgs.newline() + scalecorr)
relScaleImg = spec2DObj_scl.scaleimg
this_scalecorr = scalecorr
if this_scalecorr == "none":
msgs.info("Relative spectral illumination correction will not be performed.")
msgs.info("Using the following frame for the relative spectral illumination correction:" +
msgs.newline() + this_scalecorr)
# Return the scaling correction for this frame
return this_scalecorr, relScaleImg
def set_default_skysub(self):
Set the default mode to use for sky subtraction.
if self.cubepar['skysub_frame'] in [None, 'none', '', 'None']:
self.skysub_default = "none"
self.skyImgDef = np.array([0.0]) # Do not perform sky subtraction
self.skySclDef = np.array([0.0]) # Do not perform sky subtraction
elif self.cubepar['skysub_frame'] == "image":
msgs.info("The sky model in the spec2d science frames will be used for sky subtraction" + msgs.newline() +
"(unless specific skysub frames have been specified)")
self.skysub_default = "image"
msgs.info("Loading default image for sky subtraction:" +
msgs.newline() + self.cubepar['skysub_frame'])
spec2DObj = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file(self.cubepar['skysub_frame'],
skysub_exptime = self.spec.get_meta_value([spec2DObj.head0], 'exptime')
msgs.error("Could not load skysub image from spec2d file:" + msgs.newline() + self.cubepar['skysub_frame'])
self.skysub_default = self.cubepar['skysub_frame']
self.skyImgDef = spec2DObj.sciimg / skysub_exptime # Sky counts/second
# self.skyImgDef = spec2DObj.skymodel/skysub_exptime # Sky counts/second
self.skySclDef = spec2DObj.scaleimg
def get_current_skysub(self, spec2DObj, exptime, opts_skysub=None):
Determine the sky frame that should be used to subtract from the science frame
spec2DObj (:class:`~pypeit.spec2dobj.Spec2DObj`):
2D PypeIt spectra object.
exptime (:obj:`float`):
The exposure time of the science frame (in seconds)
opts_skysub (:obj:`str`, optional):
A string that describes what mode should be used for the sky
subtraction. The allowed values are:
* default: Use the default value, as defined in
* image: Use the sky model derived from the science frame
* none: Do not perform sky subtraction
:obj:`tuple`: Contains (this_skysub, skyImg, skyScl) where
this_skysub is a :obj:`str` that describes the sky subtration mode
to be used (see opts_skysub description), skyImg is a
`numpy.ndarray`_ (2D, same shape as science frame) containing the
sky frame to be subtracted from the science frame, and skyScl is a
`numpy.ndarray`_ (2D, same shape as science frame) containing the
relative spectral scaling that has been applied to the returned sky
this_skysub = self.skysub_default
if self.skysub_default == "image":
skyImg = spec2DObj.skymodel
skyScl = spec2DObj.scaleimg
skyImg = self.skyImgDef.copy() * exptime
skyScl = self.skySclDef.copy()
# See if there's any changes from the default behaviour
if opts_skysub is not None:
if opts_skysub.lower() == 'default':
if self.skysub_default == "image":
skyImg = spec2DObj.skymodel
skyScl = spec2DObj.scaleimg
this_skysub = "image" # Use the current spec2d for sky subtraction
skyImg = self.skyImgDef.copy() * exptime
skyScl = self.skySclDef.copy() * exptime
this_skysub = self.skysub_default # Use the global value for sky subtraction
elif opts_skysub.lower() == 'image':
skyImg = spec2DObj.skymodel
skyScl = spec2DObj.scaleimg
this_skysub = "image" # Use the current spec2d for sky subtraction
elif opts_skysub.lower() == 'none':
skyImg = np.array([0.0])
skyScl = np.array([1.0])
this_skysub = "none" # Don't do sky subtraction
# Load a user specified frame for sky subtraction
msgs.info("Loading skysub frame:" + msgs.newline() + opts_skysub)
spec2DObj_sky = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file(opts_skysub, self.detname,
skysub_exptime = self.spec.get_meta_value([spec2DObj_sky.head0], 'exptime')
msgs.error("Could not load skysub image from spec2d file:" + msgs.newline() + opts_skysub)
skyImg = spec2DObj_sky.sciimg * exptime / skysub_exptime # Sky counts
skyScl = spec2DObj_sky.scaleimg
this_skysub = opts_skysub # User specified spec2d for sky subtraction
if this_skysub == "none":
msgs.info("Sky subtraction will not be performed.")
msgs.info("Using the following frame for sky subtraction:" + msgs.newline() + this_skysub)
# Return the skysub params for this frame
return this_skysub, skyImg, skyScl
def add_grating_corr(self, flatfile, waveimg, slits, spat_flexure=None):
Calculate the relative spectral sensitivity correction due to grating
shifts with the input frames.
