pypeit.fluxcalibrate module

class pypeit.fluxcalibrate.EchelleFC(spec1dfiles, sensfiles, par=None, debug=False)[source]

Bases: FluxCalibrate

Child of FluxSpec for Echelle reductions

flux_calib(sobjs, sens)[source]

Apply sensitivity function to all the spectra in an sobjs object.

class pypeit.fluxcalibrate.FluxCalibrate(spec1dfiles, sensfiles, par=None, debug=False, outfiles=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class for flux calibrating spectra.

  • spec1dfiles (list) – List of PypeIt spec1d files that you want to flux calibrate

  • sensfiles (list) – List of sensitivity function files to use to flux calibrate the spec1d files. This list and the sensfiles list need to have the same length and be aligned

  • par (pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FluxCalibrate, optional) – Parset object containing parameters governing the flux calibration.

  • outfiles (list, optional) – Names of the output files. If None, this is set to spec1dfiles and those are overwritten

_set_extinct_correct(extinct_correct, algorithm)[source]
flux_calib(sobjs, sens)[source]

Flux calibrate the provided object spectra (sobjs) using the provided sensitivity function (sens).

This is an empty base-class method that must be overloaded by the subclasses.

classmethod get_instance(spec1dfiles, sensfiles, par=None, debug=False)[source]
class pypeit.fluxcalibrate.MultiSlitFC(spec1dfiles, sensfiles, par=None, debug=False, outfiles=None)[source]

Bases: FluxCalibrate

Child of FluxSpec for Multislit and Longslit reductions

flux_calib(sobjs, sens)[source]

Apply sensitivity function to all the spectra in an sobjs object.
