Source code for pypeit.core.gui.edge_inspector

Implements a matplotlib GUI to inspect and interact with the slit edge tracing.

.. include:: ../include/links.rst

from IPython import embed

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot, widgets

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.core.gui import gui_util

[docs] class EdgeInspectorGUI: """ matplotlib-based GUI to analyze/manipulate edge traces. Args: edges (:class:`~pypeit.edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet`): Edge tracing to inspect/edit. Note this object is edited directly! """ def __init__(self, edges): self.edges = edges # Remove all matplotlib plotting window key bindings to make sure they # don't overlap with any defined by the function. gui_util.clean_pyplot_keymap() # Layout sx = 0.07 sy = 0.15 dx = 0.78 dy = 0.78 # Figure w,h = pyplot.figaspect(1) self.fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(2*w,2*h)) # Axes image_ax = self.fig.add_axes([sx, sy, dx, dy]) image_ax.tick_params(which='both', top=True, right=True) image_ax.minorticks_on() image_cax = self.fig.add_axes([sx + dx + 0.02, sy, 0.01, dy]) image_slider_ax = self.fig.add_axes([sx, sy-0.08, dx/1.2, 0.02]) image_change_button_ax = self.fig.add_axes([sx + dx - 0.1, sy - 0.1, 0.1, 0.05]) save_button_ax = self.fig.add_axes([sx + dx + 0.01, sy - 0.1, 0.1, 0.05]) # Extent ny, nx = edges.traceimg.image.shape extent = [-0.5, nx-0.5, -0.5, ny-0.5] # Images that can be toggled self.images = [edges.traceimg.image, edges.sobelsig] # Instantiate by plotting the trace image lim = [np.amin(self.images[0]), np.amax(self.images[0])] self.image_plot = image_ax.imshow(self.images[0], origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=lim[0], vmax=lim[1], cmap='gray', extent=extent, aspect='auto') # Get the reference row, used to set where to predict new traces. self.has_pca = edges.pcatype is not None if self.has_pca: self.reference_row = self.edges.left_pca.reference_row \ if self.edges.par['left_right_pca'] \ else self.edges.pca.reference_row else: msgs.warn('Edges object does not include a PCA decomposition of the traces.') self.reference_row = self.edges.nspec // 2 # NOTE: line properties match what is used for the Pointer self.ref_row_line = image_ax.axhline(self.reference_row, color='C1', lw=0.5) # Add the colorbar self.image_cb = self.fig.colorbar(self.image_plot, cax=image_cax) # And the colorbar slider self.image_slider = gui_util.UpdateableRangeSlider(image_slider_ax, 'Data Range', lim[0], lim[1], valinit=lim) # And the ability to update the image self.image_updater = gui_util.UpdateableImage(self.images, self.image_plot, self.image_slider) # And the button that will toggle the images self.image_change_button = widgets.Button(image_change_button_ax, 'Image', color='0.7', hovercolor='0.9') self.image_change_button.on_clicked(self.image_updater.next_image) # And the button that will update the Edges object (rm, add, save # traces) and update the line plot self.save_button = widgets.Button(save_button_ax, 'Save', color='0.7', hovercolor='0.9') self.save_button.on_clicked(self.update_traces) # Initialize and plot the traces self._reset_traces() self.plot_traces() # Create the pointer self.img_pointer = gui_util.Pointer(self.image_plot.axes, name='image', horizOn=False, color='C1', lw=0.5) # Add its functions self.img_pointer.register('m', self.move, descr='Move the nearest trace to the cursor') self.img_pointer.register('d', self.delete, descr='Delete the nearest trace') self.img_pointer.register('l', self.add_left, descr='Add a left trace') self.img_pointer.register('r', self.add_right, descr='Add a right trace') self.img_pointer.register('U', self.undo, descr='Undo all changes since last save') # Add the help dialog self.img_pointer.build_help()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the GUI. Restores matplotlib RC defaults and closes the figure. """ pyplot.rcdefaults() self.fig.clear() pyplot.close(self.fig)
[docs] def _trace_color(self, side): """ Return the color to use for each edge sided. Args: side (:obj:`int`): Edge side. Either -1 for left or 1 for right. Returns: :obj:`str`: The color to use for the trace. """ return 'C2' if side < 0 else 'C4'
[docs] def plot_traces(self): """ Plot the traces from scratch. """ self.trace_plot = [] for i in range(self.ntrace): if not self.good[i]: self.trace_plot += [None] continue color = self._trace_color(self.side[i]) # Trace data should *not* be masked so that calling plot only # produces a single Line2D object self.trace_plot += [self.image_plot.axes.plot(self.trace_cen[:,i], self.spec_pix, color=color, lw=2)[0]]