flatfile : :obj:`str`
Unique path of a flatfield frame used to calculate the relative
spectral sensitivity of the corresponding science frame.
waveimg : `numpy.ndarray`_
2D image (same shape as the science frame) indicating the wavelength
of each detector pixel.
slits : :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`
Class containing information about the slits
spat_flexure : :obj:`float`, optional:
Spatial flexure in pixels
# Check if the Flat file exists
if not os.path.exists(flatfile):
msgs.warn("Grating correction requested, but the following file does not exist:" + msgs.newline() + flatfile)
if flatfile not in self.flat_splines.keys():
msgs.info("Calculating relative sensitivity for grating correction")
# Load the Flat file
flatimages = flatfield.FlatImages.from_file(flatfile, chk_version=self.chk_version)
total_illum = flatimages.fit2illumflat(slits, finecorr=False, frametype='illum', spat_flexure=spat_flexure) * \
flatimages.fit2illumflat(slits, finecorr=True, frametype='illum', spat_flexure=spat_flexure)
flatframe = flatimages.pixelflat_raw / total_illum
if flatimages.pixelflat_spec_illum is None:
# Calculate the relative scale
scale_model = flatfield.illum_profile_spectral(flatframe, waveimg, slits,
model=None, trim=self.flatpar['slit_trim'],
msgs.info("Using relative spectral illumination from FlatImages")
scale_model = flatimages.pixelflat_spec_illum
# Extract a quick spectrum of the flatfield
wave_spl, spec_spl = extract.extract_hist_spectrum(waveimg, flatframe*utils.inverse(scale_model),
gpm=waveimg != 0, bins=slits.nspec)
# Store the result
self.flat_splines[flatfile] = interp1d(wave_spl, spec_spl, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
self.flat_splines[flatfile + "_wave"] = wave_spl.copy()
# Finally, if a reference blaze spline has not been set, do that now.
self.set_blaze_spline(wave_spl, spec_spl)
def run(self):
Main entry routine to set the order of operations to coadd the data. For specific
details of this procedure, see the child routines.
msgs.bug("This routine should be overridden by child classes.")
msgs.error("Cannot proceed without coding the run() routine.")
class SlicerIFUCoAdd3D(CoAdd3D):
Child of CoAdd3D for SlicerIFU data reduction. For documentation, see CoAdd3d parent class above.
This child class of the IFU datacube creation performs the series of steps that are specific to
slicer-based IFUs, including the following steps
Data preparation:
* Loads individual spec2d files
* If requested, subtract the sky (either from a dedicated sky frame, or use the sky model stored in the science spec2d file)
* The sky regions near the spectral edges of the slits are masked
* Apply a relative spectral illumination correction (scalecorr) that registers all input frames to the scale illumination.
* Generate a WCS of each individual frame, and calculate the RA and DEC of each individual detector pixel
* Calculate the astrometric correction that is needed to align spatial positions along the slices
* Compute the differential atmospheric refraction correction
* Apply the extinction correction
* Apply a grating correction (gratcorr) - This corrects for the relative spectral efficiency of combining data taken with multiple different grating angles
* Flux calibrate
Data cube generation:
* If frames are not being combined, individual data cubes are generated and saved as a DataCube object. A white light image is also produced, if requested
* If frames are being aligned and/or combined, the following steps are followed:
- The output voxel sampling is computed (this must be consistent for all frames)
- Frames are aligned (either by user-specified offsets, or by a fancy cross-correlation)
- The relative weights to each for each detector pixel is computed
- If frames are not being combined, individual DataCube's will be generated for each frame
- If frames are being combined, a single DataCube will be generated.
- White light images are also produced, if requested.
def __init__(self, spec2dfiles, par, skysub_frame=None, sensfile=None, scale_corr=None, grating_corr=None,
ra_offsets=None, dec_offsets=None, spectrograph=None, det=1,
overwrite=False, show=False, debug=False):
super().__init__(spec2dfiles, par, skysub_frame=skysub_frame, sensfile=sensfile,
scale_corr=scale_corr, grating_corr=grating_corr,
ra_offsets=ra_offsets, dec_offsets=dec_offsets, spectrograph=spectrograph, det=det,
overwrite=overwrite, show=show, debug=debug)
self.mnmx_wv = None # Will be used to store the minimum and maximum wavelengths of every slit and frame.
self._spatscale = np.zeros((self.numfiles, 2)) # index 0, 1 = pixel scale, slicer scale
self._specscale = np.zeros(self.numfiles)
# Loop through all of the frames, load the data, and save datacubes if no combining is required
def get_alignments(self, spec2DObj, slits, spat_flexure=None):
Generate and return the spline interpolation fitting functions to be used for
the alignment frames, as part of the astrometric correction.
