

Apple Silicon users who are having issues installing PypeIt may need to set up an environment configured for x86-64. See User Installation on Apple Silicon-based Macs for detailed steps. If that also fails, please Submit an issue and/or reach out to our user Community.

Below, we provide detailed instructions for installing PypeIt. For troubleshooting, please consult the PypeIt Community and/or submit an issue on GitHub.

User Installation

Setup a clean python environment

PypeIt is available from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and is installed via pip. This process also installs and/or upgrades PypeIt’s Package Dependencies, and for this reason, we highly (!!) recommend you first set up a clean python environment in which to install PypeIt. This mitigates any possible dependency conflicts with other packages you use.

You can set up a new python environment using either conda:

conda create -n pypeit python=3.11
conda activate pypeit

or virtualenv:

virtualenv pypeit
source pypeit/bin/activate

See the Managing Environments with Conda and/or Virtualenv documentation for more details. See also virtualenvwrapper as an option for more easily managing virtualenv environments. The conda installation method described below creates an environment for you.

Install via pip

To install the latest release of PypeIt and its required dependencies, within your virtual environment execute:

pip install pypeit

Optional Dependencies

PypeIt has a few optional dependencies that improve and/or expand functionality.

  • If you are generating datacubes (and performing an astrometric correction), you will also need the scikit-image package. It can be installed by including it in the optional dependencies, e.g.:

    pip install "pypeit[scikit-image]"
  • To take advantage of an interface that allows you to ingest PypeIt outputs into its Spectrum1D and SpectrumList objects (see Spec1D Output), you can include specutils in the installation like so:

    pip install "pypeit[specutils]"


Whether or not it is correct syntax to use the quotes in the commands above depends on your shell. The above commands are specific to ZShell, whereas you don’t need the quotes in Bash. But, in any case, you should avoid copying these commands from your browser since the unicode for quotation marks may not be correct, leading to errors when they are directly pasted into a terminal window.

Install via conda

conda is a popular and widely-used package and environment manager. We provide a YAML file that can be used to set up the virtual environment for you. This file creates a conda environment called pypeit, and then installs pypeit, all of the required dependencies, and the optional dependency specutils via pip. To use this:

  1. Download environment.yml.

  2. Create the conda environment and install pypeit into it:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. Activate it:

    conda activate pypeit
  4. Verify that the new environment was installed correctly and contains pypeit:

    conda list

    Most of the packages listed will show as coming from the pypi channel.

This environment should now be ready to use and contain the latest official pypeit release.

Upgrading to a new version of PypeIt

Since either installation method above ultimately uses pip to install PypeIt, upgrading the package should simply be a matter of executing:

pip install pypeit --upgrade

If this causes problems (e.g., a new PypeIt script is unavailable or you encounter script errors), first try uninstalling (pip uninstall pypeit) and then reinstalling.


Whenever you upgrade PypeIt, beware that this may include changes to the output file data models. These changes are not required to be backwards-compatible, meaning that, e.g., pypeit_show_2dspec may fault when trying to view spec2d* files produced with your existing PypeIt version after upgrading to a new version. The best approach is to always re-reduce data you’re still working with anytime you update PypeIt.

User Installation on Apple Silicon-based Macs

Both the pip and conda installation methods should be successful for Macs that uses Apple Silicon processors. The full Anaconda installers also now include support for Apple Silicon.

If the above does not work, you may need to set up a virtual environment configured for x86-64:

  1. Install miniconda.

  2. Use conda to create an environment configured for x86-64:

    conda create -n pypeit -y
    conda activate pypeit
    conda config --env --set subdir osx-64
  3. Install whichever version of Python you want (e.g.):

    conda install python=3.11
  4. Install PypeIt via pip as above.

Solutions/Recommendations/Feedback for these installation options are welcome; please Submit an issue.

Additional Data

Some data used by PypeIt are either not kept in the GitHub repository or distributed via pip because of their large size. These include:

  • Wavelength calibration template (reid-arxiv) files for all instruments,

  • Canned sensitivity function (sensfunc) files for Mauna Kea,

  • Sky transmission data (skisim) files,

  • Atmospheric model grids used for telluric correction and flux calibration, and

  • Canned data-reduction products used by quick-look scripts.

To ease the downloading and storing of these files, PypeIt now uses the astropy download/cache system to maintain copies of these files in a user-writeable location that is independent of the PypeIt installation. For most users, this will be something like ~/.pypeit/cache, but is adjustable via astropy’s configuration system. By default, PypeIt will download necessary files at runtime if they are not already cached.

Because a fresh install of PypeIt does not contain all of the ancillary data that might be required for data reduction, users planning to run the pipeline without an internet connection will need to cache the necessary data files ahead of time. To ease this process, a script pypeit_cache_github_data is included. For example, to download the needed files for the keck_deimos spectrograph, you would execute:

$ pypeit_cache_github_data keck_deimos

Once cached, the data will be accessed by PypeIt without requiring an internet connection. This script will also download Atmospheric Model Grids specified in the instrument-wide configuration, but may not catch configuration-specific telgridfile parameter specifications. Before trying to run PypeIt offline, verify that any necessary Atmospheric Model Grids are installed; if not, install them using the instructions below.

