pypeit.history module
Module for managing the history of PypeIt output files.
- class pypeit.history.History(header=None)[source]
Holds and creates history entries for FITS files.
- Parameters:
header (, optional) – Header from a fits file. The history keyword entries in this header will be used to populate this History object. Defaults to None.
- add_coadd1d(spec1d_files, objids, gpm_exp=None)[source]
Add history entries for 1D coadding.
The history shows what files and objects were used for coadding. For example:
HISTORY 2021-01-23T02:12 PypeIt Coadded 4 objects from 3 spec1d files HISTORY File 0 "spec1d_DE.20170425.53065-dra11_DEIMOS_2017Apr25T144418.240.fits" HISTORY File 1 "spec1d_DE.20170425.51771-dra11_DEIMOS_2017Apr25T142245.350.fits" HISTORY File 2 "spec1d_DE.20170425.50487-dra11_DEIMOS_2017Apr25T140121.014.fits" HISTORY Object ID SPAT0692-SLIT0704-DET08 from file 0 HISTORY Object ID SPAT0695-SLIT0706-DET04 from file 2 HISTORY Object ID SPAT0691-SLIT0704-DET08 from file 2 HISTORY Object ID SPAT0695-SLIT0706-DET04 from file 1
- add_reduce(calib_id, metadata, frames, bg_frames)[source]
Add history entries for reducing a frame. For example:
HISTORY 2021-03-05T23:56 PypeIt Reducing target HIP15339 HISTORY Combining frames: HISTORY "S20161108S0087.fits.gz" HISTORY "S20161108S0090.fits.gz" HISTORY Subtracted background from frames: HISTORY "S20161108S0088.fits.gz" HISTORY "S20161108S0089.fits.gz" HISTORY Calibration frames: HISTORY arc,science,tilt "S20161108S0069.fits.gz" HISTORY arc,science,tilt "S20161108S0070.fits.gz" HISTORY arc,science,tilt "S20161108S0071.fits.gz" HISTORY arc,science,tilt "S20161108S0072.fits.gz" HISTORY pixelflat,trace "S20161108S0078.fits.gz"
- Parameters:
calib_id (int) – The calibration id being reduced.
metadata (
) – The metadata for all the fits files PypeIt knows of.frames (numpy.ndarray) – Array of indexes into metadata of the frames being combined in the reduction.
bg_frames (numpy.ndarray) – Array of indexes into metadata of the frames being subtracted in the reduction.
- write_to_header(header)[source]
Write history entries to a FITS header.
- Parameters:
header ( – The header to write to.