Spec2D Output
During the data-reduction process, PypeIt
creates a series of 2D spectral
images prior to extraction of 1D spectra. And, of course, several of these 2D
images may have greater value for analysis than the 1D spectra. For the
extracted 1D spectra, see Spec1D Output.
For each on-source exposure, PypeIt
outputs a series of these
images in a single, multi-extension fits file, separated by detector;
see Current Spec2DObj Data Model.
The 2D spectra files have names like:
See here for a description of the naming convention.
You can open this image in ds9 and play around. But we highly recommend using the pypeit_show_2dspec script which interfaces with ginga.
This script displays the sky-subtracted 2D image for a single
detector in a ginga RC viewer. It also overlays the slits and any
objects extracted. It should be called from the reduction directory,
i.e. above the Science/
folder where the spec2d image is located.
The script usage can be displayed by calling the script with the
$ pypeit_show_2dspec -h
usage: pypeit_show_2dspec [-h] [--list] [--det DET] [--spat_id SPAT_ID]
[--maskID MASKID] [--showmask [SHOWMASK ...]]
[--removetrace] [--embed] [--ignore_extract_mask]
[--channels CHANNELS] [--prefix PREFIX] [--no_clear]
[-v VERBOSITY] [--try_old]
Display sky subtracted, spec2d image in a ginga viewer.
positional arguments:
file Path to a PypeIt spec2d file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--list List the extensions only? (default: False)
--det DET Detector name or number. If a number, the name is
constructed assuming the reduction is for a single
detector. If a string, it must match the name of the
detector object (e.g., DET01 for a detector, MSC01 for a
mosaic). If not set, the first available detectorin the
spec2d file will be shown (default: None)
--spat_id SPAT_ID Restrict plotting to this slit (PypeIt ID notation)
(default: None)
--maskID MASKID Restrict plotting to this maskID (default: None)
--showmask [SHOWMASK ...]
Include a channel showing the mask. If no arguments are
provided, the mask bit values are provided directly. You
can also specify one or more mask flags used to
construct an image identifying which pixels are flagged
by any of these issues. E.g., to show pixels flagged by
the instrument specific bad-pixel mask or cosmic arrays,
use --showmask BPM CR . See
for the list of flags. (default: None)
--removetrace Do not overplot traces in the skysub, sky_resid, and
resid channels (default: False)
--embed Upon completion embed in ipython shell (default: False)
Ignore the extraction mask (default: False)
--channels CHANNELS Only show a subset of the channels (0-indexed), e.g. 1,3
(default: None)
--prefix PREFIX Channel name prefix [lets you display more than one set]
(default: )
--no_clear Do *not* clear all existing tabs (default: True)
-v, --verbosity VERBOSITY
Verbosity level between 0 [none] and 2 [all] (default:
--try_old Attempt to load old datamodel versions. A crash may
ensue.. (default: False)
Here is a typical call:
pypeit_show_2dspec Science/spec2d_c17_60L._LRISb_2017Mar20T055336.211.fits
This opens 4 tabs in the ginga display, one for each of the following:
Processed image (sciimg-det##)
Sky subtracted image (skysub-det##)
Sky residual image (sky_resid-det##)
Full residual image which removes the object too (resid-det##)
Red/green lines indicate slit edges. Orange lines (if present) indicate traces for detected objects. Light blue lines (if present) indicate traces for manually extracted objects.
As you mouse around, the x-values shown at the bottom indicate the wavelength.
If you get an obscure error when executing the above command, it may be that
you’re trying to view a file created by a previous version of PypeIt. As
the code develops, we sometimes change the datamodel of different output
files, which are often not backwards compatible. If you run into this error,
try reverting to the relevant PypeIt version (the version used to create the
file is typically written to the VERSPYP
header keyword) or re-reduce
the data with the new PypeIt version.
This script prints to the screen a short summary of the slit information, detector by detector.
The script usage can be displayed by calling the script with the
$ pypeit_parse_slits -h
usage: pypeit_parse_slits [-h] [--try_old] input_file
Print info on slits from a input file
positional arguments:
input_file Either a spec2D or Slits filename
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--try_old Attempt to load old datamodel versions. A crash may ensue..
(default: False)
See pypeit_parse_slits for more info.
This script prints to the screen a set of simple wavelength calibration diagnostics per each slit, detector by detector.
The script usage can be displayed by calling the script with the
$ pypeit_chk_wavecalib -h
usage: pypeit_chk_wavecalib [-h] [--try_old] input_file [input_file ...]
Print QA on Wavelength Calib to the screen
positional arguments:
input_file One or more PypeIt WaveCalib file [e.g. WaveCalib_A_1_DET01.fits]
or spec2d file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--try_old Attempt to load old datamodel versions. A crash may ensue..
(default: False)
See pypeit_chk_wavecalib for more info.
Identifying Slits
If you need to generate an image describing the location of each slit/order for a given detector here is the recommended approach:
from pypeit import spec2dobj
spec2DObj = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file('spec2d_b170320_2083-c17_60L._LRISb_2017Mar20T055336.211.fits', det=2)
slitmask = spec2DObj.slits.slit_img(flexure=spec2DObj.sci_spat_flexure)
If no flexure correction was applied, it will be ignored. This generates an image with pixel values:
-1 for a pixel not in any slit/order
SPAT_ID for each pixel in the slit identified by SPAT_ID
Current Spec2DObj Data Model
Internally, the image is held in
, which holds the full set of
All wavelengths are in vacuum.
The data model for the latter is:
Version: 1.1.1
Obj Key |
Obj Type |
Array Type |
Description |
ndarray |
floating |
2D sky model image without the background subtraction (float32) |
ImageBitMaskArray |
2D bad-pixel mask for the image |
int |
Detector index |
DetectorContainer, Mosaic |
Detector or Mosaic metadata |
ndarray |
floating |
2D ivar model image (float32) |
ndarray |
floating |
2D processed inverse variance image (float32) |
Table |
Table with slitmask design and object info |
ndarray |
floating |
Median of the chi image for each slit/order |
ndarray |
floating |
2D object model image (float32) |
ndarray |
floating |
2D multiplicative scale image [or a single scalar as an array] that has been applied to the science image (float32) |
float |
Shift, in spatial pixels, between this image and SlitTrace |
Table |
Global shift of the spectrum to correct for spectralflexure (pixels). This is based on the sky spectrum atthe center of each slit |
ndarray |
floating |
2D processed science image (float32) |
ndarray |
floating |
2D sky model image (float32) |
SlitTraceSet |
SlitTraceSet defining the slits |
ndarray |
floating |
std of the chi image for each slit/order |
ndarray |
floating |
2D tilts image (float64) |
float |
Relativistic velocity correction for wavelengths |
str |
Type of reference frame correction (if any). Options are listed in the routine: WavelengthSolutionPar.valid_reference_frames() Current list: observed, heliocentric, barycentric |
ndarray |
floating |
2D wavelength image in vacuum (float64) |
Table |
Table with WaveCalib diagnostic info |
Each array and the associated
written as a separate HDU prefixed by the detector number,
For a description of how to use the bitmasks (i.e., the *BPMMASK
extensions), see our description of the Output Bitmasks.