How to build archived sensitivity functions

  1. Make sure you have up to date versions of the PypeIt and PypeIt Development Suite repositories from GitHub, and that PypeIt Installation is complete.

  2. Download the reduced slitless source images used to create Keck DEIMOS sensitivity functions from the PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive. The files are located under DEIMOS_Dev/Throughput/throughput_gdw/data_products/extract.

    rclone -P copy remote:/PypeIt-development-suite/DEIMOS_Dev/Throughput/throughput_gdw/data_products/extract/ source_files/
  3. Run the script.

    mkdir sensfunc_files
    PypeIt-development-suite/sensfunc_archive/ all source_files sensfunc_files
  4. Copy the results to the PypeIt repository.

    cd sensfunc_files
    cp keck_deimos_*.fits PypeIt/pypeit/data/sensfuncs/