pypeit.extraction module

Main driver class for skysubtraction and extraction

class pypeit.extraction.EchelleExtract(sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Extract

Child of Extract for Echelle reductions

See parent doc string for Args and Attributes

local_skysub_extract(global_sky, sobjs, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, spat_pix=None, model_noise=True, min_snr=2.0, fit_fwhm=False, show_profile=False, show_resids=False, show_fwhm=False, show=False)[source]

Perform local sky subtraction, profile fitting, and optimal extraction slit by slit

Wrapper to local_skysub_extract().

  • global_sky (numpy.ndarray) – Global sky model

  • sobjs (SpecObjs) – Class containing the information about the objects found

  • bkg_redux_global_sky (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Sky estimate without background subtraction. This is used for 1d sky spectrum extraction in the case bkg_redux=True. Default is None.

  • spat_pix (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Image containing the spatial location of pixels. If not input, it will be computed from spat_img = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat)).

  • model_noise (bool, optional) – If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using variance_model(). If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. See ~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract for more info.

  • show_resids (bool, optional) – Show the model fits and residuals.

  • show_profile (bool, optional) – Show QA for the object profile fitting to the screen. Note that this will show interactive matplotlib plots which will block the execution of the code until the window is closed.

  • show (bool, optional) – Show debugging plots


Return the model sky flux, object flux, inverse variance, and mask as numpy.ndarray objects, and returns a SpecObjs: instance c containing the information about the objects found.

Return type:


class pypeit.extraction.Extract(sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, global_sky=None, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, waveTilts=None, tilts=None, wv_calib=None, waveimg=None, flatimg=None, bkg_redux=False, return_negative=False, std_redux=False, show=False, basename=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class will organize and run actions relatedt to sky subtraction, and extraction for a Science or Standard star exposure


Model of inverse variance




Model of object




Final model of sky




Fit to global sky




Final output mask




Extraction mask






Only object finding but no extraction




Final extracted object list with trace corrections applied






WaveTilts images generated on-the-spot




WaveImage image generated on-the-spot




Global spectral flexure correction for each slit (in pixels)




Relativistic reference frame velocity correction (e.g. heliocentyric/barycentric/topocentric)




Bad pixel mask for extraction



extract(global_sky, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, model_noise=None, spat_pix=None)[source]

Main method to extract spectra from the ScienceImage

  • global_sky (numpy.ndarray) – Sky estimate

  • sobjs_obj (SpecObjs) – List of SpecObj that have been found and traced

  • bkg_redux_global_sky (numpy.ndarray) – Sky estimate without background subtraction. This is used for 1d sky spectrum extraction in the case bkg_redux=True. Default is None.

  • model_noise (bool) – If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using variance_model(). If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. See local_skysub_extract() for more info. Default is None, which is to say pypeit will use the bkg_redux attribute to decide whether or not to model the noise.

  • spat_pix (numpy.ndarray) – Image containing the spatial coordinates. This option is used for 2d coadds where the spat_pix image is generated as a coadd of images. For normal reductions spat_pix is not required as it is trivially created from the image itself. Default is None.

classmethod get_instance(sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, global_sky=None, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, waveTilts=None, tilts=None, wv_calib=None, waveimg=None, flatimg=None, bkg_redux=False, return_negative=False, std_redux=False, show=False, basename=None)[source]

Instantiate the Extract subclass appropriate for the provided spectrograph.

The class must be subclassed from Extract. See Extract for the description of the valid keyword arguments.

  • sciImg (PypeItImage) – Image to reduce.

  • slits (SlitTraceSet) – Slit trace set object

  • sobjs_obj (SpecObjs) – Objects found but not yet extracted

  • spectrograph (Spectrograph)

  • par (PypeItPar) – Parameter set for Extract

  • objtype (str) – Specifies object being reduced ‘science’, ‘standard’, or ‘science_coadd2d’. This is used only to determine the spat_flexure_shift and ech_order for coadd2d.

  • global_sky (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Fit to global sky. If None, an array of zeroes is generated the same size as sciImg.

  • bkg_redux_global_sky (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Sky estimate without background subtraction. This is used for 1d sky spectrum extraction in the case bkg_redux=True. Default is None.

  • waveTilts (WaveTilts, optional) – This is waveTilts object which is optional, but either waveTilts or tilts must be provided.

  • tilts (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Tilts image. Either a tilts image or waveTilts object (above) must be provided.

  • wv_calib (WaveCalib, optional) – This is the waveCalib object which is optional, but either wv_calib or waveimg must be provided.

  • waveimg (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Wave image. Either a wave image or wv_calib object (above) must be provided

  • flatimg (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Flat image. This is optional, but if provided, it is used to extract the normalized blaze profile. Same shape as sciImg.

