Source code for pypeit.spectrographs.jwst_nirspec

Module for JWST NIRSpec specific methods.

.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import numpy as np

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import telescopes
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit.core import framematch
from pypeit import io
from pypeit.par import pypeitpar
from pypeit.spectrographs import spectrograph
from pypeit.core import parse
from pypeit.images import detector_container
from IPython import embed

[docs] class JWSTNIRSpecSpectrograph(spectrograph.Spectrograph): """ Child to handle JWST NIRSpec specific code """ ndet = 2 name = 'jwst_nirspec' header_name = 'jwst_nirspec' telescope = telescopes.JWSTTelescopePar() camera = 'NIRSPEC' url = '' supported = True
[docs] def get_detector_par(self, det, hdu=None): """ Return metadata for the selected detector. Args: det (:obj:`int`): 1-indexed detector number. hdu (``_, optional): The open fits file with the raw image of interest. If not provided, frame-dependent parameters are set to a default. Returns: :class:`~pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer`: Object with the detector metadata. """ # Detector 1, i.e. NRS1 from # detector_dict1 = dict( binning='1,1', det=1, dataext=1, specaxis=1, specflip=False, spatflip=False, xgap=180., ygap=0., ysize=1., platescale=0.1, darkcurr=33.12, # e-/pixel/hour (=0.0092 e-/pixel/s) saturation=55100., nonlinear=0.95, # need to look up and update mincounts=-1e10, numamplifiers=1, gain=np.atleast_1d(0.996), ronoise=np.atleast_1d(5.17), datasec=None, oscansec=None ) # Detector 2 detector_dict2 = detector_dict1.copy() detector_dict2.update(dict( det=2, dataext=1, darkcurr=20.52, # e-/pixel/hour, (=0.0057 e-/pixel/s) saturation=60400., gain=np.atleast_1d(1.137), ronoise=np.atleast_1d(6.60), )) detector_dicts = [detector_dict1, detector_dict2] return detector_container.DetectorContainer(**detector_dicts[det-1])
[docs] @classmethod def default_pypeit_par(cls): """ Return the default parameters to use for this instrument. Returns: :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`: Parameters required by all of PypeIt methods. """ par = super().default_pypeit_par() # Reduce par['reduce']['trim_edge'] = [0,0] # Object finding par['reduce']['findobj']['find_trim_edge'] = [0,0] par['reduce']['findobj']['maxnumber_sci'] = 2 par['reduce']['findobj']['snr_thresh'] = 10.0 par['reduce']['findobj']['trace_npoly'] = 5 par['reduce']['findobj']['snr_thresh'] = 10.0 par['reduce']['findobj']['find_fwhm'] = 2.0 # Sky-subtraction par['reduce']['skysub']['bspline_spacing'] = 5.0 # JWST sky is smooth par['reduce']['skysub']['max_mask_frac'] = 0.95 par['reduce']['skysub']['mask_by_boxcar'] = True par['reduce']['skysub']['sky_sigrej'] = 4.0 # Extraction par['reduce']['extraction']['model_full_slit'] = True par['reduce']['extraction']['sn_gauss'] = 5.0 par['reduce']['extraction']['boxcar_radius'] = 0.2 # extent in calwebb is 0.55" source and on NIRSpec website par['reduce']['extraction']['use_2dmodel_mask'] = False # Don't use 2d mask in local skysub # Cosmic ray rejection parameters for science frames par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 5.0 par['scienceframe']['process']['objlim'] = 2.0 par['scienceframe']['process']['mask_cr'] = False # Turn off for now since we coadd. # Skip reference frame correction for now. par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['refframe'] = 'observed' return par
[docs] def init_meta(self): """ Define how metadata are derived from the spectrograph files. That is, this associates the ``PypeIt``-specific metadata keywords with the instrument-specific header cards using :attr:`meta`. """ self.meta = {} # Required (core) self.meta['ra'] = dict(ext=0, card='TARG_RA') self.meta['dec'] = dict(ext=0, card='TARG_DEC') self.meta['target'] = dict(ext=0, card='TARGPROP') self.meta['mode'] = dict(ext=0, card='EXP_TYPE') self.meta['decker'] = dict(ext=0, card='APERNAME') self.meta['binning'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, default='1,1') self.meta['mjd'] = dict(ext=0, card='EXPMID') self.meta['exptime'] = dict(ext=0, card='EFFEXPTM') self.meta['airmass'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, compound=True) # Extras for config and frametyping self.meta['dispname'] = dict(ext=0, card='GRATING') self.meta['filter1'] = dict(ext=0, card='FILTER') self.meta['idname'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, compound=True) self.meta['dithpat'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, compound=True) self.meta['dithpos'] = dict(ext=0, card='YOFFSET') # used for arc and continuum lamps self.meta['lampstat01'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, compound=True) self.meta['instrument'] = dict(ext=0, card='INSTRUME')
