pypeit.coadd1d module

Coadding module.

class pypeit.coadd1d.CoAdd1D(spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None, setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=True)[source]

Bases: object


Dummy method overloaded by sub-classes

classmethod get_instance(spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None, setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=True)[source]

Superclass factory method which generates the subclass instance. See CoAdd1D instantiation for argument descriptions.


Load the arrays we need for performing coadds. Dummy method overloaded by children.


Runs the coadding

save(coaddfile, telluric=None, obj_model=None, overwrite=True)[source]

Generate a OneSpec object and write it to disk.

  • coaddfile (str) – File to output coadded spectrum to.

  • telluric (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Telluric model.

  • obj_model (str, optional) – Name of the object model

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – Overwrite existing file?

class pypeit.coadd1d.EchelleCoAdd1D(spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None, setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=True)[source]

Bases: CoAdd1D

Child of CoAdd1d for Echelle reductions.


Perform coadd for echelle data using ech_combspec


  • wave_grid_mid (numpy.ndarray) – Wavelength grid (in Angstrom) evaluated at the bin centers, uniformly-spaced either in lambda or log10-lambda/velocity. See for more. shape=(ngrid,)

  • wave_coadd (numpy.ndarray) – Wavelength grid for stacked spectrum. As discussed above, this is the weighted average of the wavelengths of each spectrum that contriuted to a bin in the input wave_grid wavelength grid. It thus has ngrid elements, whereas wave_grid has ngrid+1 elements to specify the ngrid total number of bins. Note that wave_giant_stack is NOT simply the wave_grid bin centers, since it computes the weighted average;

  • flux_coadd (numpy.ndarray) – Final stacked spectrum on wave_stack wavelength grid. shape=(ngrid,)

  • ivar_coadd (numpy.ndarray) – Inverse variance spectrum on wave_stack wavelength grid. Erors are propagated according to weighting and masking. shape=(ngrid,)

  • gpm_coadd (numpy.ndarray) – Mask for stacked spectrum on wave_stack wavelength grid. True=Good. shape=(ngrid,)

  • order_stacks_output (numpy.ndarray, None) – Stacked orders. None if not echelle data. shape=(norders, ngrid)


Load the arrays we need for performing echelle coadds.


  • waves (list) – List of arrays with the wavelength arrays for each setup. The length of the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in the list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)

  • fluxes (list) – List of arrays with the flux arrays for each setup. The length of the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in the list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)

  • ivars (list) – List of arrays with the ivar arrays for each setup. The length of the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in the list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)

  • gpms (list) – List of arrays with the gpm arrays for each setup. The length of the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in the list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)

  • weights_sens (list) – List of arrays with the sensfunc weights for each setup. The length of the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in the list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)

  • headers (list) – List of headers for each setup. The length of the list is the number of unique setups.

load_ech_arrays(spec1dfiles, objids, sensfuncfiles)[source]

Load the arrays we need for performing coadds for a single setup.

  • spec1dfiles (list) – List of spec1d files for this setup.

  • objids (list) – List of objids. This is aligned with spec1dfiles

  • sensfuncfiles (list) – List of sensfuncfiles. This is aligned with spec1dfiles and objids


waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, header. Each array has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)

Return type:


class pypeit.coadd1d.MultiSlitCoAdd1D(spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None, setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=False)[source]

Bases: CoAdd1D

Child of CoAdd1d for Multislit and Longslit reductions.


Check if there are bad exposures. Exposures with flux masked everywhere are always removed. Exposures that are considered bad based on their S/N compared to the average S/N among all the exposures, are removed only if self.par[‘sigrej_exp’] is set. The attributes self.waves, self.fluxes, self.ivars, self.gpms need to be defined.


  • gpm_exp (list of bool) – List of boolean that indicates which exposures have been coadded. The length of the list is nexp.

  • _waves (list of float numpy.ndarray) – Updated list of wavelength arrays.

  • _fluxes (list of float numpy.ndarray) – Updated list of flux arrays.

  • _ivars (list of float numpy.ndarray) – Updated list of inverse variance arrays.

  • _gpms (list of bool numpy.ndarray) – Updated list of good pixel mask variance arrays.


Perform coadd for for Multi/Longslit data using multi_combspec


see objects returned by multi_combspec().

Return type:



Load the arrays we need for performing coadds.


  • waves (list of float numpy.ndarray) – List of wavelength arrays. The length of the list is nexp. The arrays can have different shapes.

  • fluxes (list of float numpy.ndarray) – List of flux arrays. The arrays can have different shapes, but all are aligned with what is in waves.

  • ivars (list of float numpy.ndarray) – List of inverse variance arrays. The arrays can have different shapes, but all are aligned with what is in waves.

  • gpms (list of bool numpy.ndarray) – List of good pixel mask variance arrays. The arrays can have different shapes, but all are aligned with what is in waves.

  • headers (list of header objects) – List of headers of length nexp

class pypeit.coadd1d.SlicerIFUCoAdd1D(spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None, setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=False)[source]

Bases: MultiSlitCoAdd1D

Child of MultiSlitCoAdd1d for SlicerIFU reductions.