spec2DObj : :class:`~pypeit.spec2dobj.Spec2DObj`
2D PypeIt spectra object.
slits : :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`
Class containing information about the slits
spat_flexure: :obj:`float`, optional
Spatial flexure in pixels
alignSplines : :class:`~pypeit.alignframe.AlignmentSplines`
Alignment splines used for the astrometric correction
# Loading the alignments frame for these data
alignments = None
if self.cubepar['astrometric']:
key = alignframe.Alignments.calib_type.upper()
if key in spec2DObj.calibs:
alignfile = os.path.join(spec2DObj.calibs['DIR'], spec2DObj.calibs[key])
if os.path.exists(alignfile) and self.cubepar['astrometric']:
msgs.info("Loading alignments")
alignments = alignframe.Alignments.from_file(alignfile,
msgs.warn(f'Processed alignment frame not recorded or not found!')
msgs.info("Using slit edges for astrometric transform")
msgs.info("Using slit edges for astrometric transform")
# If nothing better was provided, use the slit edges
if alignments is None:
left, right, _ = slits.select_edges(flexure=spat_flexure)
locations = [0.0, 1.0]
traces = np.append(left[:, None, :], right[:, None, :], axis=1)
locations = self.par['calibrations']['alignment']['locations']
traces = alignments.traces
msgs.info("Generating alignment splines")
return alignframe.AlignmentSplines(traces, locations, spec2DObj.tilts)
def load(self):
This is the main function that loads in the data, and performs several frame-specific corrections.
If the user does not wish to align or combine the individual datacubes, then this routine will also
produce a spec3d file, which is a DataCube representation of a PypeIt spec2d frame for SlicerIFU data.
This function should be called in the __init__ method, and initialises multiple variables. The variables
initialised by this function include:
* self.ifu_ra - The RA of the IFU pointing
* self.ifu_dec - The Dec of the IFU pointing
* self.mnmx_wv - The minimum and maximum wavelengths of every slit and frame.
* self._spatscale - The native spatial scales of all spec2d frames.
* self._specscale - The native spectral scales of all spec2d frames.
* self.weights - Weights to use when combining cubes
* self.flat_splines - Spline representations of the blaze function (based on the illumflat).
* self.blaze_spline - Spline representation of the reference blaze function
* self.blaze_wave - Wavelength array used to construct the reference blaze function
* self.blaze_spec - Spectrum used to construct the reference blaze function
As well as the primary arrays that store the pixel information for multiple spec2d frames, including:
* self.all_sci
* self.all_ivar
* self.all_wave
* self.all_slitid
* self.all_wghts
* self.all_tilts
* self.all_slits
* self.all_align
* self.all_wcs
* self.all_ra
* self.all_dec
* self.all_dar
# Load all spec2d files and prepare the data for making a datacube
for ff, fil in enumerate(self.spec2d):
# Load it up
msgs.info(f"Loading PypeIt spec2d frame ({ff+1}/{len(self.spec2d)}):" + msgs.newline() + fil)
spec2DObj = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file(fil, self.detname,
detector = spec2DObj.detector
spat_flexure = None # spec2DObj.sci_spat_flexure
# Load the header
hdr0 = spec2DObj.head0
self.ifu_ra = np.append(self.ifu_ra, self.spec.compound_meta([hdr0], 'ra'))
self.ifu_dec = np.append(self.ifu_dec, self.spec.compound_meta([hdr0], 'dec'))
# Get the exposure time
exptime = self.spec.compound_meta([hdr0], 'exptime')
# Initialise the slit edges
msgs.info("Constructing slit image")
slits = spec2DObj.slits
slitid_img = slits.slit_img(pad=0, flexure=spat_flexure)
slits_left, slits_right, _ = slits.select_edges(flexure=spat_flexure)
