Source code for pypeit.spectrographs.aat_uhrf

Module for Shane/Kast specific methods.

.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os

from IPython import embed

import numpy as np

from astropy.time import Time

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import telescopes
from pypeit.core import framematch
from pypeit.spectrographs import spectrograph
from pypeit.images import detector_container
from pypeit import data

[docs] class AATUHRFSpectrograph(spectrograph.Spectrograph): """ Child to handle AAT/UHRF specific code """ ndet = 1 telescope = telescopes.AATTelescopePar() url = '' ql_supported = False name = 'aat_uhrf' camera = 'UHRF' supported = True header_name = 'uhrf' allowed_extensions = [".FTS"]
[docs] def get_detector_par(self, det, hdu=None): """ Return metadata for the selected detector. Args: det (:obj:`int`): 1-indexed detector number. hdu (``_, optional): The open fits file with the raw image of interest. If not provided, frame-dependent parameters are set to a default. Returns: :class:`~pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer`: Object with the detector metadata. """ # Retrieve the binning binning = '1,1' if hdu is None else self.compound_meta(self.get_headarr(hdu), "binning") dsec = 1 + 1024//int(binning.split(',')[0]) # Detector 1 detector_dict = dict( binning=binning, det=1, dataext=0, specaxis=0, specflip=False, spatflip=False, platescale=0.05, # Not sure about this value saturation=65535., mincounts=-1e10, nonlinear=0.76, numamplifiers=1, gain=np.asarray([1.0]), # Not sure about this value ronoise=np.asarray([0.0]), # Determine the read noise from the overscan region xgap=0., ygap=0., ysize=1., darkcurr=0.0, # e-/pixel/hour # These are rows, columns on the raw frame, 1-indexed datasec=np.asarray(['[:, 1:{:d}]'.format(dsec)]), oscansec=np.asarray(['[:, {:d}:]'.format(dsec+1)]) ) return detector_container.DetectorContainer(**detector_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def default_pypeit_par(cls): """ Return the default parameters to use for this instrument. Returns: :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`: Parameters required by all of PypeIt methods. """ par = super().default_pypeit_par() # Ignore PCA par['calibrations']['slitedges']['sync_predict'] = 'nearest' # Bound the detector with slit edges if no edges are found par['calibrations']['slitedges']['bound_detector'] = True # Never correct for flexure - the sky is subdominant compared to the object and basically never detected. par['flexure']['spec_method'] = 'skip' # Sky subtraction parameters - this instrument has no sky lines, but we still use the sky subtraction # routine to subtract scattered light. par['reduce']['skysub']['no_poly'] = True par['reduce']['skysub']['bspline_spacing'] = 3.0 par['reduce']['skysub']['user_regions'] = ':10,75:' # This is about right for most setups tested so far par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 10.0 # Set some parameters for the calibrations # par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['reid_arxiv'] = 'None' par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['ThAr'] par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_final'] = 3 par['calibrations']['tilts']['spat_order'] = 4 par['calibrations']['tilts']['spec_order'] = 1 # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing # Trace frames should be the same as arc frames - it will force a bound detector and this # allows the scattered light to be subtracted. A pixel-to-pixel sensitivity correction is # not needed for this instrument, since it's a small slicer that projects the target onto # multiple pixels. This instrument observes bright objects only, so sky subtraction is not # important, but the sky subtraction routine is used to subtract scattered light, instead. par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [None, 60.0] par['calibrations']['tiltframe']['exprng'] = [None, 60.0] par['calibrations']['traceframe']['exprng'] = [None, 60.0] par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [61, None] return par