  • bkg_redux (bool, optional) – If True, the sciImg has been subtracted by a background image (e.g. standard treatment in the IR)

  • return_negative (bool, optional) – If True, negative objects from difference imaging will also be extracted and returned. Default=False. This option only applies to the case where bkg_redux=True, i.e. typically a near-IR reduction where difference imaging has been employed to perform a first-pass at sky-subtraction. The default behavior is to not extract these objects, although they are masked in global sky-subtraction (performed in the find_objects class), and modeled in local sky-subtraction (performed by this class).

  • std_redux (bool, optional) – If True the object being extracted is a standards star so that the reduction parameters can be adjusted accordingly.

  • basename (str, optional) – Output filename used for spectral flexure QA

  • show (bool, optional) – Show plots along the way?


Extraction object.

Return type:


initialize_slits(slits, initial=False)[source]

Gather all the SlitTraceSet attributes that we’ll use here in Extract

slits (SlitTraceSet):

SlitTraceSet object containing the slit boundaries that will be initialized.

initial (bool, optional):

Use the initial definition of the slits. If False, tweaked slits are used.

local_skysub_extract(global_sky, sobjs, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, model_noise=True, spat_pix=None, show_profile=False, show_resids=False, show=False)[source]

Dummy method for local sky-subtraction and extraction.

Overloaded by class specific skysub and extraction.

property nsobj_to_extract

Number of sobj objects in sobjs_obj taking into account whether or not we are returning negative traces


run(model_noise=None, spat_pix=None)[source]

Primary code flow for PypeIt reductions

  • model_noise (bool) – If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using variance_model(). If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. See local_skysub_extract() for more info. Default is None, which is to say pypeit will use the bkg_redux attribute to decide whether or not to model the noise.

  • spat_pix (numpy.ndarray) – Image containing the spatial coordinates. This option is used for 2d coadds where the spat_pix image is generated as a coadd of images. For normal reductions spat_pix is not required as it is trivially created from the image itself. Default is None.


skymodel (ndarray), bkg_redux_skymodel (ndarray), objmodel (ndarray), ivarmodel (ndarray),

outmask (ndarray), sobjs (SpecObjs), waveimg (numpy.ndarray), tilts (numpy.ndarray), slits (SlitTraceSet). See main doc string for description

Return type:


show(attr, image=None, showmask=False, sobjs=None, chname=None, slits=False, clear=False)[source]

Show one of the internal images


Should probably put some of these in ProcessImages

  • attr (str) – global – Sky model (global) sci – Processed science image rawvar – Raw variance image modelvar – Model variance image crmasked – Science image with CRs set to 0 skysub – Science image with global sky subtracted image – Input image

  • display (str, optional)

  • image (ndarray, optional) – User supplied image to display

spec_flexure_correct(mode='local', sobjs=None)[source]

Correct for spectral flexure

Spectra are modified in place (wavelengths are shifted)

  • mode (str) – “local” - Use sobjs to determine flexure correction “global” - Use waveimg and global_sky to determine flexure correction at the centre of the slit

  • sobjs (SpecObjs, None) – Spectrally extracted objects

class pypeit.extraction.MultiSlitExtract(sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Extract

Child of Extract for Multislit and Longslit reductions

See parent doc string for Args and Attributes

local_skysub_extract(global_sky, sobjs, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, spat_pix=None, model_noise=True, show_resids=False, show_profile=False, show=False)[source]

Perform local sky subtraction, profile fitting, and optimal extraction slit by slit.

Wrapper to local_skysub_extract().

  • global_sky (numpy.ndarray) – Global sky model

  • sobjs (SpecObjs) – Class containing the information about the objects found

  • bkg_redux_global_sky (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Sky estimate without background subtraction. This is used for 1d sky spectrum extraction in the case bkg_redux=True. Default is None.

  • spat_pix (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Image containing the spatial location of pixels. If not input, it will be computed from spat_img = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat)).

  • model_noise (bool, optional) – If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using variance_model(). If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. See local_skysub_extract() for more info.

  • show_resids (bool, optional) – Show the model fits and residuals.

  • show_profile (bool, optional) – Show QA for the object profile fitting to the screen. Note that this will show interactive matplotlib plots which will block the execution of the code until the window is closed.

  • show (bool, optional) – Show debugging plots


Return the model sky flux, object flux, inverse variance, and mask as numpy.ndarray objects, and returns a SpecObjs: instance c containing the information about the objects found.

Return type:


class pypeit.extraction.SlicerIFUExtract(sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MultiSlitExtract

Child of Extract for IFU reductions

See parent doc string for Args and Attributes