# The order of operations below proceeds as follows:
# (1) Get science image
# (2) Subtract sky (note, if a joint fit has been performed, the relative scale correction is applied in the reduction!)
# (3) Apply relative scale correction to both science and ivar
# Set the default behaviour if a global skysub frame has been specified
this_skysub, skyImg, skyScl = self.get_current_skysub(spec2DObj, exptime,
# Load the relative scale image, if something other than the default has been provided
this_scalecorr, relScaleImg = self.get_current_scalecorr(spec2DObj,
# Prepare the relative scaling factors
relSclSky = skyScl / spec2DObj.scaleimg # This factor ensures the sky has the same relative scaling as the science frame
relScale = spec2DObj.scaleimg / relScaleImg # This factor is applied to the sky subtracted science frame
# Extract the relevant information from the spec2d file
sciImg = (spec2DObj.sciimg - skyImg * relSclSky) * relScale # Subtract sky and apply relative illumination
ivar = spec2DObj.ivarraw / relScale ** 2
waveimg = spec2DObj.waveimg
bpmmask = spec2DObj.bpmmask
# Mask the edges of the spectrum where the sky model is bad
sky_is_good = datacube.make_good_skymask(slitid_img, spec2DObj.tilts)
# TODO :: Really need to write some detailed information in the docs about all of the various corrections that can optionally be applied
# TODO :: Include a flexure correction from the sky frame? Note, you cannot use the waveimg from a sky frame,
# since the heliocentric correction may have been applied to the sky frame. Need to recalculate waveimg using
# the slitshifts from a skyimage, and then apply the vel_corr from the science image.
wnonzero = (waveimg != 0.0)
if not np.any(wnonzero):
msgs.error("The wavelength image contains only zeros - You need to check the data reduction.")
wave0 = waveimg[wnonzero].min()
# Calculate the delta wave in every pixel on the slit
waveimp = np.roll(waveimg, 1, axis=0)
waveimn = np.roll(waveimg, -1, axis=0)
dwaveimg = np.zeros_like(waveimg)
# All good pixels
wnz = np.where((waveimg != 0) & (waveimp != 0))
dwaveimg[wnz] = np.abs(waveimg[wnz] - waveimp[wnz])
# All bad pixels
wnz = np.where((waveimg != 0) & (waveimp == 0))
dwaveimg[wnz] = np.abs(waveimg[wnz] - waveimn[wnz])
# All endpoint pixels
dwaveimg[0, :] = np.abs(waveimg[0, :] - waveimn[0, :])
dwaveimg[-1, :] = np.abs(waveimg[-1, :] - waveimp[-1, :])
dwv = np.median(dwaveimg[dwaveimg != 0.0]) if self.cubepar['wave_delta'] is None else self.cubepar['wave_delta']
msgs.info("Using wavelength solution: wave0={0:.3f}, dispersion={1:.3f} Angstrom/pixel".format(wave0, dwv))
# Obtain the minimum and maximum wavelength of all slits
if self.mnmx_wv is None:
self.mnmx_wv = np.zeros((len(self.spec2d), slits.nslits, 2))
for slit_idx, slit_spat in enumerate(slits.spat_id):
onslit_init = (slitid_img == slit_spat)
self.mnmx_wv[ff, slit_idx, 0] = np.min(waveimg[onslit_init])
self.mnmx_wv[ff, slit_idx, 1] = np.max(waveimg[onslit_init])
# Find the largest spatial scale of all images being combined
# TODO :: probably need to put this in the DetectorContainer
pxscl = detector.platescale * parse.parse_binning(detector.binning)[1] / 3600.0 # This is degrees/pixel
slscl = self.spec.get_meta_value([spec2DObj.head0], 'slitwid')
self._spatscale[ff, 0] = pxscl
self._spatscale[ff, 1] = slscl
self._specscale[ff] = dwv
# If the spatial scale has been set by the user, check that it doesn't exceed the pixel or slicer scales
if self._dspat is not None:
if pxscl > self._dspat:
msgs.warn("Spatial scale requested ({0:f} arcsec) is less than the pixel scale ({1:f} arcsec)".format(
3600.0 * self._dspat, 3600.0 * pxscl))
if slscl > self._dspat:
msgs.warn("Spatial scale requested ({0:f} arcsec) is less than the slicer scale ({1:f} arcsec)".format(
3600.0 * self._dspat, 3600.0 * slscl))
# Construct a good pixel mask
# TODO: This should use the mask function to figure out which elements are masked.
onslit_gpm = (slitid_img > 0) & (bpmmask.mask == 0) & sky_is_good
# Generate the alignment splines, and then retrieve images of the RA and Dec of every pixel,
# and the number of spatial pixels in each slit
alignSplines = self.get_alignments(spec2DObj, slits, spat_flexure=spat_flexure)