[docs] def update_traces(self, *args): """ Update the underlying trace data and edges object. Changes to the traces are kept by the internals until we're ready to "update" the edges object. This performs the update and replots the trace data. All arguments to this function are accepted but ignored. The reason is because this is the function passed to `matplotlib.widgets.Button.on_clicked`_, but this function does not need any of the input from the ``Button`` event. """ # Offsets are "applied" by first removing the initial traces and then # adding new ones with the locations offset. _offset = (np.absolute(self.offset) > 0) # Remove traces _remove = self.remove | _offset if np.any(_remove): self.edges.remove_traces(_remove[:self.edges.ntrace], rebuild_pca=self.has_pca) # Add traces _add = self.add | _offset if np.any(_add): new_traces = self.trace_cen[:,_add] + self.offset[None,_add] self.edges.insert_traces(self.side[_add], new_traces, nudge=False) # Re-sync traces (make this optional?) if np.any(_remove) or np.any(_add): success = self.edges.sync() if not success: msgs.warn('Unable to synchronize left-right traces!') # Remove the trace lines from the plot # TODO: There may be an easier way to do this, but I couldn't find it. while len(self.trace_plot) > 0: for i, l in enumerate(self.image_plot.axes.lines): if l is self.trace_plot[0]: break self.image_plot.axes.lines[i].remove() del self.trace_plot[0] # Reset the traces using the updated edges object self._reset_traces() # Plot the traces self.plot_traces() # Update the plot pyplot.draw()
[docs] def _reset_traces(self): """ Re-initialize the internals that perform the trace bookkeeping. """ self.spec_pix = np.arange(self.edges.nspec) self.ntrace = self.edges.ntrace self.good = self.edges.good_traces(include_box=True) self.side = np.clip(self.edges.traceid, -1, 1) self.add = np.zeros(self.ntrace, dtype=bool) self.remove = np.zeros(self.ntrace, dtype=bool) self.offset = np.zeros(self.ntrace, dtype=float) self.trace_cen = self.edges.edge_cen if self.edges.edge_fit is None \ else self.edges.edge_fit
[docs] def undo(self, *args): """ Undo all operations since the last time the ``edges`` object was updated. The function call includes ``*args`` because it is used as an event call-back function that must support arguments passed by the event. But all of these arguments are ignored. """ self._reset_traces() self.update_traces()
[docs] def nearest_trace(self, spat): """ Find the trace nearest to the spatial position of the cursor. Args: spat (:obj:`float`): The spatial (x) position of the cursor """ # Only select from the traces that are good and not being removed indx = self.good & np.logical_not(self.remove) diff = np.absolute(self.trace_cen[self.reference_row][indx] + self.offset[indx] - spat) return np.arange(self.ntrace)[indx][np.argmin(diff)]
[docs] def move(self, pos): """ Move the trace nearest the cursor spatial (x) position to the cursor's location. This is an event call-back function that must accept an array-like object giving the pointer coordinates. Args: pos (array-like): List with x and y position of the cursor at the time of the window event. """ # Find the nearest trace i = self.nearest_trace(pos[0]) # Get the spatial offset self.offset[i] = pos[0] - self.trace_cen[self.reference_row,i] # Report'Offsetting trace {i} by {self.offset[i]} pixels') # Reset the line data self.trace_plot[i].set_data((self.trace_cen[:,i] + self.offset[i], self.spec_pix)) # Update the plot pyplot.draw()
[docs] def delete(self, pos): """ Delete the trace nearest the cursor spatial (x) position. This is an event call-back function that must accept an array-like object giving the pointer coordinates. Args: pos (array-like): List with x and y position of the cursor at the time of the window event. """ # Find the nearest trace i = self.nearest_trace(pos[0]) # Set to remove it self.remove[i] = True # For now, simply set the line to be invisible self.trace_plot[i].set_visible(False) # Update the plot pyplot.draw()
[docs] def add_trace(self, spat, side): """ Add a new trace nearest the cursor spatial (x) position. Args: spat (:obj:`float`): The spatial (x) position of the cursor at the time of the window event. side (:obj:`int`): Edge side. Either -1 for left or 1 for right. """ # Append to the book-keeping vectors self.ntrace += 1 self.good = np.append(self.good, [True]) self.side = np.append(self.side, [side]) self.add = np.append(self.add, [True]) self.remove = np.append(self.remove, [False]) self.offset = np.append(self.offset, [0.]) # Predict the spatial location of the trace if self.has_pca: new_trace = self.edges.predict_traces(spat, side=side) else: i = self.nearest_trace(spat) offset = spat - self.trace_cen[self.reference_row,i] new_trace = self.trace_cen[:,i] + offset # Add it self.trace_cen = np.hstack((self.trace_cen, new_trace[:,None])) # Plot it color = self._trace_color(side) self.trace_plot += [self.image_plot.axes.plot(new_trace, self.spec_pix, color=color, lw=2)[0]] # Draw the plot pyplot.draw() # Report'Added {"right" if side > 0 else "left"} trace passing through ' f'({spat:.1f}, {self.reference_row:.2f}).')
[docs] def add_left(self, pos): """ Add a new left trace nearest the cursor spatial (x) position. This is an event call-back function that must accept an array-like object giving the pointer coordinates. Args: pos (array-like): List with x and y position of the cursor at the time of the window event. """ self.add_trace(pos[0], -1)
[docs] def add_right(self, pos): """ Add a new right trace nearest the cursor spatial (x) position. This is an event call-back function that must accept an array-like object giving the pointer coordinates. Args: pos (array-like): List with x and y position of the cursor at the time of the window event. """ self.add_trace(pos[0], 1)