Source code for pypeit.images.mosaic

:class:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer` object to hold mosaic properties.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect
from IPython import embed

import numpy as np

from astropy import table
from import fits

from pypeit import datamodel
from pypeit import io
from pypeit.images.detector_container import DetectorContainer
from pypeit import msgs

[docs] class Mosaic(datamodel.DataContainer): """ Class to hold mosaic parameters and the details of the detectors used to construct the mosaic. The datamodel attributes are: .. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_mosaic.rst """ # Set the version of this class version = '1.0.1' # WARNING: `binning` and `platescale` have the same names as datamodel # components in pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer. This is # to ease use of either DetectorContainer or Mosaic objects thoughout the # code. But this requires special treatment for I/O (see _parse()), so # beware of adding new datamodel components with the same names as those in # DetectorContainer! datamodel = {'id': dict(otype=int, descr='Mosaic ID number'), 'detectors': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=DetectorContainer, descr='List of objects with detector parameters.'), 'binning': dict(otype=str, descr='On-chip binning'), 'platescale': dict(otype=float, descr='Detector platescale in arcsec/pixel'), 'shape': dict(otype=tuple, descr='Shape of each processed detector image'), 'shift': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=float, descr='Raw, hard-coded pixel shifts for each unbinned detector'), 'rot': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=float, descr='Raw, hard-coded rotations (counter-clockwise in degrees) for ' 'each unbinned detector'), 'tform': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=float, descr='The full transformation matrix for each detector used to ' 'construct the mosaic.'), 'msc_ord': dict(otype=int, descr='Order of the interpolation used to construct the mosaic.')} name_prefix = 'MSC' """ Prefix for the name of the mosaic. """ def __init__(self, id, detectors, shape, shift, rot, tform, msc_ord): args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) d = dict([(k,values[k]) for k in args[1:]]) # Setup the DataContainer datamodel.DataContainer.__init__(self, d=d)
[docs] def _validate(self): """ Validate the mosaic. """ if self.detectors is not None: self.platescale = self.detectors[0].platescale self.binning = self.detectors[0].binning for i in range(1,self.ndet): if self.detectors[i].platescale != self.platescale: msgs.error('Platescale difference between detectors in mosaic.') if self.detectors[i].binning != self.binning: msgs.error('Binning difference between detectors in mosaic.')
[docs] def _bundle(self): """ Overload base class bundling so that the mosaic data is collected into an astropy Table with one row for each detector. Returns: :obj:`list`: List of dictionaries to write to HDUs. """ # Collate all the detector parameters into a single astropy table # NOTE: This *requires* that the DetectorContainer _bundle method forces # all the detector parameters into a single row of an astropy Table. It # also requires that datamodel components *cannot* be None for some # detectors in the mosaic and not others. try: tbl = table.vstack([d._bundle()[0]['DETECTOR'] for d in self.detectors], join_type='exact') except: msgs.error('CODING ERROR: Could not stack detector parameter tables when writing ' 'mosaic metadata.') if self.shift is not None: tbl['shift'] = self.shift if self.rot is not None: tbl['rot'] = self.rot if self.tform is not None: tbl['tform'] = self.tform if self.msc_ord is not None: tbl.meta['msc_ord'] = self.msc_ord if is not None: tbl.meta['id'] = if self.shape is not None: tbl.meta['shape'] = str(self.shape) # Set the name tbl.meta['name'] = # Keep the version of the DetectorContainer data model, needed for # version checking when loading files. tbl.meta['DETMODV'] = DetectorContainer.version return [{'MOSAIC':tbl}]
[docs] @classmethod def _parse(cls, hdu, hdu_prefix=None, **kwargs): """ Parse the data from the provided HDU. See :func:`pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer._parse` for the argument descriptions. Args: hdu (``_, ``_, ``_): The HDU(s) with the data to use for instantiation. hdu_prefix (:obj:`str`, optional): Only parse HDUs with extension names matched to this prefix. If None, :attr:`ext` is used. If the latter is also None, all HDUs are parsed. See :func:``. kwargs (:obj:`dict`): Used to collect extra keywords, but **has no affect on code flow**. """ # Running the default parser should collect everything but the # DetectorContainer data d, version_passed, type_passed, parsed_hdus = super()._parse(hdu, hdu_prefix=hdu_prefix) # This should only ever read one hdu! if len(parsed_hdus) > 1: msgs.error('CODING ERROR: Parsing saved Mosaic instances should only parse 1 HDU.') # These are the same as the attributes for the detectors, so we need to # get rid of them. We'll get them back via the _validate function. del d['platescale'] del d['binning'] # Now fake out the DetectorContainer method to get the detector metadata _hdu = hdu[parsed_hdus[0]] if hasattr(hdu, '__len__') else hdu ndet =[0] tbl = table.Table( hdr = fits.Header() hdr['DMODCLS'] = DetectorContainer.__name__ hdr['DMODVER'] = _hdu.header['DETMODV'] d['detectors'] = [] for i in range(ndet): _hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=table.Table(tbl[i]), name='DETECTOR', header=hdr) # NOTE: I'm using _parse() to ensure that I keep the result of the # version and type checking. _d, vp, tp, ph = DetectorContainer._parse(_hdu) if not vp: msgs.warn('Detector datamodel version is incorrect. May cause a fault.') version_passed &= vp d['detectors'] += [DetectorContainer.from_dict(d=_d) if tp else None] type_passed &= tp d['detectors'] = np.array(d['detectors'], dtype=object) return d, version_passed, type_passed, parsed_hdus
@property def det(self): """ Return a tuple with the set of detector ids in the mosaic. """ return tuple() if self.detectors is None else tuple(d.det for d in self.detectors) @property def ndet(self): """ Return the number of detectors in the mosaic. """ return self.detectors.size @property def name(self): """ Return a name for the mosaic. """ return self.get_name(
[docs] @staticmethod def get_id_str(mosaic_id): """ Return a string identifier for the detector. """ return f'{mosaic_id:02}'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_name(mosaic_id): """ Return a name for the mosaic. """ return f'{Mosaic.name_prefix}{Mosaic.get_id_str(mosaic_id)}'
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_name(name): """ Parse the numerical identifier of the mosaic from its name. """ return int(name[len(Mosaic.name_prefix):])
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a (deep) copy of the object. """ return Mosaic(, detectors=np.array([det.copy() for det in self.detectors]), shape=self.shape, shift=self.shift.copy(), rot=self.rot.copy(), tform=self.tform.copy(), msc_ord=self.msc_ord)