# Grab the WCS of this frame, and generate the RA and Dec images
# NOTE :: These RA and Dec images are only used to setup the WCS of the datacube. The actual RA and Dec
# of each pixel in the datacube is calculated in the datacube.subpixellate() method.
crval_wv = self.cubepar['wave_min'] if self.cubepar['wave_min'] is not None else wave0
cd_wv = self.cubepar['wave_delta'] if self.cubepar['wave_delta'] is not None else dwv
self.all_wcs.append(self.spec.get_wcs(spec2DObj.head0, slits, detector.platescale, crval_wv, cd_wv))
ra_img, dec_img, minmax = slits.get_radec_image(self.all_wcs[ff], alignSplines, spec2DObj.tilts, flexure=spat_flexure)
# Extract wavelength and delta wavelength arrays from the images
wave_ext = waveimg[onslit_gpm]
dwav_ext = dwaveimg[onslit_gpm]
# For now, work in sorted wavelengths
wvsrt = np.argsort(wave_ext, kind='stable')
wave_sort = wave_ext[wvsrt]
dwav_sort = dwav_ext[wvsrt]
# Here's an array to get back to the original ordering
resrt = np.argsort(wvsrt, kind='stable')
# Compute the DAR correction
cosdec = np.cos(self.ifu_dec[ff] * np.pi / 180.0)
airmass = self.spec.get_meta_value([spec2DObj.head0], 'airmass') # unitless
parangle = self.spec.get_meta_value([spec2DObj.head0], 'parangle')
pressure = self.spec.get_meta_value([spec2DObj.head0], 'pressure') # units are pascals
temperature = self.spec.get_meta_value([spec2DObj.head0], 'temperature') # units are degrees C
humidity = self.spec.get_meta_value([spec2DObj.head0], 'humidity') # Expressed as a percentage (not a fraction!)
darcorr = DARcorrection(airmass, parangle, pressure, temperature, humidity, cosdec)
# TODO :: Need to make a note somewhere that the extinction correction cannot currently be done
# in the datacube because the sensitivity function algorithms correct the standard star
# for extinction when generating the sensitivity function. Including the extinction correction
# in the datacube would result in a double correction of the standard star for extinction.
# This could be wrong when combining multiple standard star exposures if the airmass of the
# standard star exposures is significantly different. For now, to stay consistent with the
# current pipeline, the extinction correction is done in the sensitivity function algorithms,
# with the caveat that the standard star exposures are assumed to have similar airmasses.
# For now, comment out the extinction correction, and reapply this later when the sensitivity
# function algorithms are unified.
extcorr_sort = 1.0
if False:
# Compute the extinction correction
msgs.info("Applying extinction correction")
# TODO :: Change the ['UVIS']['extinct_file'] here when the sensitivity function calculation is unified.
extinct = flux_calib.load_extinction_data(self.spec.telescope['longitude'],
# extinction_correction requires the wavelength is sorted
extcorr_sort = flux_calib.extinction_correction(wave_sort * units.AA, airmass, extinct)
# Correct for sensitivity as a function of grating angle
# (this assumes the spectrum of the flatfield lamp has the same shape for all setups)
gratcorr_sort = 1.0
if self.grating_corr[ff] is not None:
# Setup the grating correction
flatfile = self.grating_corr[ff]
self.add_grating_corr(flatfile, waveimg, slits, spat_flexure=spat_flexure)
# Calculate the grating correction
gratcorr_sort = datacube.correct_grating_shift(wave_sort, self.flat_splines[flatfile + "_wave"],
self.blaze_wave, self.blaze_spline)
# Sensitivity function - note that the sensitivity function factors in the exposure time and the
# wavelength sampling, so if the flux calibration will not be applied, the sens_factor needs to be
# scaled by the exposure time and the wavelength sampling
sens_sort = 1.0/(exptime * dwav_sort) # If no sensitivity function is provided
if self.fluxcal:
msgs.info("Calculating the sensitivity function")
# Load the sensitivity function
sens = sensfunc.SensFunc.from_file(self.sensfile[ff], chk_version=self.par['rdx']['chk_version'])