[docs] def compound_meta(self, headarr, meta_key): """ Methods to generate metadata requiring interpretation of the header data, instead of simply reading the value of a header card. Args: headarr (:obj:`list`): List of ``_ objects. meta_key (:obj:`str`): Metadata keyword to construct. Returns: object: Metadata value read from the header(s). """ if meta_key == 'dithpat': exp_type = headarr[0].get('EXP_TYPE') if exp_type == 'NRS_MSASPEC': return headarr[0].get('NOD_TYPE') elif exp_type == 'NRS_FIXEDSLIT': return headarr[0].get('PATTTYPE')
[docs] def configuration_keys(self): """ Return the metadata keys that define a unique instrument configuration. This list is used by :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` to identify the unique configurations among the list of frames read for a given reduction. Returns: :obj:`list`: List of keywords of data pulled from file headers and used to constuct the :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` object. """ return ['dispname', 'filter1', 'decker']
[docs] def pypeit_file_keys(self): """ Define the list of keys to be output into a standard ``PypeIt`` file. Returns: :obj:`list`: The list of keywords in the relevant :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` instance to print to the :ref:`pypeit_file`. """ pypeit_keys = super().pypeit_file_keys() pypeit_keys.remove('airmass') pypeit_keys.remove('binning') return pypeit_keys
[docs] def check_frame_type(self, ftype, fitstbl, exprng=None): """ Check for frames of the provided type. Args: ftype (:obj:`str`): Type of frame to check. Must be a valid frame type; see frame-type :ref:`frame_type_defs`. fitstbl (`astropy.table.Table`_): The table with the metadata for one or more frames to check. exprng (:obj:`list`, optional): Range in the allowed exposure time for a frame of type ``ftype``. See :func:`pypeit.core.framematch.check_frame_exptime`. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean array with the flags selecting the exposures in ``fitstbl`` that are ``ftype`` type frames. """ if ftype == 'science': return np.ones(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool) msgs.warn('Cannot determine if frames are of type {0}.'.format(ftype)) return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
@property def allowed_mosaics(self): """ Return the list of allowed detector mosaics. JWST/NIRSpec only allows for mosaicing the NRS1 and NRS2 detectors. Returns: :obj:`list`: List of tuples, where each tuple provides the 1-indexed detector numbers that can be combined into a mosaic and processed by ``PypeIt``. """ return [(1,2)]
[docs] def get_rawimage(self, raw_file, det): """ Read raw images and generate a few other bits and pieces that are key for image processing. Based on Parameters ---------- raw_file : :obj:`str` File to read det : :obj:`int` 1-indexed detector to read Returns ------- detector_par : :class:`pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer` Detector metadata parameters. raw_img : `numpy.ndarray`_ Raw image for this detector. hdu : ``_ Opened fits file exptime : :obj:`float` Exposure time read from the file header rawdatasec_img : `numpy.ndarray`_ Data (Science) section of the detector as provided by setting the (1-indexed) number of the amplifier used to read each detector pixel. Pixels unassociated with any amplifier are set to 0. oscansec_img : `numpy.ndarray`_ Overscan section of the detector as provided by setting the (1-indexed) number of the amplifier used to read each detector pixel. Pixels unassociated with any amplifier are set to 0. """ fil = utils.find_single_file(f'{raw_file}*', required=True) # Read'Reading JWST/NIRSpec file: {fil}') hdu = io.fits_open(fil) head0 = hdu[0].header detector = self.get_detector_par(det if det is not None else 1, hdu=hdu) raw_img = hdu[detector['dataext']].data.astype(float) # Need the exposure time exptime = hdu[self.meta['exptime']['ext']].header[self.meta['exptime']['card']] # Return return detector, raw_img.T, hdu, exptime, None, None