Atmospheric Model Grids

Calculation of the sensitivity functions for IR instruments and general fitting of telluric absorption uses a grid of model atmosphere spectra. These model grids range in size from 3.5-7.7 GB. Each file provides model spectra for atmospheric conditions specific to an observatory; however, a model grid is not provided for all observatories with spectrographs supported by PypeIt. If you do not find models for your observatory, you can use the Maunakea model as an approximation. It includes a large grid of different parameters and should be good enough for most purposes.

NOTE: Instruments that anticipate needing a telluric grid have its filename already included in the telgridfile TelluricPar keyword. The needed model grid will download automatically when required by the code, but given the size of these files and your downlink speed, this may take some time. To install the grid independent of a reduction, run the pypeit_install_telluric script, calling the filename of the grid required. For example, if you needed the file TelFit_MaunaKea_3100_26100_R20000.fits, you would execute:

$ pypeit_install_telluric TelFit_MaunaKea_3100_26100_R20000.fits

The downloaded file will exist in the PypeIt cache, and will persist through upgrades of your installation via pip or conda. To force the update of a telluric model grid file to the latest version, simply run pypeit_install_telluric with the --force_update option.

If you require a telluric grid that is not presently hosted in the cloud, the code will instruct you to download the file separately from the PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive. Users may select any of the files in the Google Drive for their telluric correction, download them separately, then install them using the --local option to pypeit_install_telluric.

Raw Data

Example raw data for all supported spectrographs are used in extensive testing of the code base during development; see PypeIt Development Suite. General users should not need access to these data; however, they may be useful for learning how to use PypeIt before running it on your own data from the same instrument. These data are stored in the RAW_DATA directory in the PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive, divided into subdirectories for each instrument and instrument setup. See also the PypeIt Development Suite GitHub repository, which includes a PypeIt Reduction File for each instrument and setup used during development testing.

Quick-Look Calibration Files


We continue to work on cleaner installation solutions for these data products, particularly for the quick-look calibration files. In the meantime, note that you will likely need to re-run the data-specific installation scripts described below every time you upgrade your installation (via pip or conda).

Some of the quick-look reductions provided by PypeIt require canned calibration files to speed up the data-reduction process, as appropriate for a quick-look result. These files are hosted in the QL_CALIB directory in the PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive.

To install the quick-look calibration files:

  1. Right-click on the QL_CALIB folder in the PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive and select the “Download” option from the drop-down menu. This will download a zip file containing the full directory contents. Its current size (as of 22 July 2021) is about 35 MB.

  2. Run the pypeit_install_ql_calibs script. E.g.:

    $ pypeit_install_ql_calibs --zip ~/Downloads/ --odir my_path

The pypeit_install_ql_calibs script will unzip the downloaded file in the my_path directory and create a symlink to the extracted directory in the pypeit/data/ directory of your PypeIt installation. The script can automatically delete the zip file using the --rmzip option. If you already have the QL_CALIB directory, you can also use the script to simply create the symlink using the --ql_path option.


The installation script simply creates symlinks to the downloaded data. This means that if you move the original data, the symlinks will become broken and you will need to rerun the installation script.

Important Package Notes

Interactive Tools

Interactive tools in PypeIt are built using the QT windowing toolkit. The qtpy package is used to provide an abstract interface to the two most widely used QT bindings for Python (see Package Dependencies):

At least one of those bindings must be installed for the interactive GUIs to work. By default pypeit will install pyqt6. Other backends can be used by installing them manually via pip or conda and then setting the QT_API environment variable. See the QtPy documentation for more details.

C code

Significant speed gains in PypeIt can be enabled via compilation of the C versions of the b-spline fitting code. Compilation of the C code should happen automatically when you install PypeIt. However, you can check that the C code was compiled successfully by running the pypeit_c_enabled script. What you should see is:

$ pypeit_c_enabled
Successfully imported bspline C utilities.

If no message is printed, the C code could not be imported.

Some notes if you have problems installing the C code:

  • the code will still run successfully by falling back to slower, pure-python implementations

  • to successfully compile the C code, you may need to update gcc and/or Xcode for Mac users

  • for some Mac users, you may also need to update your OS if you’re using a particularly old version (e.g., 10.10 Yosemite)

Some of the C code uses OpenMP to parallelize loops and take advantage of multiple cores/threads. This support is transparent and the code will work single-threaded if OpenMP is not available. GCC supports OpenMP out of the box, however the clang compiler that Apple’s XCode provides does not. So for optimal performance on Apple hardware, you will want to install GCC via homebrew or macports and specify its use when installing pypeit. For example, if you installed GCC 12.x via homebrew, you would get pypeit to use it by doing, for example:

CC=gcc-12 pip install pypeit

Basically, pypeit checks the CC environment variable for what compiler to use so configure that as needed to use your desired compiler. The pypeit_c_enabled script can be used to check if your compiler has OpenMP support.

ginga Plugins

PypeIt requires the ginga viewer and uses at least one ginga plugin to enable specific display functionality. No special considerations are needed to have these plugins installed; however, you can check that they’re enabled by running the following script with the following result:

$ pypeit_chk_plugins
[INFO]    :: All required plugins found: SlitWavelength

If the check is unsuccessful, you will see an error message listing the missing plugins. If you have a problem, please submit an issue.