# Interpolate the sensitivity function onto the wavelength grid of the data
# TODO :: Change the ['UVIS']['extinct_file'] here when the sensitivity function calculation is unified.
sens_sort = flux_calib.get_sensfunc_factor(
wave_sort, sens.wave[:, 0], sens.zeropoint[:, 0], exptime, delta_wave=dwav_sort,
extinct_correct=True, longitude=self.spec.telescope['longitude'],
latitude=self.spec.telescope['latitude'], extinctfilepar=self.senspar['UVIS']['extinct_file'],
airmass=airmass, extrap_sens=self.par['fluxcalib']['extrap_sens'])
# Convert the flux units to counts/s, and correct for the relative sensitivity of different setups
sens_sort *= extcorr_sort/gratcorr_sort
# Correct for extinction
sciImg[onslit_gpm] *= sens_sort[resrt]
ivar[onslit_gpm] /= sens_sort[resrt] ** 2
# Convert units to Counts/s/Ang/arcsec2
# Slicer sampling * spatial pixel sampling
unitscale = self.all_wcs[ff].wcs.cunit[0].to(units.arcsec) * self.all_wcs[ff].wcs.cunit[1].to(units.arcsec)
sl_deg = np.sqrt(self.all_wcs[ff].wcs.cd[0, 0] ** 2 + self.all_wcs[ff].wcs.cd[1, 0] ** 2)
px_deg = np.sqrt(self.all_wcs[ff].wcs.cd[1, 1] ** 2 + self.all_wcs[ff].wcs.cd[0, 1] ** 2)
scl_units = unitscale * sl_deg * px_deg
sciImg[onslit_gpm] /= scl_units
ivar[onslit_gpm] *= scl_units ** 2
# Calculate the weights relative to the zeroth cube
self.weights[ff] = 1.0 # exptime #np.median(flux_sav[resrt]*np.sqrt(ivar_sav[resrt]))**2
wghts = self.weights[ff] * np.ones(sciImg.shape)
# Get the slit image and then unset pixels in the slit image that are bad
slitid_img_gpm = slitid_img * onslit_gpm.astype(int)
# If individual frames are to be output without aligning them,
# there's no need to store information, just make the cubes now
if not self.combine and not self.align:
# Get the output filename
if self.numfiles == 1 and self.cubepar['output_filename'] != "":
outfile = datacube.get_output_filename("", self.cubepar['output_filename'], True, -1)
outfile = datacube.get_output_filename(fil, self.cubepar['output_filename'], self.combine, ff + 1)
# Get the coordinate bounds
slitlength = int(np.round(np.median(slits.get_slitlengths(median=True))))
numwav = int((np.max(waveimg) - wave0) / dwv)
bins = self.spec.get_datacube_bins(slitlength, minmax, numwav)
# Set the wavelength range of the white light image.
wl_wvrng = None
if self.cubepar['save_whitelight']:
wl_wvrng = datacube.get_whitelight_range(np.max(self.mnmx_wv[ff, :, 0]),
np.min(self.mnmx_wv[ff, :, 1]),
# Make the datacube
if self.method in ['subpixel', 'ngp']:
# Generate the datacube
flxcube, sigcube, bpmcube, wave = \
datacube.generate_cube_subpixel(self.all_wcs[ff], bins, sciImg, ivar, waveimg, slitid_img_gpm, wghts,
self.all_wcs[ff], spec2DObj.tilts, slits, alignSplines, darcorr,
self.ra_offsets[ff], self.dec_offsets[ff],
overwrite=self.overwrite, whitelight_range=wl_wvrng, outfile=outfile,
# Prepare the header
hdr = self.all_wcs[ff].to_header()
if self.fluxcal:
hdr['FLUXUNIT'] = (flux_calib.PYPEIT_FLUX_SCALE, "Flux units -- erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom/arcsec^2")
hdr['FLUXUNIT'] = (1, "Flux units -- counts/s/Angstrom/arcsec^2")
# Write out the datacube
msgs.info("Saving datacube as: {0:s}".format(outfile))
final_cube = DataCube(flxcube, sigcube, bpmcube, wave, self.specname, self.blaze_wave, self.blaze_spec,
sensfunc=None, fluxed=self.fluxcal)
final_cube.to_file(outfile, primary_hdr=self.all_header[ff], hdr=hdr, overwrite=self.overwrite)
# No need to proceed and store arrays - we are writing individual datacubes
# Store the information if we are combining multiple frames
def run_align(self):
This routine aligns multiple cubes by using manual input offsets or by cross-correlating white light images.
`numpy.ndarray`_: A new set of RA values that have been aligned
`numpy.ndarray`_: A new set of Dec values that has been aligned
# Grab cos(dec) for convenience
cosdec = np.cos(np.mean(self.ifu_dec[0]) * np.pi / 180.0)
# Initialize the RA and Dec offset arrays
ra_offsets, dec_offsets = [0.0]*self.numfiles, [0.0]*self.numfiles
# Register spatial offsets between all frames
if self.user_alignment:
# The user has specified offsets - update these values accounting for the difference in header RA/DEC
ra_offsets, dec_offsets = datacube.align_user_offsets(self.ifu_ra, self.ifu_dec,
self.ra_offsets, self.dec_offsets)
# Find the wavelength range where all frames overlap
min_wl, max_wl = datacube.get_whitelight_range(np.max(self.mnmx_wv[:, :, 0]), # The max blue wavelength
np.min(self.mnmx_wv[:, :, 1]), # The min red wavelength
self.cubepar['whitelight_range']) # The user-specified values (if any)
# Get the good white light pixels
slitid_img_gpm, wavediff = datacube.get_whitelight_pixels(self.all_wave, self.all_slitid, min_wl, max_wl)
# Iterate over white light image generation and spatial shifting
numiter = 2