[docs] def init_meta(self): """ Define how metadata are derived from the spectrograph files. That is, this associates the PypeIt-specific metadata keywords with the instrument-specific header cards using :attr:`meta`. """ self.meta = {} # Required (core) self.meta['ra'] = dict(ext=0, card='MEANRA') self.meta['dec'] = dict(ext=0, card='MEANDEC') self.meta['target'] = dict(ext=0, card='OBJECT') # dispname is arm specific (blue/red) self.meta['decker'] = dict(ext=0, card='WINDOW') self.meta['dispname'] = dict(ext=0, card='WINDOW') self.meta['binning'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, compound=True) self.meta['mjd'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, compound=True) self.meta['exptime'] = dict(ext=0, card='TOTALEXP') self.meta['airmass'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, compound=True)
# Additional ones, generally for configuration determination or time # self.meta['dichroic'] = dict(ext=0, card='BSPLIT_N') # self.meta['instrument'] = dict(ext=0, card='VERSION')
[docs] def compound_meta(self, headarr, meta_key): """ Methods to generate metadata requiring interpretation of the header data, instead of simply reading the value of a header card. Args: headarr (:obj:`list`): List of ``_ objects. meta_key (:obj:`str`): Metadata keyword to construct. Returns: object: Metadata value read from the header(s). """ if meta_key == 'mjd': date = headarr[0]['UTDATE'].replace(":","-") time = headarr[0]['UTSTART'] ttime = Time(f'{date}T{time}', format='isot') return ttime.mjd elif meta_key == 'binning': binspat = int(np.ceil(1024/headarr[0]['NAXIS1'])) binspec = int(np.ceil(1024/headarr[0]['NAXIS2'])) return f'{binspat},{binspec}' elif meta_key == 'airmass': # Calculate the zenith distance zendist = 0.5*(headarr[0]['ZDSTART']+headarr[0]['ZDEND']) # Return the airmass based on the zenith distance return 1./np.cos(np.deg2rad(zendist)) msgs.error("Not ready for this compound meta")
[docs] def configuration_keys(self): """ Return the metadata keys that define a unique instrument configuration. This list is used by :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` to identify the unique configurations among the list of frames read for a given reduction. Returns: :obj:`list`: List of keywords of data pulled from file headers and used to constuct the :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` object. """ # decker is not included because arcs are often taken with a 0.5" slit return ['dispname']
[docs] def check_frame_type(self, ftype, fitstbl, exprng=None): """ Check for frames of the provided type. Args: ftype (:obj:`str`): Type of frame to check. Must be a valid frame type; see frame-type :ref:`frame_type_defs`. fitstbl (`astropy.table.Table`_): The table with the metadata for one or more frames to check. exprng (:obj:`list`, optional): Range in the allowed exposure time for a frame of type ``ftype``. See :func:`pypeit.core.framematch.check_frame_exptime`. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean array with the flags selecting the exposures in ``fitstbl`` that are ``ftype`` type frames. """ good_exp = framematch.check_frame_exptime(fitstbl['exptime'], exprng) if ftype in ['science']: return good_exp if ftype in ['standard']: return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool) if ftype == 'bias': return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool) if ftype in ['pixelflat', 'trace', 'illumflat']: # Flats and trace frames are typed together return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool) if ftype in ['pinhole', 'dark']: # Don't type pinhole or dark frames return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool) if ftype in ['arc', 'tilt']: return good_exp msgs.warn('Cannot determine if frames are of type {0}.'.format(ftype)) return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
[docs] def config_specific_par(self, scifile, inp_par=None): """ Modify the PypeIt parameters to hard-wired values used for specific instrument configurations. Args: scifile (:obj:`str`): File to use when determining the configuration and how to adjust the input parameters. inp_par (:class:`~pypeit.par.parset.ParSet`, optional): Parameter set used for the full run of PypeIt. If None, use :func:`default_pypeit_par`. Returns: :class:`~pypeit.par.parset.ParSet`: The PypeIt parameter set adjusted for configuration specific parameter values. """ par = super().config_specific_par(scifile, inp_par=inp_par) if par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['reid_arxiv'] is None: msgs.warn("Wavelength setup not supported!" + msgs.newline() + msgs.newline() + "Please perform your own wavelength calibration, and provide the path+filename using:" + msgs.newline() + msgs.pypeitpar_text(['calibrations', 'wavelengths', 'reid_arxiv = <insert path+fileanme>'])) # Return return par