Package Dependencies

All PypeIt dependencies are installed along with the installation of PypeIt itself. Beware this means that packages in your current environment may be updated depending on the PypeIt version requirements (which is why we recommend you Setup a clean python environment for PypeIt). The current version requirements for both users and developers are:

Python Version


Required for users

IPython>=7.10.0, PyERFA>=2.0.0, PyYAML>=5.1, astropy>=6.0, bottleneck, configobj>=5.0.6, extension-helpers>=0.1, fast-histogram>=0.11, ginga>=5.0.1, linetools>=0.3.1, matplotlib>=3.7, numpy>=1.23, packaging>=0.19, pygithub, pyqt6, qtpy>=2.0.1, scikit-learn>=1.0, scipy>=1.7

Required for developers

coverage, docutils<0.21, psutil, pytest-astropy, pytest-cov, pytest-qt, pytest>=6.0.0, scikit-image, specutils>=1.13, sphinx-automodapi, sphinx>=1.6,<8, sphinx_rtd_theme==2.0.0, tox

Dependency Caveats

Some users have run into the following complications when installing the PypeIt dependencies. If you run into any more, please submit an issue.

  • At the moment, an implicit dependency on QT bindings remains because of our dependence on linetools.

Developer Installation

We, of course, welcome and encourage community development of PypeIt. Please see our Code of Conduct and the Development Procedures and Guidelines.

Developer install via pip

Install pre-release or development versions of PypeIt directly from GitHub using pip as follows. If you already have a pypeit environment set up, run:

pip install --upgrade "git+"

If you’re installing in a clean environment, be sure to include the optional dependencies as well:

pip install --upgrade "git+"

These commands will install the default branch, release. You can also specify a different branch, such as the main develop branch:

pip install --upgrade "git+"

Commit hashes, tag names, or git refs can also be specified; see the VCS Support documentation for details and examples.

Developer install from source

Developers doing code development will likely want to set up an “editable” install that points to a locally checked out copy of the GitHub repository. We highly recommended using pip to install the repository and to Setup a clean python environment for code development.

To install from source (after setting up the python environment), first clone (your fork of) the repository:

git clone

Then install the code, include the development dependencies:

cd PypeIt
pip install -e ".[dev]"

An “editable” install means that any changes you make in the repository directory tree will become immediately available the next time the code is imported. Including the [dev] set of optional dependencies ensures that all of the tools you need to test and build PypeIt are installed. (Again, note that you may or may not need the quotes above depending on your shell, and that you should avoid cutting and pasting these commands into a terminal window.)

Finally, you may want to add lines to your relevant shell configuration file (e.g., .zshrc or .bashrc) that activate the relevant environment whenever you start up a new shell. For example:

conda activate pypeit

Otherwise you will need to always type this command at the terminal prompt to activate the pypeit environment.

Test Your Installation

Tagged versions of PypeIt are extensively tested before distribution. However, it is worth testing that your installation has been successful, as follows.

User Tests

The most basic tests that PypeIt has been properly installed is to get the help dialog for one of its main executables. I.e., from a terminal widow, type:

run_pypeit -h

A second basic test is to try to import PypeIt from within a python session. For example:

>>> import pypeit

To ensure that your installation of ``pyqt6`` works, you can try to use pypeit_show_1dspec on one of the test files distributed with the package. Below is a zshell command-line incantation (it’s likely the same in bash) that will locate a test spec1D file and attempt to use pypeit_show_1dspec to show it:

python -c "from importlib import resources; print(resources.files('pypeit') / 'tests/files/spec1d_r153-J0025-0312_KASTr_20150123T025323.850.fits')" | xargs -I {} pypeit_show_1dspec {}

If pyqt6 or another Qt backend is correctly installed, this should show a test spectrum from the Shane/KAST spectrograph.

Developer Tests

If you performed a developer installation by cloning the repository into a local directory (e.g., ~/PypeIt), you can run the standard unit tests within the PypeIt environment by executing:

cd ~/PypeIt

To test within isolated environments and against different versions of various dependencies, we recommend using tox:

cd PypeIt
tox -e test

or, e.g.:

tox -e test-astropydev

Run tox -a to see a list of available test environments.

In either case, over 100 tests should pass, nearly 100 will be skipped and none should fail. The skipped tests only run if the PypeIt development is installed and configured; see PypeIt Development Suite.