for dd in range(numiter):
msgs.info(f"Iterating on spatial translation - ITERATION #{dd+1}/{numiter}")
# Generate the WCS
image_wcs, voxedge, reference_image = \
datacube.create_wcs(self.all_ra, self.all_dec, self.all_wave, slitid_img_gpm, self._dspat, wavediff,
ra_offsets=ra_offsets, dec_offsets=dec_offsets,
ra_min=self.cubepar['ra_min'], ra_max=self.cubepar['ra_max'],
dec_min=self.cubepar['dec_min'], dec_max=self.cubepar['dec_max'],
wave_min=self.cubepar['wave_min'], wave_max=self.cubepar['wave_max'],
reference=self.cubepar['reference_image'], collapse=True, equinox=2000.0,
if voxedge[2].size != 2:
msgs.error("Spectral range for WCS is incorrect for white light image")
wl_imgs = datacube.generate_image_subpixel(image_wcs, voxedge, self.all_sci, self.all_ivar, self.all_wave,
slitid_img_gpm, self.all_wghts, self.all_wcs,
self.all_tilts, self.all_slits, self.all_align, self.all_dar,
ra_offsets, dec_offsets,
if reference_image is None:
# ref_idx will be the index of the cube with the highest S/N
ref_idx = np.argmax(self.weights)
reference_image = wl_imgs[:, :, ref_idx].copy()
msgs.info("Calculating spatial translation of each cube relative to cube #{0:d})".format(ref_idx+1))
msgs.info("Calculating the spatial translation of each cube relative to user-defined 'reference_image'")
# Calculate the image offsets relative to the reference image
for ff in range(self.numfiles):
# Calculate the shift
ra_shift, dec_shift = calculate_image_phase(reference_image.copy(), wl_imgs[:, :, ff], maskval=0.0)
# Convert pixel shift to degrees shift
ra_shift *= self._dspat/cosdec
dec_shift *= self._dspat
msgs.info("Spatial shift of cube #{0:d}:".format(ff + 1) + msgs.newline() +
"RA, DEC (arcsec) = {0:+0.3f} E, {1:+0.3f} N".format(ra_shift*3600.0, dec_shift*3600.0))
# Store the shift in the RA and DEC offsets in degrees
ra_offsets[ff] += ra_shift
dec_offsets[ff] += dec_shift
return ra_offsets, dec_offsets
def compute_weights(self):
Compute the relative weights to apply to pixels that are collected into the voxels of the output DataCubes
`numpy.ndarray`_: The individual pixel weights for each detector pixel, and every frame.
# If there is only one file, then all pixels have the same weight
if self.numfiles == 1:
return np.ones_like(self.all_sci)
# Calculate the relative spectral weights of all pixels
return datacube.compute_weights_frompix(self.all_ra, self.all_dec, self.all_wave, self.all_sci, self.all_ivar,
self.all_slitid, self._dspat, self._dwv, self.mnmx_wv, self.all_wghts,
self.all_wcs, self.all_tilts, self.all_slits, self.all_align, self.all_dar,
self.ra_offsets, self.dec_offsets,
ra_min=self.cubepar['ra_min'], ra_max=self.cubepar['ra_max'],
dec_min=self.cubepar['dec_min'], dec_max=self.cubepar['dec_max'],
wave_min=self.cubepar['wave_min'], wave_max=self.cubepar['wave_max'],
def run(self):
This is the main routine called to convert PypeIt spec2d files into PypeIt DataCube objects. It is specific
to the SlicerIFU data.
First the data are loaded and several corrections are made. These include:
* A sky frame or model is subtracted from the science data, and the relative spectral illumination
of different slices is corrected.
* A mask of good pixels is identified
* A common spaxel scale is determined, and the astrometric correction is derived
* An RA and Dec image is created for each pixel.
* Based on atmospheric conditions, a differential atmospheric refraction correction is applied.
* Extinction correction
* Flux calibration (optional - this calibration is only applied if a standard star cube is supplied)
If the input frames will not be combined (combine=False) if they won't be aligned (align=False), then
each individual spec2d file is converted into a spec3d file (i.e. a PypeIt DataCube object). These fits
files can be loaded/viewed in other software packages to display or combine multiple datacubes into a
single datacube. However, note that different software packages use combination algorithms that may not
conserve flux, or may produce covariance between adjacent voxels.
If the user wishes to either spatially align multiple exposures (align=True) or combine multiple
exposures (combine=True), then the next set of operations include:
* Generate white light images of each individual cube (according to a user-specified wavelength range)
* Align multiple frames if align=True (either manually by user input, or automatically by cross-correlation)
* Create the output WCS, and apply the flux calibration to the data
* Generate individual datacubes (combine=False) or one master datacube containing all exposures (combine=True).
Note, there are several algorithms used to combine multiple frames. Refer to the subpixellate() routine for
more details about the combination options.
# No need to continue if we are not combining nor aligning frames
if not self.combine and not self.align:
# If the user is aligning or combining, the spatial scale of the output cubes needs to be consistent.
# Set the spatial and spectral scales of the output datacube
self._dspat, self._dwv = datacube.set_voxel_sampling(self._spatscale, self._specscale,
dspat=self._dspat, dwv=self._dwv)
# Align the frames
if self.align:
self.ra_offsets, self.dec_offsets = self.run_align()
# Compute the relative weights on the spectra
self.all_wghts = self.compute_weights()
# Generate the WCS, and the voxel edges
cube_wcs, vox_edges, _ = \
datacube.create_wcs(self.all_ra, self.all_dec, self.all_wave, self.all_slitid, self._dspat, self._dwv,
ra_offsets=self.ra_offsets, dec_offsets=self.dec_offsets,
ra_min=self.cubepar['ra_min'], ra_max=self.cubepar['ra_max'],
dec_min=self.cubepar['dec_min'], dec_max=self.cubepar['dec_max'],
wave_min=self.cubepar['wave_min'], wave_max=self.cubepar['wave_max'],
reference=self.cubepar['reference_image'], collapse=False, equinox=2000.0,
sensfunc = None
if self.flux_spline is not None:
# Get wavelength of each pixel
numwav = vox_edges[2].size - 1
wcs_scale = (1.0 * cube_wcs.spectral.wcs.cunit[0]).to(units.Angstrom).value # Ensures the WCS is in Angstroms
senswave = wcs_scale * cube_wcs.spectral.wcs_pix2world(np.arange(numwav), 0)[0]
sensfunc = self.flux_spline(senswave)
# Generate a datacube
if self.method in ['subpixel', 'ngp']:
# Generate the datacube
wl_wvrng = None
if self.cubepar['save_whitelight']:
wl_wvrng = datacube.get_whitelight_range(np.max(self.mnmx_wv[:, :, 0]),
np.min(self.mnmx_wv[:, :, 1]),
if self.combine:
outfile = datacube.get_output_filename("", self.cubepar['output_filename'], True, -1)
# Generate the datacube
flxcube, sigcube, bpmcube, wave = \
datacube.generate_cube_subpixel(cube_wcs, vox_edges, self.all_sci, self.all_ivar, self.all_wave,
self.all_slitid, self.all_wghts, self.all_wcs,
self.all_tilts, self.all_slits, self.all_align, self.all_dar,
self.ra_offsets, self.dec_offsets,
outfile=outfile, overwrite=self.overwrite, whitelight_range=wl_wvrng,
# Prepare the header
hdr = cube_wcs.to_header()
if self.fluxcal:
hdr['FLUXUNIT'] = (flux_calib.PYPEIT_FLUX_SCALE, "Flux units -- erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom/arcsec^2")
hdr['FLUXUNIT'] = (1, "Flux units -- counts/s/Angstrom/arcsec^2")
# Write out the datacube
msgs.info("Saving datacube as: {0:s}".format(outfile))
final_cube = DataCube(flxcube, sigcube, bpmcube, wave, self.specname, self.blaze_wave, self.blaze_spec,
sensfunc=sensfunc, fluxed=self.fluxcal)
# Note, we only store in the primary header the first spec2d file
final_cube.to_file(outfile, primary_hdr=self.all_header[0], hdr=hdr, overwrite=self.overwrite)
for ff in range(self.numfiles):
outfile = datacube.get_output_filename("", self.cubepar['output_filename'], False, ff)
# Generate the datacube
flxcube, sigcube, bpmcube, wave = \
datacube.generate_cube_subpixel(cube_wcs, vox_edges,
self.all_sci[ff], self.all_ivar[ff], self.all_wave[ff],
self.all_slitid[ff], self.all_wghts[ff], self.all_wcs[ff],
self.all_tilts[ff], self.all_slits[ff], self.all_align[ff], self.all_dar[ff],
self.ra_offsets[ff], self.dec_offsets[ff],
overwrite=self.overwrite, whitelight_range=wl_wvrng,
outfile=outfile, spec_subpixel=self.spec_subpixel,
# Prepare the header
hdr = cube_wcs.to_header()
if self.fluxcal:
hdr['FLUXUNIT'] = (flux_calib.PYPEIT_FLUX_SCALE, "Flux units -- erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom/arcsec^2")
hdr['FLUXUNIT'] = (1, "Flux units -- counts/s/Angstrom/arcsec^2")
# Write out the datacube
msgs.info("Saving datacube as: {0:s}".format(outfile))
final_cube = DataCube(flxcube, sigcube, bpmcube, wave, self.specname, self.blaze_wave, self.blaze_spec,
sensfunc=sensfunc, fluxed=self.fluxcal)
final_cube.to_file(outfile, primary_hdr=self.all_header[ff], hdr=hdr, overwrite=self.overwrite)